• Michael's 'Culprit?•

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~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I walk into my room finishing my conference call just to see the bundle of my happiness. Anika sleeping hugging my pillow.

"Cute," I muttered before covering her with a duvet.

I lay beside her and scanned her face which was just reflecting happiness at the moment. The past face of her never reflected this thing. All she had at that time was pain and somewhere I was responsible for that but, Now, I'm happy as I'm able to drive it all out of her life.

"Shivaay" She muttered and I smile hearing my name from her mouth. It feels so good when someone calls your name with so much love and affection even in their sleep. I don't know what good I did that God gave me her. Just there's one person missing, Rahul. God!

Thinking about all this I don't know when I fell asleep.

I open my eyes as I feel anika moving. I look at her as she steps off the bed and walks toward the washroom. I blink and see her slipping. I don't know where this superpower came in me and next second I was holding her in my arms.

"Shivaay" She screamed but it came out as a whisper. I breathed out seeing her safe in my arms and she smiled lightly realising she's safe.

I quietly helped her to the washroom and she kept looking at me.

"Shiv..." She started once I laid her down but I didn't let her speak and glared her angrily.

"Don't you dare utter even a single word." I started once sitting beside her with as much anger as I could show her.

"Why? What did I do?" She asks as if she doesn't know.

"Anika don't try to be over smart with me." I look at her and she turned her face.

"Why didn't you wake me up when you were going to the washroom? What if I didn't feel you moving and caught you on time? what then anika?" I asked as the wave of fear ran down my spine.

"Shivaay nothing will happen. It was just..." I cut her

"No Anika. It's not just...  It's about your life. You know it. " I held her hand and she looked at me. 

"I'm sorry. I'll be more careful now." She makes a puppy face and I smile seeing it and hugged her as tight as possible.

She's crazy!

"Shivaay... What if doctor's doubt is right and it's more than one baby?" She asks with fear in her voice.

"Then we'll have more happiness anika." I stroke her hair and she looks at me with a slight smile.

"I know but, will we be able to handle them?" She locked her hand with mine and I thought for a moment before giving her an answer as she'll then stick to what I'll say.

"What do you think about it? I would like to hear your thoughts before saying anything." I sat up and she shifted her head in my lap and I started stroking her hair as she started thinking.

I kept looking at her face as she changed expressions umpteenth time.

"Shi-" She started but then stopped and again went into her world of thoughts.

"Anika," I called and she looks at me. "You know If you keep on thinking this way then you'll be done after the marriage of our children." I chuckled and she hit me on my shoulder before burying her face in my stomach as she could reach to it only.

"Look at me" I made her look at me and she like an innocent child looked at me. "What's the thing which is bothering you as you started this topic then there must be something particular which you wanted to talk?" I ask and she stares her hands. 

"Shivaay I'm scared what if It's more then one baby and if I fail to take care and... Loses them. You'll hate me..." She ended it with heaviness in her voice and eyes getting moist. I felt some pricking in my heart seeing her and then her words were also hurting...

"Don't think like this anika. I know you're scared but it's normal and having more than one baby too is normal. And about hating you in case... in case of tragedy. You're so wrong here. Why would I hate you? You know you're more important to me than anything else. If you'll be with me always then babies come again, But by hating you I'll be fool enough to kick away my whole bundle of happiness. Making long the short, I just have you and nothing can make me hate you, now. You're all that matters to me. I love you." I kissed her forehead and she smiled with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I love you too" She whispers and I smiled.

"Also, Don't worry about the pregnancy of 2 babies. I'll always be with you." I laid down with her on my arm and she hugged me.

"Shivaay  I can't imagine my life without you." She snuggled into me and I smiled before kissing her hair and having casual talks don't know when sleep overtook us and we slept peacefully.

The morning didn't wait much and arrived so soon. I opened my eyes as the bright rays of sun hit on my face disturbing and irritating me to hell. I looked at the direction and found curtains again not set properly.

This anika na, I have told her so many time to not move curtains. I rolled my eyes and stepped off the bed without disturbing her. I walked to the washroom after making sure no rays disturbs her. Taking a quick shower I changed into my formals and walked down to bring her breakfast. 

It was me who would make breakfast for her but she asked me not to do it as I've got a lot of other works. I argued over this but it's Mrs who always wins.

"Sweetheart" I whispered in her ear placing breakfast aside. Her lips curved into a beautiful smile but We don't have much time to admire each other.

"Anika. WAKE UP!!!!" I said little loud and she opened her one eye and raising her hand showing me two fingers she covered herself and slept again.

"Hell. Your two minutes never get over.  Last time too you did this and we couldn't get to join others in the festival now wake up." I lightly shooked her and she threw away the blanket in irritation and stepped off the bed. 

"What man! You never let me sleep" She made faces and walked to the washroom.

Once she went in I arranged our breakfast on the table and walked into the washroom to arrange her clothes and help my lazy girl get ready. well, I won't really call her lazy as she's not. Right now she's tension and depression free that's why she's like this but before she used to be so fast, even in sickness.

"Anika. C'mon" I shook my head in disbelief seeing her sleeping in her dressing room.

"Shivaay you came here too. Please let me sleep..." She yawned and slept again.

"ANIKA DON'T YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW MANY BABIES WE'RE GOING TO HAVE?" I whispered in her ear and her head shot up.

"Of course  I do want to know. Give me  a minute and I'll be back taking shower." She immediately rushed to the washroom again and returned taking a quick shower till I also arranged her clothes and helping her in getting ready we walked out and having breakfast we left toward the hospital.

