•Give up? No!•

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~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I stood up after crying for minutes. I'm not able to bear her this cold behavior and it's just few hours.
But... She beard it for long, so long. I've no rights to be called a human being. I behaved so rudely and coldly with her and... I... Even raped her. And here she's still ready to give me a chance. I don't think i fucking deserve that chance. She should just... Kill me!

I looked at the trolley in which i placed things, and walked out with it wiping my tears.

I'm so lucky to get this golden chance, which i definitely don't deserve. But... I'm already giving up? It isn't right. I shouldn't. Nahh. Never... 

"Giving up?' i looked at anika who's now standing by my side as I've to unlock the dining room which is locked since ages. staff have seen it but not anyone else, it always stays locked. gets unlocked only to be cleaned.

I simply dropped my head and gaze down with her question. How can i tell her? I'm not able to bear all her hate? How can i tell her I'm not so strong...
Maybe it's my ego which is stopping me from telling her all this, but Somewhere it'll hurt her too. What she'll think? What if she leaves me?

"Nah baby you can't" i heard her again and looked up at her to see her smirking.

How she even know?

"Look shivaay. You're lucky enough to get this chance even after all your cruel deeds. So better don't anger me now. And here.. You've no other choice rather than earning forgiveness. Let yourself feel what it feels like... Doing things UNWILLINGLY. You'll earn forgiveness unwillingly... " she whispered in my ear and i looked at her all shocked... What benefit will it give her?

"SATISFACTION" She smiled and took hold of the trolley.

I walked to my room to get the keys with same thoughts. Only the thoughts are scarry. How It'll be to earn forgiveness, that too unwillingly? Phew!

I opened the drawer of my cupboard to get the keys.. When naina's picture appears slipping down the back side.

Tears brimmed and with my trembling hands, i picked the picture with utmost love and care. I feel if I'll pick it with little force... Naina will get hurt.
All the flashes of our old memories started flashing in front of my eyes. I never thought I'll achieve all i wanted to for her...
But i achieved... But... Without her.

I sat down on my bed and looked at her picture again...

"Naina, see your dream is fulfilled today. You wanted everyone  in this kind of house, and they all are here. But only you isn't, why you left us so soon? We had to get you married with your classmate whom you liked!" i swallow and blinking cleared the view "Om and Ru are here too... They are so happy seeing the mansion. They were so eager to explore it completely but your bhabhi stopped them..." i hiccups as i let out my sob.. I hugged the picture and cried...

There are so many pains in my heart but i can't say it to anyone. Not even to my friends... Only Naina knows.

I breathed in to compose my breathes, when i felt a soft hand on my shoulder and on turning i found the purest soul ANIKA standing. My heart wanted to hug her and cry on her shoulder. After all she's the only one apart from my besties, in front of whom i cry.

"Shivaay" she gasped as soon as i looked at her and then she walked toward me with her baby steps. She's still not able to walk properly, all just because of me...

"Hm" i hummed as i brushed off the tears

"Missing naina?" she looked at me and i nodded as tears rolled down my eyes again. It's so hard!

"Shivaay, i can never understand your this pain, as i never lost someone so close like the way you lost. In fact two at once. But i know how much it hurts when you want someone and it's not possible to get them. Like you're missing her and wanting her here... But..  Shivaay in this way you're giving her pain. She must be happy there wherever she's. But with your happy smiles not teary faces. Your tears will be hurting her, so do you want to see her happy or sad?" she spoke with so much seriousness that it shooked me. Her words got registered in my mind at first only. She's right!

I shouldn't cry. Why should i? She will be happy there... But her killer should cry..

"Now wipe your tears sad singh oberoi" she wiped my tears and her touch burned my skin. I love her touch. She's magic!

"Anika" i spoke and she smiled lightly "You can't touch me. I can" she smiled with a glow.

I'm so happy seeing her happy but she's happy because of family not me.

