•Drunk Annika•

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Shivaay was literally dragging annika toward the car and she wasn’t even moving leaving all her weight on him she was giggling in trance of alcohol she was forced to drink…

Shivaay “Annika stop giggling you’re irritating me” he said as he placed her on passenger seat and got on driving seat leaving driver there only

Annika “What you’ll do if I don’t stop giggling” she looked at him with her intoxicating eyes for a moment he was still and looked into her eyes with a smile but soon came out and closed the door…

Shivaay “You know it very well what I’ll do with you annie” he leaned toward her to tie lock the belt and she pouted

Annika “I know you’ll kiss me forcefully just to fulfill your lust what’re you waiting for? Do it now.” As she said tears started brimming in her eyes

Shivaay “Stop your non-sense and sit quietly” he glared her angrily…

Whatever she said was right but it hurt him… he never wanted to be like that never ever.but she had made him do that it’s written in her fate to bear this beast now. As just because of her only The Shivaay is dead who was never like that…

Annika “No, I’ll not. What you think of yourself? I’ll not listen to you! what you’ll do? Hurt me? force me? Hahaha” she laughed sarcastically… by now shivaay was driving the car but in slow speed “I’m used to it now. It doesn’t matter to me… you know your way of giving pain is different but pain is same” she laughed completing but her voice cracked and she sniffed…

Shivaay “What do you mean?” he asked curiously and she laughed…

Annika “Why you’re asking? You know everything about me na! then you should know about it too… Mr shivaay singh oberoi” she looked at him laughing but tears were not stopping…

Shivaay “Just tell me na” he asked stopping the car by the safe side of road and looked at her

Annika “I hate you. who you’re? why you’re doing this to me?” she shouted at him. Stopping laughing she shouted at him with full hate and hurt in her voice…

Shivaay “Don’t you know annie” he shouted back getting raged and held her hurt hand and she winced in pain he immediately left her hand and looked at her hand

Annika “You’re no less than her parents… you all are same with different ways… what I did to you all what? Why you all are after me? what bad did I do with you all” she cried holding and looking at her hand which was bleeding little

Shivaay “Annie I didn’t mean to…” he stammered without wanting to… her pain made him do so, he felt pain of her again…

Annika “Don’t call me that I’m not that shivaay… I’m not the one you’re thinking me” she looked at him with tears and said holding his collar

Shivaay looked in her eyes and she looked in his eyes and sharing a short eye-lock she smiled…

Annika “I never thought I will ever feel this for you. your eyes are so intoxicating man. I love them. I don’t know why but I feel for you shivaay… your presence makes me go crazy every time I look in your eyes I fall weak… why?” she asked leaning on his shoulder…

Shivaay was melting now hearing all this… hearing what she was saying her eyes were working on him… he was feeling the love again… falling for her and her closeness his weakness was working more…

Shivaay “you m-m-mean you l-l-love me?” he stammering asked cupping her face with tears

Annika “I don’t know what  it is? Why it is? But I feel something-something in my heart whenever I see you not always but sometime” she giggled completing and again leaned on his shoulder “You know it’s funny. It’s really funny that I’m falling in love with the beast and monster of my life… who force me and for whom I’m just a slave and he hates me the most… falling for the one who married me forcefully or just Purchased me? why? I don’t know.” She paused and giggled

Shivaay “I don’t hate you annie.” He said being lost and moved her back to her seat and tied the belt again which she un-tied to move toward him… she closed her eyes and rested her head on the rest and he slid the seat little down so she can be more comfortable… he again started the car but stopped as she mumbled his name… “Yes annika?” he asked with the most loving and caring tone…

