Chapter Five

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"I told you he normally wins," Taylor says as she forgot what Leland said for n.

"Here," Carson says grumbling about losing ten bucks. Leland smiles and puts the cash into his pocket.

"What's another game? We've played this one a million times." Julia says.

"What about 21 questions?" Analyze suggests.

"Oh, what about the Movie Game?" Leland asks.

"The what?" Chloe asks confused.

"Someone starts with an actress/actor the next person has to say a movie that they're in, and then the next person says an actress/actor in the movie. So, Emma Watson." He turns to Layla.

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." She says. "Taylor, your turn."

"Alan Rickman." She says. Chloe's eyes open wide.

"Um...Alice in Wonderland." Chloe says looking in the back.

"Really, he was in that?" Julia asks.

"The Caterpillar." She says back.

"Johnny Depp," Julia says looking at Carson.

"Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl." He says looking towards Austin.

"Orlando Bloom." This goes on for a while until Carson gets stuck.

"Who the hell is Emily Osment?" He asks throwing his hands up.

"An attractive actress," Leland says getting a slap from Layla. "Oww." He says rubbing his arm. "Ok, who wants to start?" He asks. Julia raises her hand and says me about a million times. "Ok, Julia you can go first." He says like he's talking to a first grader.

"Blake Lively," Julia says with a smile. Austin thinks a little before answering.

"The Shallows?" He says not sure of his answer.

"Oh, that's not far. No one else was in that movie." Leland says causing everyone else to laugh.

After many movies and people, it ends up being Julia and Chloe. "I'm Here," Chloe says back to Julia.

"Andrew Garfield," Julia says without even thinking.

"The Amazing Spider-Man."

"Emma Stone."

"Zombieland," Chloe says glad she just watched it.

"Jesse Eisenberg."

"Oh, he was in...what's it called?" Chloe says shaking her head.

"Oh, I think Chloe's out," Carson says in a mocking voice.

"No, I...gosh what was he in?" She says.

"10...9...8..." Leland begins.

"Fine, I'm out." She says and Julia yells.

"Told you I'd win." She says with a smile at Carson. He rolls his eyes before pulling her into him and kissing her.

"Get a room," Layla says with a smile. Carson rolls his eyes while Julia blushes. "Hey, who wants food?" She asks. Everyone shouts me and she laughs. "Taylor next exit please."

Taylor nods looking at the GPS for the nearest exit. Once she finds one she starts going off. "Ok, there's McD's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Arby's, and a Hardee's," Chloe says after reading the sign. The group in the back all start talking about what they want and why they can't eat here or there.

"Hey..hey, guys," Austin says trying to get everyone's attention. They all look towards him. "Ok, I have a spinner on my phone with all the places to eat. Let's just see what it picks." He says. Everyone nods and Taylor makes another right turn around the block. "Ok, Taco Bell's out." He says. Julia mumbles a yes making Carson glare at her.

Taylor continues to make right turns and Jack follows behind her. "Ok, Taylor can you take us to Hardee's?" Austin asks. Taylor looks up from the rearview mirror.

"Yeah." She says and makes a left turn towards the restaurant. Taylor pulls up to the window and looks back. "Ok, one at a time. What do you guys want?"

Everyone looks at each other before Layla speaks up. "Just a cheeseburger, with fries, and a coke," Taylor tells the lady through the speaker and then waits for the next person.

This takes a while because the lady keeps asking questions making Taylor have to ask and get an answer before telling the lady again. Once everyone's order is done, she pulls up at the window. She pulls out cash from her wallet and Chloe shakes her head.

"Come on everyone. Bring the cash forward." She says and Taylor shakes her head.

"It's fine-"

"No, everyone can split the bill," Chloe says and then brings up her phone to see what everyone should pay. When that's settled, Taylor hands the grouchy person at the front the money.

"Took you long enough." She mumbles.

"Hey, why don't you shut up. Not like you're going anywhere." Chloe shouts. The girl jumps and nods her head before Taylor moves up forward. Layla busts out laughing causing everyone else to join. "What?" She asks with a shrug.

Layla shakes her head still laughing. "You being you." She says smiling. Chloe smiles and dramatically pushes her hair back with a smile.

"But, I can't always be there for you Taylor. I gotta wake up your backbone." She says looking over at her.

