•Everything's going to be fine...•

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Not Edited!!! 


Anika is fine now and so are the babies.  I wondered if everything will be like before, ever, and I'm surprised as after a little while everything got fine.

That's nature I guess. We all come back around... it's how the universe works.

Things are pretty cool now. Gauri is fine, it was difficult but she too came back for Om.

I've been planning a lot for Anika. She had difficult time accepting all the things which has happened but she managed to hold up on herself. This is just a little I can do for her, she deserves moon and stars and I think this is closest to that.

All the fantasy stuff have been done. I am really out of ideas for now but I'm trying to do something... I hope I achieve it.

Tonight is going to be incredible night for her... For me too. I've been awaiting for this and so is she but she have no idea it's going to happen.


Looking at myself in the mirror all I see is a happy mother and a wife. I couldn't ever be a happy girl but now I'm a mother and a wife and I'm glad that at least now, I'm happy.

It has been a month since we arrived here in Dubai. Shivaay said true, tragedies never stop.
That's the reason we came here. Gauri lost her baby after a week of birth. It was heartbreaking for her.

She had hard time accepting the baby and when she did she lost it and it lead her to depression. It took us a lot time to bring her out but eventually she returned to normal and the babies- they helped more than anyone.

Beside that things are normal now. As normal as they should be. I had an urge of knowing what happened to Mr Malhotra and everything related but I don't want to know... I think it's best.

Well babies are like month old now and a few days but they're already so naughty. They never sleep in night and never wakes in morning. It's other way around. I have to adjust accordingly but it's shivaay who barely meets them when they're awake.

He had to go back to working due to few losses and I or anyone else can't blame or stop him. It's something important.

Well right now I'm getting ready as Shivaay has planned a day off and we're going to spend it outside, without babies.

Gauri, she loves them like hers and has taken the responsibility for a day. She's going to handle them while we roam around and do some fun. He said it's normal dinner thing and little shopping for kids, so I'm just wearing this real cute top and jeans with boot and a bag. He bought them when I was slim and then pregnancy and all and I couldn't wear it but now I'm fine and I'm pretty well fit in it.

Doing minimal makeup I walk out and reach the cribs to see the babies sleeping after playing with Gauri. For the day, she's staying in the room and has brought her couple of dresses for when kids ruin them.

Kissing them on the foreheads I bid bye and walked out of the room. Finally we're all normally living but that don't mean we can't have sudden tragedies so I'm basically prepared for everything.


Okay... I'm right now busy looking outside the window as we're stuck in the traffic. We had a little conversation but we're out of words for now. It's like the feeling... I'm meeting him for the first time and we're out for a date and nobody knows.

"I thought you'd wear something fancy. It's date thing." He told me and I chuckled.

"And shopping too. I won't be able to handle the fancy dress for the whole day." I looked at him and he nodded nervously.

"That's reasonable." He looks nervous as hell and that's making me nervous.

"Mind taking me to Lulu? I am so eager to roam there. Gauri said it's the place where most of the flash mobiles happens." I told him containing my happiness and he nodded.

"Why not. I was going there only, the same road. We can stop for a while but not long. I've plans, other plans." He sternly said and I nodded.

"Yes mom" I murmur.

"I heard it." He starred me.

"who cares mom?" I chuckled and he just playfully rolled his eyes.

"Yes dad. Nobody cares." He returned and I sat quiet. It's not even funny!

We stopped outside in the parking lot and I smiled.

"I'm sure... we are going to enjoy." I said and stepping out walked toward the gate and shivaay followed me shortly.

Hand in hands we walked inside and took a cart as we made our way through the entrance and entered the big supermarket.

Sadly no flash mobiles-

We roamed around for a while before my feets gave up. I've not walked this much in months and it's hurting.

"I'm done..." I made faces stopping and he smiled.

"Tired already? We didn't buy anything." He said and I raised my hands in the air.

"Not going to..."

"OMG! Shivaay stop!!!!" I flushed...

Thank you.

Keep reading and you'd be awarded with the end in 3 more episodes...

Plus, go and check my profile to see "wild fire." The fanfic I talked bout before is, up!!

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