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⚠️ mature content.⚠️

A girl was laying on sofa naked, while a man was sitting on her thighs, naked.

"Please let it go... Ple..." voice of girl died as someone's mouth landed on hers...

His hands snaked to her breasts and she winced as he pinched her.
He moved away, sitting on her thighs again...

"You lost another chance, bitch!" he moved his hand on her face and roughly pinched her cheeks...

"W..What's my f..Fault... I tried but" she controls her moans

"Shut-up. Just shut up. You had to seduce him. And... What you did? You fucking laid on bed like a slut. Who told you to get naked before he gets seduced?" he held her face and squeezed her breasts....

"Ah.. I didn't know..." she winces and moans too...

"You're a reall slut, bitch. Enjoying, even the torture... Huh!" he smacked her breasts and she chuckles

"You made me one... How much ever i try to not lose. I end up enjoying... Do it again" she pushed herself little up... As his hardness touches her down...

"Ah... Bitch. Don't... Don't..." he moved front and back. Rubbing himself on her...

"Bastard! You enjoy it. On the name of punishment you're just relishing me. Am i right?" she sat up with him still on her

"Yeah..." he moans as she held his...

"forgive me" she whispers moving her hand faster.. "O..Okay.. I forgave you..." he moaned and she laid back

"Make me happy! I've a plan." she smirks

" What? We're finished bitch" he slapped her getting in senses...

"Fuck you! Bastard." she slapped him back seeing the blood on her lips

"You... Slut." he slapped her and tied her hands.

"you bloody bastard... Leave me" she struggled to get herslef free...

"Shut up. How dare you slap me" he smacked on her breasts and she moaned.

"...Ba....S" she kicked him on his spot and he boiled in anger.

"Now wait and see how i fuck the hell out of you bitch!" he positioned himself while she smirks.

"That's what i wanted..." she whispered not audible to him.

He started trusting into her rough and wild...

"Yeah..." she pulled him and kissed...

"You teased me whole night bastard! Now pay for it... Don't dare to stop" she locked him with her legs and locked their lips.

Reality struck him and he tried pulling away but she didn't let him...

"Not so soon baby! Sid you've punished me by not entering since the time shivaay left... I was fucking craving... Begging... But you didn't... Now time to pay back. Then I've a plan to kick anika out of his life. And we can play our master stroke..." she bit onto his lips

"you've lost it. Don't you know? The pills we gave him. He would've fucked her.. And then we're finished." he glared her...

"You're worrying for no reason... When he didn't fucked me... The thin sexy and gorgeous lady. Then how can he even think of fucking that piece of shit. that fatso!" she smirked

"..Yes.! Maybe!" he smirked and then they enjoyed their fucking sessions!!!

Anika held the file and going through papers she widened her eyes...

"Drug" high dosage of Xyz drug found. With another xyz pills which are used to trigger the sexual hormones...