"It was fine, maybe she was having a bad day. It's not like she ruined mine." Taylor says with a shrug.

"Ok, I don't know one person that thinks that way," Julia says.

"Told you she's smart and that the only person that can piss her off is Leland," Layla says smiling. Taylor rolls her eyes and gets up to the next window.

She hands all the food to Chloe and then Chole beings to hand it out to everyone. "You want your fries?" Chloe asks. Taylor nods and places them in her lap.

The group talks about random things and Taylor stays focused on the road. After about four hours everyone's asleep. Taylor keeps yawning but doesn't want to wake anyone else up, so she continues to drive on.

Taylor stays awake for the next two hours but pulls over once she can't keep her eyes open. She goes around the side and opens the back door. "Leland," Taylor says climbing into the van. "Leland." She says shaking him. He opens his eyes slowly.

"Whaaa?" He asks with a yawn.

"Switch." She says.

"Ok, give me a sec." He says looking down at Layla. She's laying on him and he probably doesn't want to wake her. Taylor doesn't wait for him to move, instead climbs into the very back seats and gets comfortable.

Leland, after making sure Layla was comfortable, went into the front seat. He sees Jack and Analyze switching places and makes sure Analyze is ready before starting to drive again. He turns the music on, but only loud enough so he can hear the beat.

He drives for three hours before someone wakes up. "How far are we?" Austin asks waking up.

"We're in Florida, I've been trying to find where our hotel is. I swear this GPS hates me but loves Taylor." Leland says as it says it's rerouting. "See, damn thing hates me," Leland grumbles shaking his head.

Austin looks over and sees Taylor asleep against the window. "Why'd she come all the way back here?" He asks looking back towards the front.

"She was ready to pass out and didn't want to wait for me to move." He says and then lightly yells at the GPS. This wakes Layla and Taylor up. Taylor looks around before realizing it's her brother. Layla just puts a sweatshirt over her head.

Taylor smiles as her brother struggles with the GPS. "If you knew how to navigate the poor thing wouldn't have issues." She says. Leland looks back at her with a glare.

"I can drive just fine, it's this stupid GPS that can't." He says pulling over to the side of the road and grabbing it.

"You want some help?" She asks getting ready to climb over the seats.

"No, I can do it." He says jamming his finger at the screen. Taylor shakes her head and stretches her arms out. Not noticing Austin until she ends up hitting him.

"Oh, sorry. Forgot you were back here." She says pulling her arms back down.

"It's fine, not like you punched me." He says. She smiles a little and then Leland curses and asks for Taylor's help.

She smiles and climbs over the seats, making sure not to hit anyone. She grabs the GPS, puts in the location, sits on the floor, and tells him where to go.


"Ok, so meet us back here in five hours," Layla says to the boys. They nod before walking off. "Now, time for some fun." She says looking at the rest of them.

"Let's go." Analyze says hooking her arms with Chloe's. Chloe grabs Taylor's and then Layla hooks on with Taylor as well.

"No, that's like three sizes too big." Analyze says as Taylor walks out in an oversized dress.

"Told you it wouldn't fit." She mumbles glaring at Julia. Julia raises her hands in surrender.

"I'll find an extra small," Layla says walking back over to the shelves. Everyone else has found a dress, but Taylor, so now the rest of the girls are trying to find one.

Taylor takes the dress off and waits for Layla to come back. She hears a knock and opens the door slightly. "Try this one," Layla says handing her the dress. Taylor takes it and changes into it. She looks in the mirror and smiles.

"I think this one's a keeper." She says and opens the door to show the other girls.

"Finally something that fits you." Analyze says with a clap. Taylor laughs and does a little twirl.

"Ok, Taylor go change. We have like five minutes to get back to the beach." Layla says pushing Taylor back into the changing room. She quickly changes back into her clothes and goes out to pay for her things. The girls walk back to the beach with a few bags for each of them.

"Shopping go well?" Leland asks looking at Taylor. She nods with a smile and laughs as Layla pretends to be mad that he didn't ask her.

"We should put this in the van," Julia says. The girls nod and make their way to the car. After dropping their things off they rush back to the beach.

"It's beautiful," Taylor says and Layla nods. The group all take a seat and watch as the sunset goes from the bright orange into the deep blues.

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