•Leaving behind, Mending things•

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The life which was supposed to be good after the capture of their villains didn't go as planned. Everybody suffered injuries not just physical but also some mental injuries, on the brain.

Hearing Shivaay's scream Raj who was sitting outside his ward decided to finally go inside. Raj was sitting outside debating with himself whether to go inside or not. He saw him rushing in with tears flowing like a river, completely broken.

He wanted to go but wasn't sure if he should or not. After hearing him screaming Rahul's name he finally decided to go and see what was going on with him.

As he entered he saw him sweating profusely with swollen eyes and red face which was the sign that he slept while crying.

"You okay?" Raj asked looking at him and Shivaay nodded looking back at him.

"I'm. Even if not, I will be," Shivaay spoke with painful voice and Raj nodded as  Shivaay looked away.

"I need to talk about something," Raj spoke seeing him looking away.

"You can see... I'm not in the mood." Shivaay replied not looking at him.

"Yes pretty much is visible.  I am not gonna take your no. I'm here to talk." Raj moved closer and stopped right beside him. "You're trying to avoid looking at me but, I'm going to make you look at me," Raj spoke and Shivaay sighed.

"Aren't you all done? Stop making me feel so low. Okay?." Shivaay angrily spoke looking at him.

"I'm sorry. It's me because of whom this is happening isn't it?" Raj spoke sitting down and Shivaay glared him angrily.

"I don't want to hear anything Raj. I'm seriously not in the mood." Shivaay calmly spoke averting his gaze.

"You... You're stubborn. I'm still going to speak what I want to. Shivaay I'm sorry and I really am. I was wrong to blame you for most of the things. We weren't active enough to find our flaws inside us. It's easy to blame others and make them feel low about themselves but it's hard very hard to accept the fault of own self and blame oneself." Raj gulped hard and Shivaay fixed his eyes on him.

"You have been blamed and I heard what Annie and you did inside there. I heard it all. And, I feel hurt listening to what just happened between you and It hurts to realize I did that damage to you even if you don't want to blame me.  I accept I was rude and harsh toward you and I am sorry for that. I can undo the damage which affected you so badly. But I can put a stop to it and I just started it with you by apologizing. I am going to make everyone else realize what we have been doing. I'm sorry for everything. Also, We are going back at night. Rudra and his fiancee will be staying with you according to their plan but we will be leaving with Rahul. Stop. Don't utter even a word. Listen first. We came to help and it's over. This travel there wasn't a piece of luck for all of us. I believe if we stay more here, we gonna fall apart. And none of us wants that or does we? No, So, We will go back and when you return we will live like we used to. We are going to leave the shit which happened here, here only not taking back. So, now tell me what do you think?" Raj chuckling asked.

"Speech. I hate your these speeches. Well, I wasn't going to agree when first you spoke of going back but now, I think you're right to stay here wasn't a bit of luck for us. So, I agree. I agree to you that you should leave and we will meet there as I left you there. I and you all will be the same then no difference. I hate to admit that... I now want you all to leave now only so everything doesn't change." Shivaay too chuckled.

"Weird isn't it? First time I guess someone wants their soul friends to walk away." 'Raj dramatically spoke and Shivaay chuckled.

"For something better. For a better future." Shivaay placed his hand on Raj's shoulder.

"Why you were screaming Rahul's name?" Raj asked.

"I had a nightmare. I saw that whole thing happening again. It is going to take some time to get out of that crap." Shivaay smiled and Raj hugged him.

"Never blame yourself ever again or let anyone blame you even if it's me. Okay? Know your worth and don't fall down in your own eyes. I just love you." Raj patted his shoulder.

"I love you too buddy." Shivaay hugged back with tears brimming in his eyes.

After a couple of seconds, they parted and Raj excusing himself walked out of the ward and froze seeing Pari standing behind the curtain with tears covering her face.

"Come with me." Raj dragged her away and as soon as they were away Pari hugged Raj and cried bitterly.

"I'm sorry for everything." Pari cried.

"Shut up. You heard all that I told him?" Raj asked.

"Yeah." Pari sniffled parting.

"Same goes for you. So shut up." Raj wiped off her tears.

"Matters are different," Pari spoke looking into his eyes.

"We will talk about it later. Don't cry and get ready to leave. We are going back." Raj pinched her cheeks and she nodded.

