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~~~Anika's POV~~~

We reached home nearly at 3 am just to be welcomed by the hung faces of our cute brothers and their life's.

Rudra was the first one to cling to shivaay and whine like a kid "I missed you so much bhaiya. You can't even imagine what this long hair creature did with me." He kept on whining and complaining what so far om has done to him.

Shivaay smiled and caressed his face with affection clear in his eyes. He missed them so much and finally, GOD is little merciful to him and me that he has given us our happiness back. I shake my head in disbelief seeing rudy's antics and walked to the couch where Gauri and rest were sitting. 

"What's the matter? why you guys are so upset?" I asked looking at the upset faces of them.

"Nothing much bhabhi we're just so bored sitting at home and above that you guys weren't here so we felt little incomplete."  Om pouting explained and I chuckled silently.

"You were free to go out. Why didn't you go?"  I asked.

"We wanted to go with you people," Gauri spoke and all looked at her as if she's lying.

"Okay. Did you want to have a word with me? About what?" I looked at Gauri and she silently moved to my side and holding my shoulder leaned onto it.

"Do you know anything about pregnancy?" She whispering asked me and I looked at her with a sad pout "No" I whispered back and she blinked her eyes.

"They wanted to take me to doctor and I'm afraid as hell.  I asked them to wait till you come." She like a child told me and I smiled.

"Even shivaay wants to take me to doctor and I'm also afraid. Hehe" I giggled and she burst into fits of laughter. 

"Isn't it going too fast? I mean I don't think we are mature enough to handle this pregnancy" She whispered and I giggled at her statement.

"It's nothing like that Gauri.  We are definitely mature enough to handle it. We are just nervous and not even afraid. It'll pass easily." I explained her and she chuckled.

"Anu, You're trying to console me or yourself? I and you both know that it's not easy at all" She little loudly said and averting my gaze I found all staring us like if they've seen some alien in us. I hit her with my elbow and she too averts her gaze and smile like a monkey.

"What's cooking and what'll not be so easy?" Shivaay asked wiggling his brows and she smiled sheepishly.

"Jiju, Pregnancy. You know what Anu is saying? She's saying it'll pass easily." She shakes her head in disbelief.

"Well... She's right It'll be easy if you take it easy. If you'll make it a huge thing then it'll be tough to handle. You know Gauri whatever the things will happen during pregnancy will be worth when you'll hold your baby." Shivaay smiling explained making me go aww on him.

"Wow. Were you pregnant before?" She asked out of senses making all bulge out their eyes and stare at her in disbelief.

"Gauri are you nuts?" I spoke making her realize and she bit her tongue.

"She can't be my girlfriend" Om hiding his face in his hands spoke and all laughed out loud.

 Gauri apologized to shivaay and we walked to our room to rest as early morning we have to go for the check-up.

I walked to the washroom and filling the tub with warm water laid on it to relax little. I closed my eyes and all the happening of yacht and hall flashed in-front of my eyes making me smile.

Before I used to see only nightmares whenever I close my eyes but Thanks to shivaay for replacing them with such beautiful memories which I'll cherish for my whole life. Such light and heartwarming memories will always stay with us as GOLDEN MEMORIES.

I was all lost in the beautiful land of our love on the yacht when he held my shoulder tenderly with his cold hand making me twitch. "Shivaay" It came out as a moan from my mouth and I hear him giggling on it.

"What happened Annie?" He asked massaging my shoulders little

"Nothing. What you're doing?" I looked at him and he smiled "Relaxing you"

"I'm fine." I said trying to grab the bathrobe which he didn't let me grab "Stay there only. I know you're really very tired so enjoy this massage."  He smiled and pressed my shoulders lightly.

I really need this but this is arousing me, And he'll not let me have what I need afterwards.

"Stop! You can control yourself not me. So stop" I sternly said and he chuckling moved back "You're a hungry tigress" He held the bathrobe for me and I wore it without any hesitation as HE'S MINE SHIVAAY!