"Alcohol" hight amount of alcohol found In blood...


~~~Annika's POV~~~

The shocking revelation of last night shooked me like anything. Is that the reason behind his behavior like beast?

I looked at the written statement again, that's true. He was drugged. He was really drugged, that means... He's innocent? Yes! Ofcourse, he's innocent. But, he's still guilty. He shouldn't have done this all, forcefully. Nowhere it's written that...That he'll force me just to calm the sexual desire! He could've asked me... It could've happened With mutual consent... But... He preferred to force me. He had choice, Didn't he?

I looked at him. Always innocent and calm face of sleeping shivaay was not calm... He wasn't calm today. He was tensed, even though he was unconscious. Seeing his face i felt the pain... The pain of everything... Everything he went through and another pain... Unknown.

Feeling his pain. I felt like forgiving him. Forgiving him for one more time. What's bad in giving another chance? Probably nothing. But, it's just the way my heart thinks, and no way, in no way I'm going to listen to it. Never again!

I laid beside him still looking at him, jessie arrived with his box and looked at us with a smile.

"Everything would've been so cool and happy, if nothing would've happened last night!" she handed me the box.

"Maybe. But, everything is written. It has to happen, i think." i believe it that everything is written and it'll happen no matter what...

"No. Not everytime. Sometimes we've to change it. And we can even do this, by trying. Efforts can do anything. Can make anything possible. So it's not at all right to blame fate." she's more sensible than me. 🤓

"Maybe... I never thought like this. because... I wasn't raised in such environment. Such positivity. Such thinning." i looked down and she smiled

"It's not a big Deal. You can change your thinking, still. You see... Now you're not in that environment so most likely, you're free to think, to implement. I think you should think about it. Be positive and everything will happen as per you, as per your thoughts. Seriously telling... Positive vibes are real magic." she held my hand "Be Positive." i smiled back as she smiled.

"A...A..." i heard the mumbling of shiv and turned my gaze toward him. He was half conscious. I held his hand and caressed it. "I'm here" i spoke and he slowly opened his eyes...

"I'll bring food" she left.

"Annie.." his eyes were wide open now.

"Hmm.." i hummed and left the hold on his hand.
He looked at me and then at his hand...

"I'm sorry..." he sat up and looked at me "i should be the one caring, and here you're doing it." he spoke, guilt again visible In his voice.

"Shivaay... It's okay. You cared when it was required. And trust Me, i don't want your care.. Not for this." i looked away... I'm seriously very hurt with what ever he did to me...

"Anika. I'm really sorry... I wasn't in my senses... I really wasn't." his voice held the sincerity.

I didn't said anything and handed him the file. To let him know that i know about him not in senses...

Rajeev said truth. I got answer of my unasked question..
But not question's. I didn't had only one question which i didn't asked, but i have many. Maybe not so many, but they are more than one.

I wanted to ask him, why the hell he did that.. That all... What's the reason... And here i got answer, pills and drugs. But why? Why he was so furious? Why he blamed me knowing that I'm not anika. That I'm koel. Why he even called me anika?

"So you know i was drugged?" he looked at me and i looked back coming out of my thought's

"of course, I've read it." i looked in his eyes.

Eyes which shows me his pain, clearly. Which effects me.

"Then..." he looked away

"Nothing. My decision will not change with any report. You're still guilty in my eyes. You will never be innocent, no reports can ever justify your action." i also looked away but not before giving him the look which must've shook him, the painful look. The pain i went through...

"aanika, I'm not justifying anything, I'll never be able to do that... I know i shouldn't have done this...But i was..." i cut him

"No shivaay, don't tell me that you were drugged and did that... You're right you can't justify that ever, as your actions were not meant to be like that. You were just drugged man! You were not forced to R...Rape me." i swallowed hard "I understand, i understand that your hormones were triggered, you had a desire. But you could've asked me. You could've... Told me. Trust me, i would've surrenderd myself I'm your wife shivaay, i wouldn't have refused. It was your right. In fact, i was upset as we couldn't complete our marriage..." i blurted, he looked at me with same guilty face, i looked away brushing off the tear "Uh, but you preferred to rape Me. Why?" i finally asked as my strength started breaking down...

i waited for him to answer he tried to say something but God knows why he didn't said...

"Shivaay you know... I was scared since i became anika. I was scared as beasts were around me. I always had a fear that one day or other one or other beast will eat me out... Do you know in what senses? I always feared to get raped!!!" i almost yelled but got low "But thank to GOD they didn't Raped me ever... Though just for their benefit but atleast they didn't. And here... Where i felt safe. Where i felt like i will never get touched or tortured by anyone in that way... There only... You!" i pointed "YOU SHIVAAY! THE ONE WHO SAVED ME, RAPED ME!" i failed to control and burst into tears...

He tried to touch me to console me, but i hate his touch...

"I never thought in my wildest dreams..." i sniffles "but..." i cried losing whole my control...

" I'm sorry..." his cracking voice reached me and i wiped my tears