Annika “I DON’T think you’re any BEAST. I know you’re a good hearted and a loving person…I’ve seen your innocence in your eyes shivaay… You’re pretending to be beast just the way I’m pretending to be ANNIKA! You know I never felt so hurt before not even when PAPA MAMA. Ops! I mean Mr and Mrs. Raichand used to beat me… not at that time when they broke my arm just because I asked for a gift” tears rolled down her cheeks as she sniffed “But, today when you hurt me I feel very hurt…very-very hurt. It never happened before… when you hurt me it doesn’t pain much on the wound but… HERE!” she pointed toward her heart “When you kiss me forcefully or with lust. This pains.” She sobbed and smiled “Your view or thinking about me matters to me. and you’ve no good views about me. that pains.” She hitched for a breath. Shivaay was in tears too seeing her breaking more by each passing second… “I never expected much from my life but I had hope that one day someone will pull me out of that hell of raichand’s by marrying me and I’ll be happy at least for once in my life before I die” she said and shivaay immediately closed her mouth

Shivaay “Don’t say like this annie…” he said with cracking voice as tears streamed down…

Annika “What’s bad in saying it? It’s the only truth one day I’ve to die… I’m sure you’ll be the happiest person at that time and then those raichand’s as their secret will die with me” she chuckled and removed her belt and stepped out of car, shivaay immediately followed her…

Listening to her he was very hurt. Seeing her pain was pricking his heart and those moments were like hell for him. Always he wanted to see her in this pain just to take revenge but he wasn’t able to handle this at that time…

Shivaay “annika please stop” he shouted running behind her but she didn’t stop and kept on running and soon fell down tripping and hit with a stone… “I told you stop na… look now you’ve hurt yourself” he said holding her

Annika “it’s nothing in-front of your torchers” she said looking at him

Shivaay “Annika let’s go home” he held her hand and stood up

Annika “No, that’s not home… that’s Jail. Where you too have captured me in the storeroom.” She jerked off his hand “That’s your home where I’m kept as a maid. That’s your home where you’ve captured me just to fulfill your lust nothing else” she shouted standing up and held his collar “Tum samjjhty kyu nahi ho? Maine kaha na mein woh nahi hu jo tum mujhe samjh rahy ho (Why don’t you understand? I told you na I’m not the one you think I’m)” she shouted shooking him…

Shivaay “Shut-up… just shut up.” He shouted jerking off her hands… getting raged as his hatered again over-powered his love he held her hair and pulled her face toward his face… their bodies bumped and she winced in pain with the tight hold on hair… “Enough of your non-sense what you think by not attending any school and hiding from us you’ll get changed and become someone else? No! annika Raichand you’re mistaken.” He shouted in her ear biting on her earlobe in anger…

Soon rain started pouring on their bodies (I know in Dubai it doesn’t rain often but it’s just the FF) and they were drenched in no time…

Annika “What you think of yourself ha? You’re shivaay singh oberoi and you know everything? NO. you’re a human and not GOD to know each and everything.” She pushed him…

Shivaay “Yes I’m a human and not GOD but I know every fucking thing about you and your crime” he roared

Annika “okay. Then tell me who I am?” she roared back questioning him

Shivaay “Annika, Annika Raichand” he said sarcastically giving ‘I know everything’ look and she laughed

Annika “YOU ARE MISTAKEN MR. OBEROI I’M NOT ANY RAICHAND” she said and laughed making the floor slip underneath his feet’s… “Let’s try once again to know if you really know everything…” she said with a sarcastic laugh “Why you married me? option a because you hate annika? Option b to fulfill your lust! Option c you love annika?” she looked at him and he was rooted to his place without blinking his eyes her was staring her…

He was shocked as she first time shouted that she’s not any RAICHAND. And then those options made him go into thoughts as they were all true… he married her to make her life hell as he hates her. He married her so he can fulfill his lust and it’s proved too… and last but not least he loved her and that was the reason too… but he didn’t had any answer and focused on thing she said… Hate annika? Love annika? He was confused as to why she never refers herself as annika… and says ME? but always says annika as of talking about someone else and not herself! ~ Many questions were making him crazy and un-knowingly he Uttered L… but before he could complete she chuckled making him stop saying and he blinked coming out of thoughts…

Annika “I know you want to fulfill your lust… just complete it at once…” she said as she pulled off the blazer and unzipped her dress and started to pull it off making shivaay shocked “Fulfill it now and let me go and die peacefully…” she said in shaking voice and was shivering with the cold of rain…