"You're so good. I'm not worthy enough"

"Who you're to decide what's good and bad for me? See shivaay, your work is to try and my work is to think and decide. I'll not forgive you ever till you sincerely try. If you think by not trying and giving up you can still see me, then..  You're so wrong baby. The day you give up, I'll vanish. You'll never get to know anything. Trust me, I'll go so far that you'll never be able to see, listen and touch me ever Again, and then even no other chance. If you think it's  my revenge and i want this all to make you feel the pain, then  you're absolutely right but, there's some other reasons. You know them!" she explained with same seriousness and it gave me goosebumps... I looked in her eyes to see the real anika. The one who's hurt very much hurt because of me and she wants me to heal her.

How can i be so selfish  to give up so soon? I've hurt her so much and this pain will never let her live peacefully. It's because of me, so i should fix it too. Why the heck I'm behaving so selfishly? How can i? She needs to be healed and  she wants to be healed by me as she loves.. Me!?

I blinked and a smile crept on my lips "Mr. Oberoi" i came out of thoughts and smiled more broadly "If your smiling session is over then let me remind you that all are waiting out to eat the dinner..." her cold behavior is back.

Is she tying to behave like me? I used to be same with her.

But now it didn't hurt much and i nodding stood.

We reached down and all were glaring me. I took 10 minutes to bring the keys.

Soon i unlocked the room and heard gasps from all, as expected. Something such royal was their (Family) dream. But we were never so rich to get it. Let it be!

"For how long you all will be with me?" i asked as we all settled down on chairs. I don't want them to go away from me. It's so big house they can live with me... But...

"don't know." dad replied and i frowning looked at him. I sensed some tension and asked again

"everything fine? Is there any problem?"

"Um... I'm here for business. So that's why we don't know for how long we'll be here." bade papa replied and maa looked at me. I can feel she wants to say something but isn't speaking. infact i sensed everyone is hiding  something.

"We've decided something for you both." badi maa spoke before i could ask.

"What's that?" anika excitingly asked. She's completely a different version, when with family.

"Reception. It's needed." dadi informed and i can sense her going pale with same smile still plastered..

Marriage was worst and unwilling. Reception will be salt on wounds to remind her all the past things. I won't let that happen. I'll not hurt her.

"I don't want" i spoke
"Cool" anika spoke. We both spoke togather and all looked at us, as we've grown horns.

"decide"  dadi chuckled

"We want it. Dadi actually shivaay never want to leave his work na. That's why he's saying so. But now as i want it, he also want it." this annie is full to dramma queen. I'm seeing some totally new shades of her.

After decoding that tomorrow night will be reception party we continued our dinner and now the time was of desert. As we all started i broke the silence...

"Bade papa for which deal you're here?"


His stammering isn't usual, there's definitely something wrong with them.

"You can tell me. Trust me." i said and he swallows

"Mehta's New project"

Blood boiled in my veins and i lost the control.
Standing up with anger rushing down my veins, i banged my hands on the table scaring everyone, except anika. She's i guess immune to my anger, now.

"Have you all gone mad? You know, in fact whole the damn world knows that mehta's aren't letting me complete NAINA PROJECT and here you're going to help them in that as their new project will only do harm to my that project only." My voice softens as i ended

"Calm down shivaay" anika held my hand and i don't know why just quietly sat down.

"Majboori hai" maa said. Finally she spoke some thing.

"What's that helplessness that you're ready to go against my NAINA'S PROJECT?" I asked as gently as i could.

"Because of financial crisis." rudy looked at me and i felt as someone pricked my heart "My family is facing financial crisis?" i gasped thinking

"w..What?" i spoke and om sighed as he smacked rudy's head from back. I know why he did so...

"Shivaay... It happens. Profit and loss is part of business. Normal"  om explained but now my mind is fixed on it and everything is in front of me.

I haven't noticed till now that... They weren't wearing designer clothes, no jewelry nothing!


"Shivaay i bought few lands. You know how much low our business is... Nothing is hidden from you. So i decided to take risk and bought few lands with the money i had and few loans. But... i faced the worst. As the digging started, Shiv ji's murti was found from one of that land and  then respectively all the lands had different murti's. And mandir (Temple's) were built there. I lost everything. Bank overlook our property's and other things As the stock Price's crashed, we were left with nothing except few lac. Like  5. And then i got the chance and deal. We were going to visit you so..." bade papa paused and i know what this silence means!

