•Reality strikes badly.•

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~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

Next words which escaped her mouth shocked me. No that will be an understatement. That words pierced my heart.

"Shut up Mr. Oberoi and Get lost."

What did I do to deserve such behavior of her, now?

I couldn't speak anymore and left from the room with my tears ready to fall at any moment. I bumped into Rahul as I exited the room with tears rolling down my eyes.

"Bhai..." He followed me as I didn't bother to stop or listen to him because, right now I'm in so much pain that I don't want to talk to anyone because I know they'll become the prey of my anger.

"I told you to ask her if she's okay or not. Than why didn't you asked?" I stopped on my steps as he shot that questions.

"How is it even related?" I know he heard every bit of our conversation.

"Bhai... I just feel. Please ask the doctor to check if she's okay or not. Or the babies..." Rahul held my hand and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"You're telling me everything right now.!" I commanded and he looked down. "Rahul... You know what your questions are meaning? You are doubting her if she's pregnant or not." I confronted him as from night his behavior and questions are bothering me so much because he was hell bent on knowing if babies are kicking her or not but I couldn't come to any conclusions as my mind was absent.

"Bhai... She might not be our Anika Bhabhi." Rahul finally spoke and I stood still with my hands in the air and eyes focused on him. Blood drained off my body as I registered his words clearly.

"You know... You know what you're saying?" I asked shooking him and he looked at me puzzled.

"Didn't bhabhi told you about that?" He asked me and I was speechless.

Did she know anything like that or is he playing with the words?

"Rahul, what you want to say? What Annie didn't tell me?" I asked dragging him out of the hospital and he shivered with fear as I angered.

"Bhai... You're scaring me." He shuttered

"Scaring? Do you even know what your statements are doing to me? I'm fucked up. Right now I'm freaking out and dying with each passing second. Do you realize that?" I shouted my lungs out and he covered himself with his hands and took a few steps back.

"Shivaay calm down." I heard a familiar voice and blinked my eyes to see my friends standing infront of me holding Rahul.

"Raj..." I breathed out as my emotions took over me and all the anger drained out and tears rolled down my eyes. I couldn't speak anymore and felt my voice lost somewhere.

"Shivaay. Don't cry." Pari came to me and patted on my shoulder and I sighed out.

"I'm falling apart." I spoke before falling on the ground and crying out my heart.

My annie? Where is she?

"Shivaay calm the fuck down. Why the fuck is you even crying?" Rajveer came to me and pulled me up by my shoulders.

"What the fuck you expect from me right now? Laugh?" I shouted and he closed his eyes.

"I just said... CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" He stretched the specific words and I looked at him and then did what he asked me to.


"Dare you to shout again at him." Raj scowled while consoling Rahul.

"Raj do you even know what he said to me? Do you even know?" I emphasize to highlight and he rolled his eyes and glared me back.

"Yes, we do know. What do you think we are here for?" Raj raised his hand in the air and wiggled his brows telling me 'Isn't it obvious'

"You all know? Even Annie knows! Why the hell I don't know anything?" I shouted angrily.

"Shivaay raising voice will not change the fact that we all know and you don't." Pari tapped my shoulder and I breathed out seething.

"Care to tell me." I titled my neck and glared her and she nodded.

"Annie... She asked us to come here as soon as possible because she doesn't want you to face any danger alone. Not anymore." Pari spoke and I seethed.

"She's dumb and you all are dumb too. If she did tell you than why didn't you tell me?" I glared them all.

"Because we understood what she meant and now we can even see why she had to call us." Rajveer walked back to Rahul.

"What do you mean?" I asked walking to him.

"Meaning is simple. You're too overwhelmed by the sudden events that you're not understanding anything. The sensitivity of the matter. You're just too emotional right now to handle things." Raj seriously spoke and I looked at them all NUMB.

What even?

"What are you all trying to tell me?" I asked and they exchanged glances.

"Shivaay come with us..." They took me to their RV in which they came to the hospital.

"Have some water." Pari offered me and In one gulp I finished the water and she looked at me.