Shivaay “Annika” he roared and slapped her hard on her right cheek and she fell on the ground … slap was hard enough to make her mouth bleed her mouth started bleeding and she started crying loud… “Are you mad?” he shouted and put blazer on her… “Why you want to die” he held her and make her look in his eyes… she was shivering and her eyes was red with constant crying… “K…o…e…l” she stammered and cried he didn’t understand anything seeing her head bleeding and started searching for handkerchief… “stay here I’ll bring” he said lost and walked toward car and got the handkerchief and turned off the car and headlights… as soon as he turned off the lights whole place got covered in darkness and it panicked annika…

Annika “Please…Please take me out shivaay… please shivaay” she stammered and hearing her he was in shock as soon as he got near her she hugged him… hugging him tightly she cried “I’ll not shout at you please don’t lock me here” she shivered burying her head in his chest and clenched on his shirt…

Shivaay “What happened to you? why you’re so scared annie?” he made her look at him but she didn’t moved away and hugged him even tighter not understanding anything he hugged her back and she sobbed losing her conscious slowly “I’ll not break any more plate please take me out of this room maa… baba please I’ll behave like annika please take me out of this room… Maa please no it’s hurting… baba please don’t do this… Shivaay please stop I’ll never refuse to make dinner” she said or rather mumbled before passing out… shivaay was shocked very much shocked with all happened picking her up in bridal style he laid her in car and drove off to his apartment…

~Shivaay’s POV~

Whatever she told me didn’t seemed like any lie. I know people never lie when they’re drunk. She was drunk no, she was intoxicated by ragini… her words pierced my heart and her sobbing are still echoing in my ears… she was laying like a lifeless soul right by my side. The girl whom I hate the most and love too? The girl whom I wanted to see in this pain and now when she’s in that I’m not able to bear that it’s not hurting her only but it is hurting me too. She isn’t my annie. The annie whom I loved the annie whom I hate. She’s not the one whom I wanted to torture that girl was never so weak to think of dying. Annie’s parents never even thought of shouting at her and here they’ve sold her… these things didn’t come before but now these things are mattering… whatever she said can be a lie and truth too… That annie will never give up so soon and that too by surrendering her body to me? no. we reached home. I carried her in my arms and passed by store room and laid her in my room where I’ve everything. Each and everything to heal her the medicines and all. Except the wounds on her heart… I laid her on bed and moved to get the blanket but her hand was entangled with mine. She was holding my hand… Her body was burning with fever and weakness was much… I had no idea what to do and called doctor… “Change her clothes and wear her some warm clothes give her medicine by crushing it and adding some water so it goes easily… as you mentioned she’s not in senses.” Doctor explained me… “Maybe she’s patient of night phobia” he said as I had asked him the reason of her panicking… Annie was never scared of darkness… She was fully drenched and I had to change her clothes with no option left I decided to do so and went to her storeroom to get her cloths and searched for some warm clothes which weren’t in her suit case but what I found scared me… ‘Rat Poison…’ it made me check her luggage and leaving her i checked her luggage and found blades in that ‘was she going to commit suicide?’ I thought and shrugged the thoughts as she can’t… I started moving out and found a diary I picked it and went to my room… I had few warm suits and taking out a trouser and hoodie/upper of mine which wasn’t going to fit her but it was necessary I walked to shivering body of her … it’ll not be right to change her cloths I tried waking her up but she was still unconscious… “And yeah do clean her body with warm towel too before putting on warm clothes” doctor’s words ringed and I got the wet towel but warm one… ‘I’m sorry’ I whispered… and started cleaning her from face… her brutally injured lips and swollen face because of my slap I cleaned the dust and blood from her face and make up too… she was looking beautiful in no make-up… I wished to get back my old self but it wasn’t going to happen till I clear everything out now… what if she isn’t the one in real? I moved to her neck and cleaned that area just to see the hickey’s I’ve given her which she had hidden with make-up… a guilt started building up in my heart her words were ringing constantly in my ears… I slowly pulled down her dress making sure not to look at her naked body… but my gaze fell on her burnt back which revealed as I turned her cleaned her back… tears brimmed in my eyes without my concern seeing her burnt marks… ‘who did this?’ this question popped up and I moved to her arms putting her bra on without looking at her front. As I was cleaning her right arm marks of her blade cuts were showing up… she was really hurt… she was really trying to do suicide and that were the marks of that attempts only which failed as the cuts were not much deep but still deep enough to pain and leave marks… her both arms were covered in those marks and little burnt marks… cleaning from her stomach I saw the marks which were given by me as I had pushed her in my room in India it was all blue near her stomach… my guilt was increasing with several thoughts… I made her wear the hoodie and placed the blanket on her and pulled out the whole dress not wanting to look I changed her undergarment… though she is my wife but we don’t share that relation and I’ve not rights to see her like that without her permission…cleaning her legs I wore her the trouser and removed the blanket and tied the lace… her right feet were bleeding little… it was all red and blue… I’ve seen ragini smashing her feet and she didn’t say anything… she tolerated all this just because of me… bandaging her hand feet and head I applied ointment on her marks EACH & EVERY. Though some were old and wouldn’t be paining but, I still applied the ointment as it was paining me…  

