•❄️Cold or hot🔥 ?

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⚠️ Some mature Content is there in this chapter. Back out if you're minor.⚠️

~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I called her out as loud as I could, she didn't stop and looked at me running.

"Annie stop" my voice died in my throat as she fell down...

Bridge under renovation!

I ran faster and looked down... she fell in water...freezing water. i walked down with tears rolling down. Such a careless girl she's... why she always pushes herself in trouble?

I reached down and bring her out of the water... she's not conscious and shivering...

"Annie" I tapped her cheeks but she's not responding. How would she even response? She is unconscious...

I covered her with my coat and jacked... and called driver. He came and we reached hotel. Carrying her to bed, I completely removed her clothes and wrapped her in blanket... heating the hot water pad I put it in her blanket. But she's still shivering. Her lips which were pink, few hours ago started turning blue. I raised the temperature of heaters, but nothing is working. Taking her hands in my hands I rubbed her hands... her nails turning blue. I cried as she laid lifeless in-front of me... I wiped my tears and covered her with three more blankets.

"Annie..." I cupped her face but she's still shivering and her nails are now completely blue...

'think shivaay think! What I can do to warm her?...No! I can't do this... she'll get angry!... but if I don't do this, she won't be there to get angry, anymore.' My mind and heart agreed on giving her body warmth... I laid beside her...and hugged her tightly...

But she's not getting warm man!

I've to do that only!!!
I came out of the blanket and removed my clothes... and then again got in blanket and hugged her... as soon as her cold body touched mine hot body an unknown shiver ran down my spine, as if some current ran in my whole body...

I hugged her tighter and rubbed her back, I could feel her body getting warm now... "Annie... I'm sorry. I know it's wrong, and you'll even get angry on me for doing this without your permission. But, it was needed. I can't afford losing you." I kissed her hair and hugged her tighter and tighter... I could feel her bosoms been squeezed, I hugged her that much tight. Smelling her scent, I closed my eyes... it's really difficult to control now. I'm already crazy about her scent, and here the scene is getting out of hands... I started feeling that I'm getting hard... inhaling her fragrance I shooked my head to get rid of those thoughts. 'Shivaay she's not in her senses. Don't think anything like that...' I shooked my head again but still pulled her closer to me... maybe to give her warm, but my mind is telling me that I'm doing this to feel her more...

Nothing is like that! I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again...

'What the hell!' I opened my eyes getting that fucking imagination... I was ... making out with her~~~

'shivaay... sleep' I breath in and out for 3-4 times deeply and closed my eyes again... she moved little and snuggled more into me...

'Stop annie... don't move' I muttered with closed eyes and tight fist...

It's really hard to control when you're this much close to your hot wife and that too without clothes...

'She's sick shivaay' I pushed away all those 'Fucking her' thoughts and caressed her back...

Doing it, I dozed off...


Next morning, I woke up getting disturbed with the extra warmness... she's still hugging me and we're still 'NAKED' I slowly tried moving away and this woke her up...

"Good morning" her voice low and weird... She kissed my cheek and then again snuggled

"Good morning..." I smile nervously and tried going away but she held me

"Some more time..." she smiles at me and I shooked my head in no!
no way. Not a single more minute... if I stayed here in this position, in this state then she's going to face worst Make out ever!
"Annie... do you even know ... I mean do you even remember something?" I again smile and she nodded in a damn YES!

"w...W..WHAT?" I ask stammering

"A... wait... what happened after I fell down?" she looks at me and I smile, showing my 32 teeth's...

"You fell in freezing water... you were shivering and needed warmth... I tried everything but nothing worked so..." I stopped and she looked at me with a smile and then that smile vanish.

Don't know what she thought and immediately removed the blanket...

"Fhat the wuck" I rolled down the bed and pulled down one blanket...

"Hawww" she screams and I looked up... but she immediately rolled herself in blanket...

"Hihihi" I giggled and she looked at me shocked...

"What's so funny shivaay? Where the hell are my clothes? Leave mine. Where are yours" she stood up on floor wrapping the blanket

"I tried many things and this worked..." I smiled now, cheekily.

"Y-you m...mean we were sleeping N-n-naked?" she stuttered and looked at me

"Probably" I rolled my eyes and looked everywhere but not her... "You know your life is important... I'm sorry" I looked away and walked toward washroom

"It's okay... Thank-you" she held my hand and then hugged me... I can't reciprocate... I'm naked man!

I moved back and she blushed!!
gosh! Now why she's blushing? I walked to washroom and freshening up walked back to room. She immediately ran to bathroom...

"Hurry up! I've to go on meeting too." I told her while pressing the hotel button on landline...

"Just a minute" she spoke and then I heard her scream... dropping the receiver I ran to washroom. Thanks to GOD, she didn't lock the door...

"Annie..." I ran in the washroom without even asking... she's laying on floor... in her Inner wears... I covered my eyes and moved near her... I tried helping her but she ended up falling down again as I'm not looking at her...

"Shivaay, if you'll not see. Then how you'll help me?" she spoke up... I slowly removed my hands and lifted her in my arms... "DOWN" she said and I made her stand... she tried walking and again stumbled... her hand hit on the knob of shower and it turned on. Making me and her all wet. She gasped as I held her by her waist...