"Would you like to carry me or I should walk?" I asked not looking at him with full attitude on which he giggled and with a swift, I was in his arms leaning on his shoulder 

"You love to be carried?" He looked into my eyes walking to the dressing room.

"Yes, I love to be in your arms. I feel more secure here" I smiling pecked the side of his lips with which he smiled.

"I need to do bodybuilding then." He placed me on the sofa in the dressing room.

"I didn't get you?" I asked trying to register what he meant.

"To carry you in pregnancy I need to be a bodybuilder. Have you ever checked your weight?" He said in serious tone giving me a tee and trousers.

 "What the hell..." I stood up with anger and narrowing my eyes glared him "You are indirectly calling me FAT AND HEAVY?" I literally killed him with my eyes.

"No, not indirectly but I'm telling you're heavy" He smirked 

So he's trying to tease me? Let it be then.

"Okay, so what?  I'm like this only and yours, You've to bear me like this only." I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I would love to bear you for even next lives of mine" He joined our forehead and smiled.

After couple seconds of this sweet yet romantic moment, he walked out to get fresh till I change my clothes.

"I EXPECTED A KISS" I yelled as he opened the door of the dressing room.


I smiled seeing him running like a monkey. He's so cute, The beast can be sweet too?

Shrugging my thoughts I wore the tee and trousers which I've never seen before. Am I silently tiptoeing entered washroom to gasp and feel hot? seeing my hubby taking a quick shower. I felt my throat drying seeing water running down his head and falling on his shoulder. I so wished that this glass box wasn't the hurdle to see him fully. 

"Have some shame?"  He spoke making me come out of my wild thoughts of eating him out.

"W-what?" I couldn't compose and stuttering stares him in his red-hot bathrobe.

what the fuck anika?  Why you're mentioning everything as HOT? I  mentally slapped myself for feeling so... whatever!

"Finished with staring?" He smirking moved to me and blew on my face making me gasp and clench his bathrobe.

"It'll never be enough" I seductively spoke and he giggled "Go to room wifey. You're losing your control" He smiled and walked toward the dressing room.

I finally composed myself and walked out of the washroom. Sitting in front of dressing table I brushed my hair and drying them walked toward the door to lock it. 'Who knows what happens?' I blushed and walking to bed laid at my side.

I tossed for the 4th time and finally, my hubby is back. I smile seeing him wearing the same dress as mine.

"Did you liked it?" He asked me jumping onto his side of the bed.

"I Loved it. But don't you think it's of young couple thing like we're married." I smiled and he pulled me toward himself and hugged me tightly while placing sweet kissed on my forehead and hair.

"So what? No one will know about our bedroom secrets. So we can do whatever we want to. Anything teenage lovers do or any childish things." He placed his chin over my head and my face was touching his chest and I closed my eyes listening to his heartbeat.

"What do you want to have BOY OR GIRL?" He stroked my hair and I smiled  "Boy." 

"But I want a girl." He pouted and I smiled. "It's not in our hands now, Let's wait and see what's going to come" I snuggled more into him.

"You know I never thought I would experience these things ever." He sadly spoke

"Which things?" I yawning asked and he kissed my forehead.

"Love. I fell in true love, I have my wife my love beside me close to my heart captured in my arms" He pulled me closer though there was no space left.

"My wife is pregnant and We're expecting a Baby, This all feels like a dream. A dream which is coming true?" He emotionally kissed my hair again.

"I'm very blessed to have you as my wife Annie, You don't know how much I've craved for such beautiful miracles. You didn't come alone you've brought so many other happiness along. It's you because of whom everything is fine once again." He intertwined his hand with mine and kissed knuckles of my hand.

"You're an angel who lighted up my dark life. I don't want to  repeat that I LOVE YOU." He dropped dew tears.

I looked up at him and kissed those tears "Shivaay even you've lighted up my life and I don't have words to explain how much you mean to me. How much lucky I'm to be your wife." I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You're a person everyone craves for" I snuggled into him and my eyes automatically shut.