"Lie." i moved away from the table with my trembling legs. Tears filled up as the thought hit my mind. Tearing up my heart into piece's. They fucking still don't love me!

"You came as... It was your need. You didn't came for me, for us." i spoke and omru stood up with smiles and walked to me... "Bhai nothing like that. At least not from our side" they said and held me.

"Shivaay... You maybe right just few percent. Maybe we came here to be sheltered as we lost the Mansion. But we were going to visit you anyway! Reasons are many but... What you think, depends on you" dad spoke and i breathed out. So much happened and i didn't know. I was so mad in taking revenge. So much happened and i knew nothing.

"Why you didn't told us?" Anika finally asked and all looked at me.

"There were some reasons and swears" i informed.

I still remember the day when i was asked to not use even my single penny on them. They don't want to use it as i supported naina's murderer. I was made ti swear on naina that I'll never ever use any money of mine on them util they ask!

"Please for GOD sake! Don't work for someone else. Please." i gulped and folded my hands.
"My everything is yours only. I can never see you all like this. Please." i pleaded and dadi stood up and walked to me

"Shivaay we need some money beta" she cried hugging me. She did it to not break the swear given to me.

I cried hugging her till everyone agreed.

I laid on my bed after a lot of talks. i closed my eyes with worries of what they'll think when they'll find that anika stays on second floor. But the sudden movement on my bed shocked me and opening my eyes i found cute angel in night wear

"Wtf anika?" it just slipped from my mouth as i saw her and she gave me dead glare.

"I... I mean... What you're doing here?" i stammered as she turned to me

"Dear hubby" she traced her finger on my face burning my skin "If you're forgetting then let me remind you that family is here and they don't know anything, and even i don't want them to know, so we'll be staying together. But... But...But... You'll not touch me and will not even dare to remove this distance "  she spoke getting close to my face and laid back as she finished.

"Then I'll stay out. I mean in balcony"

"Take medicine and sleep. Tomorrow i need omelet. Good night."

I love when she orders me...but, why she's behaving so weirdly with me.
Is she trying to tempt me? What the fuck, shivaay! How can you even think of it?

I poured the water in glass and was about to take my medicine but i remember she also need to take hers.

"Anika" i whispered staying in my place and she didn't even moved...

"Anikaaa." i raised the volume and she still didn't moved.

Is she even conscious?

POV Ends...

Shivaay moved little closer to her and bending down to her level he spoke "Anika" but this time it was little loud and that too near her ear. She jerked and her hand hit on his cheek... He stumbled little and fell on her... She immediately got the hold and stopped him from falling on her by placing her hands on his chest.

His eyes met with hers and she too looked up with anger, but that all vanished as soon as they eye contact happened.


Her chocolate brown orbs which were reflecting  her all the pain met with his ocean blue orbs which were reflecting many emotions at same time.
But as they met all changed into LOVE! they reflected love only.

Oh jaanaaa khoya khoya rehta hai.
Dill tarap ke kehta hai, tu hai mere jeene ki wajah.

After the eyelock of 2 minutes, shivaay fell on her as she couldn't hold him for more...

"Ouch" she winced as he bumped on her.

"What happened?" he asked moving back, immediately.

"What the hell you think you're doing?" she yelled

Taking medicine as you ordered."  he smiled cheekily while holding the packet of tablet.

"Oh wao. You've started taking +++ pills? Seriously shivaay?" she controlled her smile as she pointed toward the medicine...

His jaw dropped as he read the name of tablets...

Shivaay was holding the packed of anika's tablet which Doctor gave her for her menstrual problem...

Showing his 32 teeths with closed eyes, in embarrassment he looked away but she... Couldn't hold it for longer and burst into fits of laughter..

"Sh..Shivaay!!! Don't tell Me you take them secretly? no, if you do... Then  you can tell me. I mean haha I'll not tell anyone. Trust me." she kept on laughing while speaking.

Shivaay who was hell embarrassed wanted to shout at her but as soon as he looked at her laughing figure, he almost lost his all the senses. Her open long-straight hair swaying in air with some strands on her face.
Being dumbstruck with the beauty his hands moved toward her face, automatically.
He himself didn't realised that he's moving near her, which she doesn't want.