"No! Your sorry will never undo the damage you did to me... To my body and to My soul shivaay! You've not just damaged my body but my heart and soul too. No sorry can repair it. No nothing." i took a deep breath

"last chance anika?" he looked at me with his pleading eyes

"Earn it. I don't trust you anymore." i composed myself completely

"I'll." he smiled weakly

"I'm going now." i was about to step out of bed

"No. Discussion is remaining." he spoke and i turned

"I don't want to know your past anymore." with straight face i replied

"But why?"

"I can't see you in pain." i looked in his eyes and they welled up...

"You're too good to be mine. I don't deserve this all. You're a Gem. Tell me to go, tell me to leave you and die..." he spoke in his cracking voice.

"I'll not. I want to punish you, you've to be with me to bear the punishment. In no way I'm leaving you. Stay and bear" i looked away...

"Conditions " he again stopped me

"Well... What were they?" i acted as i don't know

"you know. But still I'll tell..." he sniffed

"okay" i looked at him

"You said you'll not eat anything with me. But i wanted you to eat with me." he spoke

"Well... Okay! Let's edit it. I'll eat with you as it'll be the only time when you'll get the chance to earn the last chance." i explained and he smiled "Okay! Done."

"Next was... You'll go out whenever you want to and wherever you want to and you said I'll have no right to know or say anything." he looked down

"Yes. It'll not change. I'll go and do anywhere anything you'll be no-one to say or do anything. But an addition is that, that I'll go with your appointed driver and not anyone else not even alone." i looked at him and he smiled hiding...

"Another is... You wanted to work wherever you want and i said you need not to work."

"Yes. It's same, as I'll work. And why do you think, that i don't need to work?" i asked and he immediately replied

"You're my wife."

"Correction, Unwilling Wife." he looked hurt but truth can't be changed ever. I was, I'm and I'll always be his unwilling wife.

"Don't say Like this. I can't revert it but..." i cut him

"But you could repeat it. An unwilling make out! Isn't it?" i spoke and he looked down "You changed the wife with make out. Both were unwilling shivaay!" i added and he swallows.

"but fact will not change, you're my wife and need not to earn as..." i again cut him

"I'll earn for myself. that's final! In fact i decided to stay here, only on rent!" i added and he looked at me shocked

"No! You can stay here without that anika. Please! Don't punish me like this..." he said and i chuckles lightly. The sarcastic chuckle.

"It's the start. You should also bear the pain. Right?" i looked away. I couldn't see him in pain as it'll melt my heart and probably will make me change the decisions...

"Hm. You're right. I deserve!" he smiled through tears and then brushed them off..

"So... Final?" i asked and he looked down.

"yes. I promise you, I'll earn the apology!" he smiled.

"Hm. Take Care." i moved to go and jessie entered with food.

I quietly and difficulty walked out just to hide and listen..

"Sir your food. Please have it."

"No. I don't feel like. Please jess take it away"

"Sir you need it. You're not so good in health. You really need it."

"No. I don't. Don't force me and just go..."

"Please sir. It's about your health..."

"I don't care. Just go away" he yelled and i entered back

"Jess... Go" i patted her shoulder and moved to the bed with trolley...

"Let's have." he spoke before me. "You need to have it... I know..." he stepped off the bed as i settled.

"Why you didn't told me that yoi were having fever.?" i asked and he looked down at the plate

"I didn't had"

"Shivaay... Stop lying. Why you lie?" i looked at him And he looked down

"anika... I'm sorry"

" I'm asking you something"

"You were important."

"Same with you shivaay. Okay! I've another condition." i breathed out "As I've cancelled one, that you'll not tell me the past, so now you'll care for yourself. If you will not. Then I'll lock up." i wasn't sure if it'll effect him or not but it was the best way to make him care for himself and wondered! It worked.

"Okay. Just for you" he's some other human being. Definitely!

"No. I'm not." he looked at me with weird expressions and i rolled my eyes 'Do he know to read the minds?'

After taking medicines i walked back to my room. The room full of nightmares!

As soon as i entered all the flashes of night played like a reel in front of me... I closed my eyes to get rid of them... But failed.

"You go. I'll get your things" jess said and i nodding left.

How much ever i try. I'll never be able to face that... That flashes. I'll fall weak!!! Those fleshes pains me... Hurt me in a way no nightmare did.
I walked to my new room... Perfect calm room... I love it. My new life starts!!!

~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I agreed to whatever she said with little editing from my side... Finally i got a chance to get the last chance. All I've to do is... Earn. Make efforts and earn it.

I laid back on my bed to rest little before the work starts again. This time I'll not leave any chance... I stared the ceiling and her face appears there...
Her short little break down. Everything was in front of me again.

"Why?" her question echoed.
How can i answer her about it? How can i tell her that it wasn't just my sexual triggered hormones but... My mistrust!!! It'll just pain her more. Hurt her more...

How can i just tell her that, gauri too lied to me about her! She'll break down in a way, never amendable...

I have no idea how she'll react knowing that her friend, friend whom she trusted most was the one to manipulate me, at first!