I went to washroom and brought the hair dryer and a spray bottle of warm water… spraying her hair I combed them with utmost care… I had pulled them very hardly and that’s why brush was filled with many hairs which broke because of me… she lost much hair as I had pulled them… drying her hair after spraying I combed them and let them open and picked her from bed as it was all wet the bedsheet and blanket and cushions… I placed her on couch and changed sheet and placed new blanket and cushions and laid her back covering her with the duvet I walked to change and came in night wears of mine… she was still shivering… I got some socks and put it on her legs…maybe it’ll give some warmth. But she was still shivering I covered her in 2 more blankets giving her medicine… ‘Don’t beat me I’ll never say that I’m not annika baba’ she mumbled in her sleep… “Annika…” I held her hand carefully not wanting to hurt her more now. And she held it tightly and started breathing heavily… ‘Forgive me baba don’t do this it’s dirty’ she again mumbled and jerked off my hand “None will harm you annie I’m here na” I tried to console her though she was getting dreams or maybe nightmares but I still tried consoling her but her breaths were getting heavier… I tried my best calming her and little succeed by shifting her head in my lap and stroking her hair but her breaths weren’t getting any normal…I called the doctor again and told him the same… “Mr. oberoi as you said she’s new in Dubai maybe she’s not able to get along with the weather and as her condition isn’t good. So maybe her oxygen isn’t balanced if you’re having some oxygen cylinder attach it or try giving some mouth to mouth oxygen… it’ll work if not then call me again or better bring her in hospital… but, it’ll work if it’s imbalance oxygen.” He explained and I disconnected the call seeing her having more difficulty in breathing… I have no oxygen cylinder I never needed one… and this isn’t even my house… i slowly leaned to her lips and opening her mouth i placed my lips on her and gave a blow as her breaths got more slow I gave her immediately and she got stabled… ‘All you want is to fulfill your lust.’ Her words ringed in my ears and remembering about how I kissed her just to fulfill my lust I gasped with a scary thought of having wrong information… moving her to the pillow back I slid little down to get comfortable by her side not wanting to leave her in this condition… ‘Shivaay’ she again mumbled and held my hand which was just near her hand… her eyes were blinking little and she opened little and closed it again… I knew it is happening just because of me… ‘I’ll find out the whole truth now’ whispering this in her ear I kissed her forehead. CARE. It was all care about her… I pecked her lips and smiled This is LOVE not LUST annie… I mumbled and laid completely and stroked her hair… ‘I’m sorry…’ she kept on mumbling and soon tossed to me and I guess feeling the warmth she cuddled into me… her face near my chest she cuddled more… not able to control myself I hugged her and she just cuddled more and a smile crept on her face… maybe she’s happy?

To Be Continued…

Love ~ Annie

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