Holding onto the few hair strands he lovingly tucked them behind her ear on which she being  amazed looked at him.

His touch gave shivers to her. And she closed her eyes feeling it.

"Don't touch me" rule isn't just paining him but also her. The girl who loved his touch most has to stay away just because of him only. Punishing him means, punish yourself too.

"Shivaay" she yelling pushed him and he gulped hard as he fell on floor, holding his stomach.

Her heart flinches as his heart pained. composing herself she angrily looked at him. She doesn't need to fake anger to hide the love and pain. Just divertion to those bitter past and she's all angry on him.

"I told you not to TOUCH ME! DONT DARE TO REMOVE THE DISTANCE!!!" she yelled at him.

But he yellings gave him serious tension. As he thought 'What everyone will think?'

"A...Anika" he stammered standing up.

Impossible! But she did it. He's stammering with fear. The GREAT SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI GETS SCARED BY HIS WIFE.

"Stop this, a..A.A.A.A. Just answer me, why you broke the rule.?" she narrowed her eyes.

"I was trying to wake you up, so that you can also have your medicine..." he picked her medicine  and showed it to her.

Taking in out breathes she laid back "I don't want to."

She refused but he doesn't want to see her more sick. Thinking of ideas to make her eat the medicine he smiled getting one.

"Then even I'll not eat" he laid to his place and she turning raised her eyebrows.

"Don't try to act smart with me. Have them quietly and then sleep."

"I said I'll not have till you've yours" he breathes heavily and turned to other side

"Listen shivaay, you really need them. Have them" she worried sat up.

"No. I don't care about myself. I'll not have till you've yours, even if i  die."

"Shutup" she slapped on his shoulder and he looked at her with wide eyes.

"Haww... Anika you slapped your husband?" he coughed and she bit her lower lip

"Dear hubby." she blew on his face and he looked at her frozing on his place. "Give me the box." she smiled and he with out blinking handed her the box.

"Here" he handed her and she smiled cheekily

"Here have your medicine." she handed him the tablets and in the same trance he was about to gulp them when he felt dizzy and dropped the medicine. 

"Shivaay." she held him and he looked at her blinking twice.

" You've to eat them, first. I can't take risk on your health anika" he swallowed hard and she handed him the box.

"Okay" she agreed and he gave her the tablets gulping down hers she gave him his tablets and then they both laid back to their respective sides!..

Tossing and turning they both looked at eachother finalizing their sleeping positions...

"You knew about them coming? Didn't you?"

"Yes. It was a surprise for you. Was it good? Did you liked it?"

"Yes, in fact i loved it. You're so good anika. Like you always think about me and my happiness... But i never."

"Indeed. It's not good to praise your own self. But there's also no harm in doing that. You know shivaay, since childhood I'm like this. I never think about myself, but others. I never ever wanted something for myself other than freedom." she gulped hard

"Your real parents don't love you? Do they?"

"They do. But their love wasn't strong enough to stand in front of their greediness."

"Do you want to meet them?"

"No. They never met me, so even i don't want to. I'll always love them secretly and will never be able to hate them. But whatever they have done, isn't forgivable. What you think?"

" I'm not right person to say anything on this matter. I'm worse then them." he averted his gaze and she poked on his nose.

"Think like shivaay singh oberoi.!"

"I'll sue them" he yelled and she smiled

"Then should i sue them? But see police will not help me"

"I'll make them help you."

"Your police is useless, they couldn't hold those bastards who kidnapped me."

And the bell rang in shivaay's mind.

"Anika don't sleep I'll come back, soon." he walked toward the balcony side and called Michael...

"You have another work. Tell it to neil too. I need to know about the persons who kidnapped my wife in london. Do it asap. I think we'll get some clue..." he turned dropping the call and failed to notice the hiding figure who's busy listening to his secret talks.

He then looked at sky and smiled... "I'm not lonely, anymore. But you need to be with me always. Will talk soon..." he walked back and saw her fast asleep...