What'll she go through knowing all that night's happening. The reason behind blaming her...

I never thought conspiracy's are been played. I never even realized!

I had never thought about this... Not this angel. Someone close to me... In fact my friend... Was the master?

Sid. He lied to me. Showed me fake proofs, morphed or maybe real with not my anika, but real anika?

I turned to other side... I'll get answers once rajeev and raj gets the proofs... There's something more big then we thought it to be.

I slowly closed my eyes "Why gauri lied?" question came in my mind and her behavior too...

She cried all the while telling me! Was she guilty about not telling me? Or she cried as she lied?

Why she couldn't walk? Did something happened? I closed my eyes again and something struck my mind... Dammit! No! This can't happen? Who...?


"My brother?" girl asked

"Sorry babe. *Chuckles* i never keep promises" man laughs...

Girl stood still and boy left...

"No! This can't happen..." girl Shouted and fell down... "M...My..." she fainted


"Raj. You've to hack it. I know it's risky. But, for rahul and shivaay... We don't have much time..."

"Rajeev.. Why don't you understand? If we get caught then along with us, shivaay will also rot in jail. It's Dubai man! They'll not even put us in jail. Direct, sar dhar se alag. (Head cut off from body)"

"Crap! I don't care. Don't you've trust on yourself? I know you can do this and no one will know. I tried to fetch the information but... I failed..."

"Okay! You'll not agree... Fine. I'll hack into the information. Happy now?"

"Very much!" they hugged eachother.

"Btw..." rajeev cut him

"Wait. I've something to give you. Rahul's last letter to you. Read it and share with me... As I've to share with you too. But first you finish yours." he handed him the envelope and he took It with shaking hands.

"I never thought I'll ever touch the last letter by him! He left us so soon" raj's eyes filled up

"It wasn't destiny. It was preplanned. And i vow to destroy the ones!"

"I vow the same!"...

Letter of rahul to Raj the Hacker!

Raj unsealed the envelope and it had a key chain... Small keyboard and skull with hacked written. Raj smiled!

Dear hacker bhaiya...

I think you got the letter and probably smiling seeing the key chain. I wanted to hand you this by myself but fate wasn't with me. You know everything now... And must be angry with me but bhaiya don't be. I can't bear it. I can't tolerate it... I never like anger of any of you. I just wrote this letter to tell you that how much i missed you since i came here... I never wanted to but for bhaiya i came and you too know it.
Bhaiya i missed learning hacking from you. And i regret as i never showed any intrest in learning..
In learning phone hacking, that how to hack into someone's phone or anyother device. I always limited myself to social media, hacking. I was mad na. That's why.

Maybe it was meant to be Like this. Meant to end with me ending.

I thought to learn but you were underground due to some police issue in india. I didn't know that you had some project in india. I tried contacting you but you remained unavailable. I thought to learn and solve everything... Without anyone of you knowing.

I never wanted you all to know as i felt ashamed. I feared with the thought only. And got no courage to tell you even after knowing that all that matter to you people is me!!! Only me. But still i accept that I'm a coward to run away...

For me suicide seems to be the best option ever. I know I'm not guilty but still somewhere I'm guilty... And this guilt will never finish, and best way is suicide...

If only i had learned maybe everything would've been fine... I may have hacked and deleted everything... But not everything happens as you want it to be...

I begged and pleaded... I did everything they said but i never got what i wanted, in fact i got in more mess... I wanted to tell you that i love you... I love you so much bhaiya... But it's time for the Good bye.

And please. Consider it as my last wish. Please. If anyone after me comes to you to learn hacking. Please teach them how to hack into devices and all, first. Then everything. Who knows when it comes handy...

Don't miss me much. Take care of yourself bhaiya and please.... Please support my dad like bhai and never ever leave him alone...
I love you.. You all!

With love...

(An IMEI # and few other codes written)

Raj swallowd his lump and sniffling wiped his tears...

"We're at fault?" he looked at rajeev aka neil "We didn't looked at him after he left for Singapore. We never thought... That he may fall in some trap or stuck in problem." raj sobbed

"Yes! We're at fault. In fact it's our fault completely... We never... We never thought about his security..." neil aka rajeev Cried...

"We failed to earn the trust neil! We failed... That's the reason he didn't told us anything and beard it all alone. Stayed in pain. The pain which forced him to do suicide..." raj looked at neil

" I know the reason...

To Be Continued...

Precap: Arrival of OBEROI FAMILY!

Helo beauties. Your real author needs some suggestions. Which you can drop in comment section or also in inbox.

Please tell us what kind of efforts would you people like to see... Like what you people want shivaay to do to earn the last chance. Please drop your precious ideas. She needs them.

See you soon!

Thank you for votes and comments...💞

Keep the love coming.

Your sumi❤

Oh yaas! She's recovering! Will meet you all soon. With a surprise too. Not related to this book!

We're sad to inform we lost the rank #72 as wattpad changed the genre into Fan fiction from Romance. Hope we achieve another one soon in it. 😭

Bye. Love from both ❤

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