"We all?" Pari asked and Raj looked at her for couples of seconds and then smiled.

"Yes, We all," Raj replied and they both walked away.

Pari walked toward Rahul's ward to see if he is awake yet or not and Raj walked toward the cabin of doctor to have a talk with her about everyone's health.

Pari entered Rahul's ward and was shocked to see him awake and rushed to him with happy tears rolling down her eyes.

"You... You're awake." Pari literally laid on him hugging him.

"Yes, I'm. Stop or I will die of suffocation." Rahul spoke in a joyful voice.

He was happy to see her there though he was the only one who stopped Soumaya to tell anyone about him awake.

"Okay. I don't want you to die after we spent tons of money on you." Pari too dramatically spoke.

She completely changed once she entered his ward, something only Rahul can do, make everyone happy.

"Yeah, I know you care about your money." Rahul smiling rolled his eyes acting as if he was offended.

"How are you?" Pari seriously asked and he nodded.

"Fine," Rahul replied yawning.

"Hey couch potato, aren't you tired of sleeping that you're still yawning." Pari hit on his shoulder.

"No sleep is enough." Rahul looked at her and she nodded.

"I've got a piece of news for you. We all are going back to Dubai." Pari told him and he looked at her with confusion.

"How can we? Bhabhi can't stay there due to her health." Rahul asked with concern.

"We are going they're not. They will come after babies are born. We need to look out for his business there." Pari told him so he could agree.

"Okay you go I don't want to. I will stay with them." Rahul refused clearly.

"You can't. You're mature enough to understand so I'm going to tell you clearly that this stay here isn't a stroke of luck for us so do avoid more conflicts between us we need to head back and when they come there everything will be as it was no changes, we will leave every problem here only." Pari told with tears rolling down her eyes.

"You're all fooling yourselves. Do you think that this is as easy as you're telling or you know the bitter truth and just trying to live in your dreamlands" Rahul talked in harsh tone while telling the harsh reality?

"Shut up Rahul." Rajveer entered and Pari looked at him with tearful eyes. "You forgot how you're supposed to talk?  How can you talk with her like this?" Rajveer glared Rahul and he lowered his gaze.

"I'm sorry." Rahul apologized unwillingly because according to him he was very much right.

"It's okay, kid. I'm fine I will go and see if Raj got the discharge papers as you, leaving with us is final." 

Rahul nodded as Rajveer asked him through his eyes and Pari left them alone.

"I wasn't sorry it was for you," Rahul spoke looking away.

"You should be. If we all are trying to leave things behind you should do that with us instead of telling us that we are fooling ourselves. You know, we have been together for how long. It will shatter us all to leave anyone, we might not be able to live the way we used to live but in this way we will manage." Rajveer told him and Rahul looked at him.

"Too far gone. Nothing is getting fine. If we go today no tomorrow will fix anything." Rahul told him and Rajveer chuckled.

"You got real big. I agree with everyone and even you. But we need to take our chances. Don't you think there's always one chance left.?" Rajveer asked and Rahul stared him quietly.

"I do think that there's always one chance left but... How can we leave them alone?" Rahul asked.

"We aren't leaving them alone. They are there for each other. When they needed us, we were here but they need each other now, So we should go and let them heal each other and we will heal ourselves. Things will be back and everything is going to be fine. We haven't gone too far now. This today is going to make things alright so we won't be needing that tomorrow for anymore fixes." Rajveer replied him and Rahul smiled.

"I got it... Why pari was so much offended?" Rahul asked making him go numb.

"You rest we will talk about it soon. Once we go back." Rajveer caressed his face and understanding Rahul smiled keeping his hand on Rajveer's.

"I'm big to understand." Rahul blinked his eyes and Rajveer with tears hugged him.

"Yeah, you're." Rajveer sniffled.

"Yeah." Rahul too sniffled.

Raj and Pari smiled seeing them and fake coughing entered the ward.

"We are ready to leave. We are going to leave in few hours in private jet of ours. So let's say our bye to them?" Raj looked at them and they looked at him.

"Yeah," Rajveer spoke and Rahul looked at them confused.

"Our jet?" Rahul finally asked.

"Yeah. Shivaay owns many don't you remember?" Pari spoke.

"Yeah but that is of him. Not ours..." Rahul smiled.

"It doesn't matter. What mine is of them we all are one." Shivaay came and Rahul smiled.

"Finally we all are here," Rahul spoke excitedly.

