•Feeling his Pain 😢•

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~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I placed my mug on table and cleared my throat so I could tell her, what I want to without any problem "Anika... I know you've asked me not to tell you my past. But, if I want everything to be fine, then you need to know everything... I even know why you don't want to know... so I assure you, I'll not take any stress and will tell you everything. Are you ready to listen?" I asked looking at her, keenly observing her each and every expression. She changed her expressions several times. From normal to smile to serious to frown to thinking to nervous to sigh to smile again...

"Yes. Only if you'll not go back to that zone, otherwise I'm okay without knowing it." She replied with a smile and I nodded "Yes I'll not go there, if only you help me." I almost whispered the last line but I guess she heard it.

"Anika do you remember that day when you asked me about a picture? Back to apartments when my hands got injured.?" I asked and she rolled her eyes up and narrowing them looked at me "Yeah"

"He's Rahul, sorry. He was..." I paused and she sighed "Shivaay don't pause. Just keep on telling me...I'm with you" she placed her hand on mine and I nodded...

(Who's Rahul and how he *Shivaay* met him. I've already revealed. Refer to chapter "LONDON")

After pari talked with my family they accepted me as my mom and dadi insisted them to, as anika was in coma according to raichand's so I couldn't get her arrested. One of the reason behind them accepting me was, my state. I was a lifeless soul, I tried my best to not become like that. But I failed miserably. I couldn't get grip on myself and failed to control my brain... my mind kept on going to those thoughts and incidents. I regretted a lot for taking that decision on that time. I stayed away from my family and their love because of over-trust. But after they accepted me, they placed few conditions... like, I'll not go back to Dubai. I'll close my business. I'll just concentrate on family's business... they had no trust on me. it hurted me a lot but I didn't let them know it and cleverly left from their so they don't hate me again. I couldn't leave Dubai and my business... the one who helped me in my difficult time, gave me shelter and those peoples who were working for me... they had so much trust on me. I couldn't do any such thing and came back here. After that my family didn't talked with me... omru used to talk as they understood what I meant. But no one else, even my mom didn't like my decision. But this time I didn't went to that state and met Rahul. He became my jeene ki waja along with omru. I was happy as my brothers were by my side. But, I again went to that state when... when omru blocked me from everywhere and changed their numbers... I was so hurt at that time, that I couldn't help but just cry... I tried contacting them and everyone but I failed! I was in hospital... fighting with death due to so much depression... after one month I returned and then realized that Rahul is still with me and he helped me so much. He wasn't like my brother, but son. I decided to live for him because nothing else was left... my real brothers left me but the one whom I adopted, didn't.

I and Rahul came so close... but one day he had to go to Singapore for his higher studies...

That's when everything changed, again.

I breathed out. Those moments and memories aren't that painful for anyone else, but for me, they're like salt on fresh wounds. But I didn't cry as she... my anika, my wifey was holding my hand all the while and whenever I thought I'll breakdown by saying this... she lightly squeezed my hand to comfort me.

"They did wrong" she swallowing looked at me. "I never thought they will act so meanly. I know what you did was wrong but what they did is also wrong. How can they be so selfish?" she angrily asked or said.

"I DON'T KNOW" I gulped down the lump and she rolled her eyes "You never knows anything, continue now"

I nodded and shut my eyes.

Everything was going so smoothly. I and Rahul used to have video call, daily. I never ever thought that something can go wrong. But that was the only mistake of mine. When Rahul went there he refused to take any security with him, even he didn't want to stay in any hotel but just hostel. I agreed as there were no enemies of mine there. So I allowed him to stay in hostel without any security. And I checked everything by myself. Two years he stayed there without anything... I got relaxed, as there was nothing suspicious. But one day, which I don't think was usual, he didn't call me... I tried contacting him, but he wasn't reachable. But then I got a message from him that his exams have started so he'll not talk with me. it wasn't normal as in last two years also, he had exams but he never said anything. So I asked him, but I got convinced as he said this is the final exams and little tough so I trusted him. Why wouldn't i? after all he never lied to me. but that day he lied... one month passed and he didn't contact me. I was so worried, but I still couldn't go there to meet him. As I was working on the project which I took because of him and he wanted me to complete it before he comes. After the project finished, 2 months were passed and I got no clue of him. I reported in police and they promised me they'll get the information. But still I couldn't go there... as when I was about to board my flight to Singapore, I got call from om... after ages. I took it and the world shattered as he informed me about dadi admitted in hospital because of cardiac attack. I boarded the flight to India. With so much patience I reached there... but... not only dadi even maa... was in hospital. My mind went numb and I couldn't help but just cry... all the problems arrived togather. I myself got admitted in that hospital for 2 weeks due to stress attack! Tension of Rahul, dadi and maa... they didn't let me go there... I cried, begged. But nothing helped. They acted selfish. Dadi and maa was back to home. Fit and fine. But still they didn't let me go there. My phone was hidden; I didn't know what they wanted till I met omru in person. I was shooked when they told me the reason. "YOU'VE CHANGED BECAUSE OF RAHUL. NOW YOU'LL NOT GO ANYWHERE AND JUST STAY WITH US. FIRST FOR ANIKA AND NOW FOR THAT RAHUL, BUT THIS TIME WE'LL NOT LET YOU GO AND WILL TIE YOU HERE." I never knew they were so insecure because of him. Shiver of fear ran through my whole body. I thought of ways to do something... to at least contact the police to know something but I couldn't. for one month. Then I acted with them, the way they acted with me. As their trust built, I got my mobile but Rahul's number wasn't there... in fact no number was there. But thankfully I had saved everything in cloud storage, I called police and they... they informed me that... that... that they found, Rahul's body... and it was one month ago.