Laying back to his place he looked at her and again tucked the strands.
"I'm sorry annie.. For everything. It's all because of me that you're in this situation and pain. Since childhood, I'm the only reason behind your every problem. I feel so useless thinking about everything as i couldn't help you. But i promise you, I'll never give up again. Never ever, and I'll try my best to fulfill your every dream and wish, whatever you wanted to... But please stay with me always. You're the only person after my besties whom i don't want to lose. On whom I've strong trust that you'll not leave me alone like everyone left. After rahul was gone, i smiled because of you only. You made me smile, despite the fact you were in pain... Pain given by me, only. I've alot to say, alot to tell. I wanted to tell you now. But i think it's not the right time as you slept soon. I'll tell you everything soon...

You know annie... It's so weird na, laying by the side of my wife, i can't even touch you. I know i deserve it but still... Okay! I've no complaints. No demands. I should sleep too. Dear wifey 😟." he wiped his tears and gently kissed her forehead "Sorry but it's good night kiss. Good night love" he smiled closing his eyes and then dozed off...

As soon as he closed his eyes and fell in deep slumber, she opened her moist eyes and looked at her favorite thing, Her Shivaay.

A smile escaped her lips as she heard his soft snorings. Leaning to his face she caressed it with love and care.

"I know shivaay how much my behaviour is hurting you. I'm sorry for that but somewhere you deserve to be treated like this. Call me mean and whatever you want to, but i wouldn't have punished you if you hadn't raped me. You've done the biggest mistake you need to repent. And this punishment is for our goodness only, it's needed to have better future ahead. If today i forgive you without any punishment, then who knows you repeat it again? And i don't want it to happen again. Sorry my love, in a sense you're my angel who've saved me from devils, but same angel is devil too. That's the reason of our distance. But i promise you, everything will get fine, and I'll also not stay angry for longer. Because i trust you and I've belief, you'll earn it  soon. My sweet hubby..." she smiled with tears and kissed his forehead with love "Good night my baby" she laid back to her side and closed her eyes.
Soon they both were cuddling into eachother in their deep slumber.


~~~Anika's POV~~~

I opened my eyes as i heard some noises around me. Peeping through my drowsy eyes i saw him busy in searching files.

"Good morning dear wifey" he immediately came to me with a smile.

Oh lord, i so love his smile.

"Good morning" i yawing sat up and he smiled and then went back into finding files.
Oh, i know he's finding files as they're scattered over the whole floor.

"Are you searching for something?" i asked stepping off the bed and he sighing dropped himself on Bean bag.

"Yeah. I'm searching for my will. I need to make few changes, now." he said

I know why he want it and for what. But, whats the hurry?

"Shivaay... I know you want to name something on your brother's name, but if you do it soon. Then they'll move out and i don't want them to leave soon... So please!!!"  i closed my hair and he looked up at me.

"Yes, you're right. I'll do it later, very later. Thank you." he smiled at me and i smiled back, nothing is wrong in it.

I walked toward the bathroom with the hope he'll say 'Dear wifey your tub is ready' but he didn't said anything till i entered...

"Dear wifey, I've set everything. Just relax, as much as you want to..." he said making me happy... And I'm impressed!

I turned to him and smile, to assure him that I'm happy.

These little things will do the work. Not any other thing.

I entered the bathroom and the tub was filled with warm water and the fragrance of him filled in the air of bathroom.

It feels really good and calming. When I've to take bath after him, with his scent still in the atmosphere.

Laying in the tub i closed my eyes to relax my muscles and wounds. But thoughts occupied me again.

"There's something strange with family.  The way murti's have been found, it seems as someone deliberately planted them there." since tej uncle told about the problem, my mind is stuck there, and i believe someone is trapping them, making them suffer.

"Shivaay is finding someone. Maybe the person because of whom this all fuss is created. The one who drugged him? But who? Even if he was drugged he wouldn't have done it, so most likely... Someone triggered him, someone said something... But who?" i believe it. There's more to everything i know.
There's more to everything happened.