"Yeah." They all matched his excitement.

"How are you now?" Shivaay asked placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm perfect now. With you all beside me." Rahul replied.

"Yeah, and you were not ready to let me go and tell them that you're awake." Soumaya entered with a wheelchair.

"I wasn't ready at that time but I guess I was wrong. I needed them and there was no place for getting ready as I am always ready but just didn't know." Rahul spoke.

"You're talking like a philosopher since you woke up." Soumaya parked the wheelchair and looked at Raj. "Here is your wheelchair." She smiled at him.

"Thank you." Raj thanked her and with everyone's help they got Rahul on the wheelchair.

"We leaving?" Rahul asked horrified.

"Yes. What's the matter?" Pari asked.

"I haven't take a pee. I mean I need to get freshen up. You can't take me like this." Rahul reasoned.

"Idiot. We won't take you like this. You will get the time to freshen up. Just say your bye so Annie gets to see you all. She will sleep in no time if we delay more." Shivaay smiled and they all chuckled.

With all those smiled they entered her ward and she was talking with Rudra who was asked to be with her for little time and they both weren't that happily talking.

As soon as they all entered her ward her face lit up and she was happy. Rudra too smiled because it was after long that they all were smiling.

Indeed, Rahul was their happiness.

"I wish I could run and embrace you," Annie spoke with a pout.

"I am happy you didn't try to run." Rahul chuckled.

"I wasn't going to suffocate you to death." Annie reached his face as Pari parked his wheelchair near Annie.

"I'm fine. Hope you're too." Rahul asked and she nodded.

"Yup I'm too." Annie smiled.

"I'm... We all are going." Rahul told her and she nodded.

"I got to know and I will miss you all so much but soon I will be there," Annie told with tears brimming and voice cracking.

"It should be a happy bye," Raj spoke and Annie nodded.

"It is supposed to be a happy one but you see..." She chuckled. "I can't control my hormones who are pushing me to cry," Annie replied half crying and half smiling.

"You shouldn't cry we will meet soon." Rahul kissed her hand and she nodded holding back her tears.

"Yeah, I won't cry," Annie told and looked up at the rest of them and her eyes met with Shivaay's and she broke down into fits of tears.

"You just said you won't cry," Rahul spoke disappointedly.

"I did say but didn't promise," Annie spoke in between her sobs.

She couldn't control her cries and end up crying loud while smiling. Pari moved ahead and held her hands as she knew why this sudden broke out of tears happened.

"You know everything is fine and whatever happened between you two was a moment of emotions and heat. You were not serious, I know. He wasn't wrong, you weren't wrong but he is ready to talk again and you should be too. Now, get hold of yourself. You can... Shivaay is sorry and you too, everything is sorted." Pari whispered in her ear and Annie looked at her and nodded.

"Emotions mixed up. I wasn't going to fall, so weak. It's just so much." Annie wiped her tears and smiled.

"We understand." Pari and Rahul spoke and all nodded.

"We should leave..." Raj spoke and they all nodded.

To Be Continued...

Precap: Annie's POV...

Below are the pictures of the actors I have been imagining the characters of the book to be...

Zain Imam as Rajeev. I have been Writing it as Rajveer so both are same. I just misspelt.

Shrenu and Kunal as Om and Gauri.

Akshay Mhatre as Raj.

Additi Gupta as Ragini.

Neha and leenesh as Soumaya and Rudra.

Nakuul and Surbhi as Shivaay and Anika. (Annie.)

Ankit Raj as Siddharth.

Drashti as Pari.

Meghan Jadhav as Rahul.

Thank you so much for letting me know that I shouldn't invest my so much of time into writing this book. I was so wrong to assume that I need to give it my special time to make it up to you but I now know. 

One update in a month is enough. I wrote that special update of 9,000 words so that you all don't get to wait for the mystery of the fight which I wasn't planning to give out in near time but I did and the response I got was... Well, A lesson.

I won't be giving any long update anymore. If I get time then I will write and if not I won't no priority. I hope the loyal ones understand me and the others can go anywhere they want to because they were never into this story. Thank you and sorry if I was rude but that's how things go when you are hurt to the extent that you just burst out.

I appreciate your all reviews and read them too but I don't get time to write the story so writing back the comments is not really possible but just know, I do read and appreciate it pal! Thank you.


Love ~ Annie...

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