"Shivaay you're emotionally attached with Anika. You can't see anything happening to her. You love your family so much that if something happens to them even than you'll lose it. You also, Can't see anything happening to Rahul. In short, you're too weak to fight alone. You've plenty of weaknesses." Pari held my hand and squeezed it.

"No matter what you'd never dare to mess with someone who is targeting everyone you love. Rahul is here that's a coincidence but... That Coincidence changed when they found him hiding in your car." Pari finished and I looked on.

Mean Rahul is here with a motive?

I was right while doubting him.

"No, you weren't right." Raj spoke and I looked at him. "He isn't here with any motive he is forced for everything. He knows that you love your family so much and they were targeting them and forcing him to do as they say otherwise they'd kill your family." Raj explained and I chuckled.

"Really? Anika is also part of my family. You know that?" I looked at them with pain in my eyes and they nodded.

"But he tried to save her too." Rajveer spoke and I frowned.

"Really? You're supporting him in this, and telling me he tried to save her? Really? Do you even know he tried to kill her and separate us?" I looked at Rahul and they all were angry on me.

"For God's sake Shivaay. Come out of your madness. You know this was the exact reason that Anika called us here. You're too blind in hate for everyone else that you'd not have thought once before getting him killed or throw him away if you'd have known what she knew." Pari shooked me and stepped away from me. "You've lost your sanity. Your dumb right now." She walked to the other side as I looked on.

"Please... Stop fighting. I don't want to see this." Rahul hitched for breaths and I felt the sting in my heart hearing his voice. "Bhai..." He came to me on his knees and held my feet. "I always considered you as my father more than a brother. I don't mind you doing anything to me. This life is given by you and I don't care if you take it away." He cried. "I know it's my fault. I should've told you directly but you didn't even ask me. You didn't... She did. She asked me my problem. She asked me why I'm doing this. Why is everything so fishy." He held my hand and continued. "She told me to tell her the problem If I'm afraid of you. She promised me that she'll tell you and I don't have to do this... I don't have to see your anger. I feared to see you angry. I feared to face your hate." He cried hugging my legs and I cried with him.

They were all saying the truth I was messed up. I am weak.

"Sshh..." I pulled him up and hugged him.

How can I be so selfish to put all the blame on the others while I myself was too overwhelmed with everything that I DIDN'T PAY ANY ATTENTION TO ANYTHING CAREFULLY.

"I'm Sorry. I really am. I have nothing to say anymore. I can just apologize." I consoled him and he did stop crying for a while before he parted and then cried again.

"You don't have to apologize. It's me who needs to do this... I shouldn't have hide in that car." He cursed himself and I looked down ashamed.

I made him do this... CURSE HIMSELF?

"Shivaay...Are you sure she is not your Anika." Raj asked.

"Yes. She will never use the words that I just heard from that bloody fake bitch." I confidently replied and they nodded.

I saw their face softening and they relaxed.

"I can confirm it if we've to. I know one thing about her... which only I know." I told them and they cheered up.

"Bingo. Go and check. We know she's not Anika and I can even guarantee that Our Annie is safe." Rajveer spoke and I looked at him with a frown.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Because if this fake is planning to stay with you they'd need 3 babies. And there's no other simple way than to keep real Annie safe till delivery." Raj explained and I smiled, relieved.

Thank God. There's a chance for us to get her back, Alive.

"Shivaay you can smile later. Go and confirm for our own relief and we will search for her." Pari came to me and I nodded.

"Take care of Rahul." I hugged them all and left from there.

WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF THEY'D NOT HAVE ARRIVED? Were they right that I'd have killed Rahul? Or have hurt him?

Yes. They're right. If they'd not have arrived at that moment than I was going to thrash him so bad.

I'm so sick. I need to behave. I need to control my anger. I can't let that overpower me. I need to learn to control my anger.

To Be Continued...

Precap: Will they find her?

Thank you so much for everything... I just need one more thing from you all and that is follow. Please follow me because I think I might make my one or two or this book private so I don't want you to feel any trouble so kindly follow me and DON'T UNFOLLOW ME.

Thank you.

I want you all to be active to make me active.

Next update will be tomorrow and for that, you all need to be active.

KHOTANI12 Check out her book that's lit.

Love ~ Annie...

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