Anika is taken in for the checkup and tests and here I'm pacing like a pendulum. I even broke my phone in anger as it was buzzing continuously.

"Shivaay..." I heard her voice and walked to her "Is everything fine?" I ask as she hugs me.

"What did she say anika?" I caress her hair and she parted "Nothing. I was nervous as hell. An hour or so we'll get the reports." She said and I let out my breath and hugged her again.

"Would you like to have something? Something like?" I ask her to help her get normal as she was really so much nervous and her heart beats could be heard from far away too.

"Can I get pani puri here?" She asks with innocence and I smiled.

"Of course." I didn't tell her anything as it's the first time she asks me something with so much innocence and without any hesitation, Though she had asked for ice-creams too still there was some kind of hesitation in there but this time nothing is like that.

I hold her hand and walk out of the hospital. Buckling her with the seat I walk to my side and buckling myself I drove to the place where we could get pani puri and once she was full with it I left her at the house and went to the office. As I entered office I looked at the stressed faces of my staff and walked in my cabin.

"Sir"  An employee reached me and I looked at her.


"We lost the foreign contract of 9-star hotel." She dropped the bomb on me. Damn! I was working so hard to get this contract. shit!!!!

"How can we?" I shouted at her and she flinched dropping the files in her hand.

"S...Sir, you weren't there. They waited so much but you didn't come" She spoke with tears in her eyes.

I dropped my head back regretting shouting at her and asked her to leave the cabin. I dialled my secretary's number and asked her to bring a mobile for me. After cancelling the call I dialled hospital's number where Michael has been admitted. 

"ANY IMPROVEMENTS?" I ask as soon as the other side picked up the call but as usual to my disappointment, it's a BIG NO!

I dropped the call and walked back to my seat and resting my head back I closed my eyes.

"Sir I think you shouldn't behave with anika mam the way you're behaving she seems to be a nice soul, not the one you think her to be..." Michael's old pieces of advice rings in my mind. A lone tear escapes my eyes as  I miss him.

"Sir Here's your phone"  My secretary comes in and the first person whom I call is "Rajveer and Raj"

"I'm busy shivaay. I'm quitting this call you carry on with raj" Rajveer dropped the call and I sighed before raj picked up the call.

"Shivaay I have got a good and bad news." He paused

"Combine it. I don't want to wait for any more." I rolled my eyes

"Sid is behind the accident." He told and I took a deep breath before the tears roll down and I dropped the call nodding my head.

I knew he wasn't the way he showed himself as. I know he was the one because of whom my anika had to go through all that rape ... He was the one who manipulated me. But, I never ever thought that he would fall so low.

but the question is why he even wanted to kill me?

I didn't know all this while I was crying as I made 2 biggest mistakes in my life and that were making Ragini and sid my friends and including them in my besties list.

"You don't have to cry over their betrayal." I looked up to find my favourite trio standing.

"I love you guys for this." I pushed away my chair and hugged them and sharing a warm long hug with my besties I moved away and we got seated in our private room.

"Shivaay you know we don't want to see you crying so that's why we are here so you don't cry like idiots, Now stop your fucking tears man." Pari wiped off my tears and I smiled at her statement.

"I'm hurt, man. " I never hide my emotions in front of them so, I whined.

"We know baby. But, It's time to take revenge." Raj hugged me and I nodded.

"What do you think must be the reason behind him doing this?" Rajveer asked and I shrugged off my shoulders.

"I don't know but I just know that he and Ragini are one. They both are behind me for maybe money. Sid was the one who spiked my drink and manipulated me while Ragini aroused me." I looked away and they went "HMM" 

"Okay, then we've again a lot of work to do. Unlike you." Raj narrowed his eyes with a smirk.

"I do have work too. I'm not free." I narrowed my eyes too and they all glared at me.

"Shut up! You freaking lost the deal of 9-star. You know that or not?" Pari snapped her fingers and I looked away ignoring her question.

"Here. These are the papers of the deal." Rajveer placed on the table and I looked at him with a proud smile.

"Stop giving me such looks shivaay. You better tell us before about your appointment with the doctor. It's really hard to crack it at the last moments and thanks to your anger. WE COULDN'T EVEN CONTACT YOU." He angrily looked at me and I looked down with a puppy face.

"Hmm... Sorry" I muttered and they laughed out loud.

"You don't need to be sorry. JUST FUCKING INFORM US!" Pari started lovingly and ended it with anger.

"I love you guys so much" I hugged rajveer and then pulled others too.

"WE TOO LOVE YOU MAN." They reciprocated.

"Tell us. How's your baby doing?" Pari hit me with elbow and I facepalmed.

"Shit. I had to collect the reports."

"What happened? Reports?" Raj asked and I nodded collecting my things.

"Yes! The doctor thinks it's more than one baby..." I paused and they all were anxious to know.

"So we did tests. I need to collect those reports."

"Shivaayy... I think we're coming with you to know the result." Pari picked up her bag and I smirked.

"But you guys have a lot of work to do, Unlike me. It's okay. I'll inform you guys on call or message" I started going out and they all were signing each other.

"Work can wait for an hour or two men. It's okay. We can give you company and break the news with you." Raj spoke opening the door.

"Yeah. We can arrange surprise cake or something like that for bhabhi... To make her feel good, More good." Rajveer went ahead and shooking my head in disbelief seeing their tactics I followed them and we got in our cars and drove toward the hospital.

I can never ever get more good friends then them!!!


Precap: Reports!


Love ~ Annie

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