I got no other option instead of crying. I locked up myself and cried, without anyone beside me. I passed out because of being dehydrated but then still... they didn't let me go anywhere. I didn't tell them still. Because I knew if I'll tell them, they'll get happy and I didn't want to see them happy on his death, because if that happen then they'll fall so low in my gaze that I will never be able to love them ever again. That's why I never told them... then I came back here after marrying anika Raichand.

I was crying by now but first time I didn't go in any kind of zone as my wife was by my side. She was hugging me by side. While crying.

"Shivaay... ssshhhh" she cupped my face and I looked in her eyes to see the same pain which I was feeling "I'm so sorry.... I'm really sorry that I wasn't there with you whenever you needed someone. Please don't cry. Please" she brushed off my tears with her thumbs and then hugged me tightly

"Anika. Thank you so much for staying with me... even after so much. Thank you so much, I thought you'll left me like everyone. But, you proved my thoughts wrong by your heart touching gestures. You can't even think; how big this thing is for me." I cried reciprocating.

"Why would I leave you? I know whatever you've done has a reason but punishment is necessary not separation." She kissed my hair

"Do I even deserve this?" I parted and she held my face between her hands

"YES! The sin you've done is totally another thing shivaay. For that I've punishments for you and I've even given you that. But trust me you deserve everything... love care and me" she smiled and I felt the wave of peace calming every tensed nerve of mine.

"I like you so much yaar" I hugged her and she reciprocated... soon she parted and again... composed herself. "I never knew they're so mean. I hope they regret or maybe regretted. But you're so good shivaay after whatever they did you haven't said anything to them... I'm proud of you man" she smiling looked at me and I looked down

"What's happening?" before I could continue the past... omru entered and I had to stop.

"Nothing omru. Your bhaiya was missing someone... very dear to us." She said and I could see how much angry she's on them, in her eyes.

"Acha? Who's that someone so dear to you apart from us?" om asked and I bit my lower lips in tension 'Now what she'll tell them?'

"My brother. Rajeev" she said shocking me and relaxing them "Oh bhabi, you've a brother? Where he is?" they asked

"He died. And we couldn't even get to meet him because of few selfish, mean and heartless peoples." She moved out seething in anger... she's too emotional to be handled. I know she'll cry in some corner.

"Get ready. Tonight is your reception." Omru hugged me and I hugged them back.

Their hug reminded me of my Rahul. I miss you Rahul. I wish I could see you for the last time, but I don't know where his body went!

After sometime and few talks, omru left and I rushed to washroom side. Where I saw her going. I knocked and the door was open.

I know... I know it's wrong to go in washroom even if the door is opened, but she's not fine and what if she isn't conscious by now?

I walked in taking baby steps but I didn't repeat the mistake of leaving the door opened and locked it. Intelligent me!

I looked here and there but didn't find her but I could hear her little sobs. "Why God? Why you've taken away all his happiness... I never felt so bad for anyone... I never even complaint much. But this is the limit! How can you be so cruel with him? Whatever he did in childhood, wasn't that bad for which you're punishing him this much. Please god. I request, remove all the sorrows from his life and if needed add them in mine, but please don't test him more and no more punishments." She was sitting in dressing room. Crying hugging something. I walked to her and placed my hand on her shoulder, as she turned I saw my upper in her hand.

She immediately wiped off her tears and smiled "Sorry, I was actually..." I interrupted "Thank you. now stop crying" I brushed off the new tears "Tell me which dress among these... you would like to wear?" I revealed the dresses hanging on the left last corner. There were many dresses... which I ordered last night when she really slept after kissing me.

I see her smiling with tears but she immediately brushed them off...

"How come these here? When did you even bought them" she asked walking to them

"That doesn't matter. Did you like them?"

"I loved them"

"Well... then would you please show me which you want to wear? I mean please wear and show me. and yeah please don't see yourself, because I want to see my dear wifey, first." I spoke like a lover and she blushed like one. Nodding so she closed the door as I walked out.

I went down and informed everyone that we'll come down once we'll be ready to go as anika isn't fine, and even I need rest.

I closed the door of room and then walked to the washroom and locked the door.

I sat on the stool in washroom and thought of all the moments we spent today morning, little bitter and little sweet. She's a GEM!

I stood up and moved my gaze up as she stepped out "I'm here..." she wore black one, I knew.

As soon as I saw her completely. I couldn't do anything but just fell on my knees, falling weak on them. I couldn't look up again and cried silently... where she stood still after seeing me... and...

To Be Continued...

Precap: Same, BEST DAY!

Holaaaaa everyone. Sorrryyyyyyyy for not updating according to last precap, I was going to write that but I couldn't, as my arm started paining by writing just this one. Love you all... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE AND CARE YOU SHOWED. THAT MEANS A LOT.




Love ~ Annie...

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