I opened my eyes in the mid of night to go to the washroom. I looked at his side and he wasn't there. For fraction of seconds I freaked out but soon I saw him sitting on the couch in balcony. Getting free from washroom I walked to the balcony and looked at his face which was glowing more in the light of moon. 

He was looking so cute while sleeping. I moved closer to him and looked at the screen of the laptop which was in his lap.

'Third-trimester development of the fetus'

I smiled reading it and looked at his face with more love and respect. He's so excited about the baby and here I once thought he's not ready for it. Idiot me.

I closed the laptop and slide by his side.  He was too tired to feel any movement, soon I dozed off beside him.

I opened my eyes stretching my arms in the air while yawning "Good Morning shivaay" I wished and looked at him who was brushing his hair "Good morning love" He moved to me and gave me a morning kiss.

I smiling sat up on the bed and look around and realized that I'm in the room and not on the balcony.

"Don't wonder much I brought you here" He answered my unasked question

"Obviously it's you who have brought me here but when? Why I didn't know?" I asked and he smiled 

"Early morning, You didn't realize as you were tired as hell." He smiled and walked to the table "Now get fresh soon we've to go for the checkup" He informed and I quickly freshening up joined him for the breakfast.

"What's this?" I looked at him and he smiled "Orange and apple are good for your health, Today I'll get the list and information about your food from the doctor so, for now, have it." He picked up his coffee cup.

"I'm feeling sleepy so, can't I just have a cup of coffee?" I looked at him yawning.

"No, It's not good to have coffee on empty stomach. Quitely has what I made for you" He sternly handed me the glass and I making faces drank it.

"You made it all?" I asked while wearing my shoes 

"Yes," He replied and walked to me "Let's leave." He held my hand and I happily walked with him. Sitting in the car we started our journey to hospital.

"Oh,  We had to bring om and Gauri too" I almost yelled due to which shivaay had to apply brakes in the mid of road.

"Anika. Are you fine?" He was about to scold me but got worried as he applied break too harsh.

"Yes. I'm fine." I gave him a small smile so he can move the car "sorry" I mouthed as we were driving.

"It's okay, Never do that again. It's not safe." He replied with a frown.

"Why you're so tensed." I Placed my hand on his lap and he let out a sigh of relief.

"For seconds I got really scared because I applied break very rough and you almost hit the dashboard. I'm sorry." He gulping placed his one hand on mine. "I don't want to lose you ever." He looked straight and I leaned on to his shoulder "I'll never leave you even if God ask me to leave you." 

We reached the hospital and in for the checkup.

"Nervous?" Doctor uncle asked me and I gave him a small smile with a slight nod.

"Don't worry." He smiled and started with the checkup.

After few tests and checkup, I came back to the cabin of the doctor where shivaay was waiting for us.

"Is everything fine?" Shivaay asked as soon as we step in, Seeing which uncle smiled.

"Yes, young man everything is fine." He said ringing a bell.

Soon a lady entered and uncle asked me to go with her. Everything was checked then where he's sending me? I sensed the tension on uncle's face but I couldn't ask and left with the lady to the ward where Gauri and om were. I smiled seeing the frown on Gauri's face and walked to her shrugging the thoughts about tension on uncle's face.

"Anu." She called me as soon as she saw me standing at the door.

"What happened?" I moved to her and om smiled seeing me.

"Nothing bhabhi she's dumb. Scared without any reason." Om shakes his head in disbelief.

"Gauri there's nothing to get scared of. Trust me" I stroked her hair and she calmed down little "I never experienced it before na so just scared" She smiled and closed her eyes.

Everything is for the first time. Pregnancy can never be experienced before getting pregnant, Mad girl.  I Smiled and walked back to the cabin but shivaay was coming out with a frown "Shivaay" I called and soon he smiled hiding the frown?

What's wrong? Why they're tensed? IS EVERYTHING FINE? 

To Be Continued...

Precap: Extra Caring Shivaay!

Target isn't achieved again. I'll stop updating yaar, Please do vote if you read. I feel you're getting bored.




Love ~ Annie...

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