•Too much to handle•

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~~~Annie's POV~~~

I sighed as he decided to not tell me so easily and cry first. I let him do what he wanted to, cry.

Seeing him crying like a small baby with so much pain and guilt made me cry too but I don't have any other choice other than letting him pour out his emotions as he wants too. If I stop him today than some other day or month this will burst out of him and in the worst way.

"Annie... Can I go back to the time and revert everything?" He after wiping his tears asked and I inhaled a sharp breath on his question.

"What made you regret so much? Why do you want to do that?" I asked, rubbing his hand.

"Because the past is horrible and has ruined future of so many. Why can't I just go back?" He whined, helplessly.

"Shivaay... You know everything which happens, happens for a reason. Try to be positive about..." Before I could complete he stopped me by placing his hand on my mouth.

"No, don't. Don't tell me that this all happened for a reason for the good thing. Nothing is good now. Every-Everything is bad and you won't be able to digest the facts you are going to know." He walked me back to the bed as he suddenly got hold of himself.

"Shivaay are you fine?" I asked as he made me sit on the bed and sat down on the stool.

"Yes. I am much better now. All those tears helped me." He sniffled.

"You sure?" I asked not satisfied.

"Yes. I didn't want to tell you about this as you might take stress but because of my emotional burst out you're going to stay stressed out if you don't get to know the reason so I have to tell you about this now only. Annie... Fake Anika, Amy, died. Somebody killed her as we were coming to you." He paused and clenched his fists tightly as if preventing himself from something.

"Who killed her? Is it someone I know?" I asked as he stopped.

"Yes, you know. You know him, I know him. We all knew him but we never expected him to be the one behind everything. I feel..." He paused and I glared him as my anxiety started to trigger me.

"Shivaay who was he?" I asked gritting my teeth and he sniffled.

"Mr Malhotra." He uttered and the next minute my mind went blank I couldn't hear any more words he told. I went deaf to everything. My brain stopped functioning. Tears... I could feel my tears on my cheeks. 

I can see Shivaay looking at me while telling me something. I was able to hear my heartbeats and my mind spinning with everything so clear, I wasn't able to understand anything.

I closed my eyes and opened them swiftly trying to come out of that deafness. 

"He... He killed her." I finally heard his voice as he shook me.

"Shiv... Mr Malhotra?" I was shocked. No that will be an understatement.

I was way more than shocked that I blanked out and wasn't able to understand anything.  I was hurt and guilty.

"Yes... He was the one." He nodded and I closed my eyes and fell on the bed. I could hear him screaming my name and trying to wake me.

I was awake. I was able to hear him and that was the proof I was awake but I wasn't able to do anything. I felt like I died. Or maybe paralyzed. 

First that deafness attack and now this. I couldn't handle the shock he gave me. I closed and opened my eyes to digest the TRUTH. Shivaay was right I won't be able to digest it.

"Doctor..." He shouted and I breathed out sharply letting him know that I'm not dead. I saw that sigh of relief on his face but that wasn't for too long before he started to cuss himself. But I, I was of no use as I was not able to move anymore. My brain stayed active while my body hibernated.

"She just struck to bed suddenly." He informed the doctor and the doctor started to check me. Tears were flowing non-stop as all the moments of mine with him and everyone flashed in front of my eyes. It was paining badly. The truth was paining. It hurts so bad to me who just met them, what will be the state of others than?

"What did you do to her? Did you tell her something? I mean anything stressing?" The doctor yelled and shivaay nodded. I could see, but not react anymore.

I was out of my body. 

"What has happened to her?" Shivaay asked while shivering.

"She is shocked. It is called a psychological shock. It happens when a surge of strong emotions hit the victim. Something which you told her has traumatized her." The doctor sighing told him and he was regretting immediately.

But for me... I was so weak. I couldn't handle anything and made him regret more. I was cursing myself for being so weak. My eyes were open now. I wasn't able to close them anymore and soon just Shivaay's face was visible to me when he told me about Mr Malhotra. I was stuck there. My eyes didn't cry anymore and I was in a state of paralysis.


"Annie... Doctor..." I finally blinked my eyes.

"She's out of it. Sooner than we thought." I heard the doctor and took a deep breath before running my gaze around to find him.

"She's fine?" He asked and I looked beside me and he was sitting there.

"Yes. Most likely." The doctor told him while checking on me.

"How are you feeling Anika?" Doctor asked me and I gulped hard and licked my lips before speaking anything.

"I think... I'm great. I feel as if something is off of my chest now." I told the doctor and she smiled.

"Don't overstress yourself. You both shouldn't talk about the things which might stress you in this condition. Talk about things which makes you feel great and happy not depresses and stressed. You were in trauma and usually, people recover from this but it's hard for patients like you to come back  so better be careful." She explained to me and I nodded.

I was a fool to not get hold of myself.

"Take care." She left and I looked at Shivaay who was ready to apologize and even scold me.

"I'm sorry Shivaay..." I spoke and he nodded.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have told you. In fact, I wouldn't have told you if I have slightest of the idea of this." He smiled.

"Now I'm fine," I told him and he nodded with a smile. "So tell me..." I looked at him and he chuckled.

"You were in that shocked state for 5 hours. You hear me?, 5 FUCKING HOURS. I WAS DYING. You were not moving or blinking. YOU WERE A DEAD BODY FOR 5 HOURS. I am not an idiot to tell you anything now so don't dare to even ask or else, you will see how dangerous I can be." He told me seriously, angrily.

"I... Okay." I dropped the idea of insisting on seeing him angry. "You look cute when scared and angry and protective," I told him and he narrowed his eyes.

"I love you." He quickly pecked my cheek and my mind flattered. I smiled with a blush and he chuckled.

"Idiot. I love you too." I told him shying.

"You look so cute while blushing." He told me and I looked away not able to meet his gaze.

To Be Continued...

Precap: Shivaay's POV

Well, I was writing this chapter while I was listening to the above video and I was crying. I hope you feel what I felt. 

Thank you for the votes and comments I hope this chapter was as good as I wanted it to be.  This is how we get shocked at certain things. Hope you feel it.

Check out my other works and also, KHOTANI12 her works. She is writing new things now so do give them a try too. I love you and everyone.


Love ~ Annie...

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