She looked at me in my eyes, I reciprocated the look and she blushed as I rubbed my hand on her bare, wet back.

I love the scene; the way water drops are travelling down from head to...

Her lips are now tempting me... 'No' I shooked my head and she bit her lips nervously. That's it man!

I captured her lips and she clenched on my coat... moving my other hand to her head I pulled her closer to me... I don't think this time I'll be able to control...!

I felt her hand moving to my hair. She lightly held my hair and she too pulled me... I'm enjoying it. Our bodies bumped and again that unknown Powerful chill ran down my spine... her other hand moved on my chest... she tried dominating the kiss... but I didn't let her... neither she let me. I tried pinching her waist to dominate but... I felt her hand on my chest... she unbuttoned my shirt without me even knowing? She again tried but I didn't let her dominate... and she pinched me... 'Ah' I gasped as she entered her tongue, pinching my nipple?! Huh!

She smirked in kiss. I moved my hand up and reached the hooks of her bra. I unhooked it, and she gasped as I grabbed her bosom. She looked in my eyes and I smiled she blushed... we parted getting out of oxygen. She didn't look away and we stared in eachothers eyes...

Now, no-one can stop me! I leaned and kissed her earlobe. "Shivaay" she moaned... I don't think she know. What she's inviting?

Her moan made me kiss her deeply... I placed wet kisses on her neck and shoulder... Her hands are in my hair and she is pinned to wall... I kissed her near her bosom... she again moaned... I kissed her bosom and chewed the nip*** lightly... she tightly pulled me, more into her and sucked her bo**... she moaned like anything... making me go hard... Giving justice with other one more passionately... I moved down and placed wet kisses on her navel... she again moaned as I bit her...

Just a step more. I blushed? She's moaning...

Before I could pull out her panty... I heard constant ringing of doorbell...

"Not again." I muttered and she came back to her senses... realizing the things she blushed hard. I looked at her and she blushed more. I smiled seeing the marks I gave her and her red and tight bo**... pecking her lips... I rushed out and straightening myself I opened the door. Manager is on door.

"Yes?" I haven't opened the door fully.

"Sir, you called but then no reply. So I came to check, if you're okay and safe?" he spoke and I cursed myself for not putting back the receiver.

"No. actually I need a spray. My wife got a sprain." I told him and he smiled "Anything else?"

"Yes. Breakfast. And make it fast. We're already late" I closed the door and sighed.

Turning back, I found her walking out slowly taking help of wall and IN CLOTHES.

'Next time' I blushed and walked to her. Lifting her I made her sit on bed

"I think I should cancel the meeting?" I sat beside her and she looked at me

"No way, work is important shivaay" she held my hand "I'm fine. It's a small sprain." She assured me

"Okay sit here only till spray comes." I smiled and stood. "I'm going to change clothes... don't you dare move even an inch" I walked toward washroom.

I came after a moment and she's trying to stand up

"I told you" I yelled and she smiled cheekily

"I need to tie my hair. Apply cream..." I held her hand placed her finger on her lips "Stay quiet, I'll do it..."

I moved near dressing table and getting the brush I brushed her hair... "So how you'd like me to tie your hair?" I asked and she looked at me "Okay remove the finger and tell me..."

"High pony tail" she sneezed

"You're catching cold" I immediately tie up her hair in a perfect pony tail and moved in-front of her. I Checked her temple and it's getting warm little extra...

"What else?" I asked her with the thought to take her to doctor "Cream... yes..." I remembered and applied cream on her face and hands...

She's changing me... but...

"I gelled my hair and applied perfume..." she looked at me and narrowed her eyes "Even I need perfume"

"Okay fine... stop glaring" I passed her the perfume bottle and she applied it with a smile or maybe a blush!!!

"I love it" she pushed it in her bag

"Hey! That's mine" I held her hand as she's about to zip her bag

"I know, but few minutes ago, only you gave me that" she smiled

"But that was to use. Not to steal" I pulled that perfume out and she made faces "It's my Favorite" I looked at her and she blushed "It's also mine favorite"

Before I could speak more bell rang and breakfast and spray arrived. He left the trolley and walked away...

"Let's have it fast and then we've to leave. You've an important meeting" she spoke as I served the breakfast... I sprayed her feet and she smiled... after having our breakfast we moved out. But' she's still not able to walk...

"Don't be so stubborn annie..." I held her hand "Shivaay it'll look awkward" she said and I lifted her up...

"I don't care annie" I walked to the car and placing her on passenger seat I moved to the driving seat... buckling belts, we drove toward the office...

"I'll stay in car only" she spoke up "You can sit in cabin too" I looked at her

"It's the matter of, couple of hours shivaay." She smiled "Okay" I nodded and after few minutes we reached office. Parking the car in private parking lot. I smiled at her and ran to the office... I'm late. 10 more minutes...

To Be Continued...

Precap: You Bitch! A lady shouted and slapped anika urf Koel!

Thank you everyone for votes and comments...❤

Last happiest chapter! From next everything will start getting changed!!! Once again!

Be ready 😈

Love ~ Annie...

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