Nothing is normal not even their arrival. First i wasn't thinking about anything but i feel something so worst is going to happen and reason will be FAMILY. Their arrival gave me serious negative vibes. It's not that i don't want them but something bad is ahead.

I opened my eyes with fear of the worst, but I'm not going to think Like that and will think positively!

With same determination i moved to dressing room wearing bathrobe.   His wardrobe i mean dressing room is so big, much more big then mine...

I looked through the shelves to find my clothes but i found them ready on the sofa... They're mine but, who placed them here

I moved toward it and found a sticky note on that

"Dear wifey, you never wore it since you've bought it. I know you're tired and ill so I've arranged them for you. Just wear and slay. Please do wear. Your Unwilling Forgiveness seaker -Shivaay."

I smiled lightly reading it. He's so sweet.

I picked up the dress and wore it. He really arranged everything very welly!

This dress was chosen by Gauri. Gauri? We haven't met since so long. Shit! How can i be so careless? I didn't even called her for once. I dried my hair and walked out of washroom to see him sitting on sofa, as if waiting for someone. maybe for me?

"Oh so finally my dear wifey is back" he stood up seeing me with his cutest smile.

So i was right. he was really waiting for me and i took half an hour to shower...

"Why you were waiting for me? something important?" i asked walking toward the little dressing table to apply the chap-stick.

"No! nothing so important. I was waiting so we could've our morning coffee togather." I looked at ghim through mirror. aw! that cute little pout.

"But you never delay to have your coffee... I mean you hate to wait to drink your coffee!" i still remeber the day when jessie got little, just little late, like  5 Seconds and he yelled at her like she delayed it for hours and hours. and here he waited half an hour for me, just me. How cute!

"Yeah but for you i can delay it for years. now let have it otherwise my stomach will start rumbling." he smiled sweetly and I'm flat.

so sweet he's! I feel like i'm his classmate who's having so strong crush on him and to hide it I'm behaving badly with him and that's the reason his only little actions make me go AW!

"Anika..." he said little louder to bring me out of thoughts "Only if you like to have it with me... otherwise it's okay" he said and i turned to him...

" why i wouldn't like to have coffe with my hubby? Unwilling forgiveness seaker!" i hid smile and walked to the door when he called me out



I expected that he'll say "Kuch nai" i mean i just felt. But he smiled pointing toward the balcony side...
I averted my gaze and found the table with breakfast.

"They won't have it?" i asked moving toward balcony

"No. They're tired and still sleeping so probably they'll have lunch and dinner. Now let's move" he walked ahead and i nodding moved behind him...

We settled and he removed the cover of plate to reveal the omelette i asked him to make for me. I appreciate him but will not tell him..

"Sir." jessie came with the tray. Seems like our coffee.

Placing the tray she left. I looked at shivaay to ask which one is his and he literally ignored me. Huh!

Removing  cover from both mugs i looked in to find another sweet gesture of his for me...with a little shock.

Firstly the mugs were not of black coffee but was milk coffee.
One mug was having ' I'm sorry wifey' then other with 'Good morning dear wifey'

I got what it means, i smiling picked up the mug of good morning wifey. And his smile vanished.

"You're too much intelligent. I knew you'll not take this one." he picked up the other one and smiled "You'll not forgive Me." he forwarded the mug and on clicking we sipped our coffee and smiled.

"Sorry. Actually last night i slept." i said and he smiled

"I know, don't say sorry anika, well if you don't mind can i ask you something? I mean can you tell me what color do you like to wear tonight? You know..." he stammered like a new bride and i hid a smile

"Of course. I'll but first tell me do you want to tell me something? I know you want to tell me..." i asked and he gulped...

"Yes...and even you want to tell me something. Don't you?!!!

"Yes. Let's tell order wise. First i asked, so You'll tell me first and then i..


To Be Continued.!

Precap: Best Day!

Hello people's I'm sorry from your authors side. I'm sumi and you know me. Well guys your author isn't fine at all to update it. infact I'm the one who helped her in writing this  and updating. I know you all are angry but she's little critical, so i think you all will surely understand it and will not blame her. I'm sorry from her side and aslo, I'm sorry. Sorry we couldn't reply. Sorry for not updating. Sorry for everything. Thanks for the love, keep that coming. Love you all.

Stay safe and happy!



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