Chapter Nineteen

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She pulls into the driveway and Austin hops out from the back quickly. "Were you watching the road trying to get every bump?" He asks rubbing the back of this head.

"Oh shut up, you're such a baby," Layla says pushing his shoulder. He glares at her before the four of them enter the building. They all look around for the rest of the group. They're lounging in some chairs in the far back. Julia points them out and begins walking towards them.

"About time you got here," Jack says standing up.

"What happened to your head?" Leland asks noticings a small bruise forming on his forehead.

"You girlfriend was trying to give me a concussion. I was in the back of the truck and she slams on her brakes." He says and Leland looks over at her with a raised brow.

"A moron pulled out in front of me, I had to break or there would have been an accident. He's just dramatic." She says rolling her eyes at him. Leland just shakes his head before looking over to Taylor.

"Even though you aren't jumping out, they are going to make you wear a vest type of thing. The people we are going with understand your issue, so they won't tighten it too much. They're really cool actually." He says and then a group of people come walking towards them. "Here they are."

"Hi, is this everyone?" A young woman asks. Leland nods his head and she smiles. "Great, ok follow me." She says. Everyone begins to follow her and Layla notices Austin's nervousness. He's not shaking, but kinda bouncing and jittery.

"Austin." She says getting his attention. He looks over at her alarmed.

"What? Are you ok?" He asks looking down at her side. She laughs and nods her head.

"I'm fine, but I don't think you are." She says and he shakes his head.

"Do you have any idea how many people die because they do this. Jump out of a plane and then they're parachutes don't deploy, or they crash when they land, or-"

"Austin, they'll be fine. They went through hours of training. Is this what you're worried about?" She asks and he nods.

"What else would-she told you didn't she?" He asks and Taylor shakes her head, but he knows she's lying. "I'm gonna hurt her." He says shaking his head.

"I think it's funny that you're afraid of heights." She says and he looks at her confused.

"I don't have a fear of heights, I just don't like being stuck in a metal tube." He says and she laughs.

"So, say you were on a roof, that wouldn't scare you?" She asks, he goes to speak, but then thinks about it.

"Ok, maybe I have a small fear, but it's not like I can't be high up, just would rather be on the nice ground." He says and notices Taylor smile. "What?" He asks and she shakes her head.

"The nice ground, the ground is the opposite of nice. It causes pain when you land on it, it can trip you, it can be really hot-"

"It's not that bad if you know how to walk." He says with a smile.

"I can walk perfectly fine, and-"

"Ok, lovebirds back there, listen up." Austin and Taylor turn their heads to the front. They look at the woman and she smiles. "Thank you." She says and Taylor looks down and fidgets with her hands. She feels everyone's gaze on her and she tries to ignore it, but she can't. She looks up and sees the other two people with the woman are looking at her. She looks back down quickly and closes her eyes.

She tries to focus on the woman's voice, but everything's too loud. She can't hear over the buzzing in her head. She feels pressure on her side and someone's voice. "Taylor, it's ok. Just take in a breath and then let it all out." She hears Austin's calming voice say to her. "Breath with me. In....and out." He says and continues to do this. Taylor opens her eyes and realizes that he was walking her with the group. She looks up at him and nods her head. He gives her a small smile before letting her walk up to the rest of the group.

They're all around the two helicopters. Taylor walks up next to her brother. He looks down at her concerned. She shakes her head and he nods. He looks slightly to his left and sees Austin looking at her. Austin looks at Leland and Leland just gives a short nod before looking back to the woman talking.

"Alright, you four are on this one." She points to Taylor, Austin, Julia, and Layla. "Leland and Carson you as well. The rest of you are on this one with Scott and Mark." She says. The group nods and then goes to where she had directed them. The pilots help get them in and helps them buckle in. "Is that too tight?" The woman asks looking up to Taylor. Taylor shakes her head. "Ok, just tell me if it's hurting you." She says and Taylor looks at her confused. "You're brother described you to me so I'd know which one was you. He didn't know if he was riding with you, so he wanted to make sure I knew who you were."

Taylor nods her head understanding and then watches as everyone else gets buckled in. Austin's on her right side, while Leland's on her left. He bends down close to her, "Are you feeling ok?" He questions.

She turns to head towards him, "I'm fine, now stop worrying about me."

"I can't it's my job." He says with a smile. She rolls her eyes before looking across at Carson, Julia, and Layla. They're in conversation about something while the woman talks with the pilots.

"Ok, get ready." She says. Austin grabs Taylor's hand but doesn't realize he did it. She looks over at him and he's staring out the door.

"Austin, don't look down. That just makes it worse." She says. He nods his head and looks over at her.

"I should have stayed at the hotel for this one." He says and she smiles.

"I'm glad you didn't." She says and Austin looks at her with wide eyes, but she's already talking to Leland about something. He looks across to Layla feeling her gaze.

"Did she?" He doesn't finish when she nods. "She's happy I'm here." He says not believing it. Layla smiles at his face.

'She trusts you.' She mouths and he looks back over at her. She's got a smile on her face and he feels his heart rate quicken. He looks back over to Layla and she's got a distant look on her face. 'You'd better not hurt her, or so help you now.' She mouths and he smiles.

'I get it. I hurt her, I will die a slow and very very painful death.' He mouths back. She smiles with a nod of her head.

The rest of the time it's everyone looking down at the Grand Canyon. "This is amazing." Julia says looking down. Everyone's in awestruck at the beauty that they're seeing.

"Ok, Leland and Carson, get ready to jump." She says and they nod. They unbuckle and then get their packs on.

"On my count," Carson jumps and then Leland goes. Taylor watches as they fly out wishing she could have. The woman then smiles at the group before falling out backwards.

"Show off," Julia says and shakes her head. "Terrifying, that's what that is." She says with a slight shudder.

"They'll meet us at the landing point." They hear from one of the pilots. The three of them watch quietly as they get to see more and more.

When they are landing, Austin lets go of Taylor's hand. She smiles and flexes it a few times. They all walk out onto the ground more watching as they come down. Taylor winces as she watches how they land. "Looks like they slam into the ground." She says and the pilot laughs.

"Kinda what happens, but don't worry. They'll be fine." He says. Taylor nods her head and watches. Layla jogs up to Leland when she sees him and kisses him.

"Was she really worried?" The other pilot asks.

"She's always worried." Austin answers. The man nods before turning around and begging to walk away.


"It was amazing. I felt like I was flying." Analyze says to Layla and Taylor. She's been going on for hours and hours about it.

"You were flying," Layla says and Analyze looks over at her and shakes her head.

"I was gliding." She says and Layla waves her hand.

"Whatever." She says and Analyze laughs.

"Ok, everyone, we're up early tomorrow morning and driving to California, so might want to be getting some sleep," Leland says and then goes into a bedroom. The group all agrees and settles down. Taylor stays in her clothes and just lays down on the couch. Austin comes changed and lays down next to her. They're facing each other, both just looking at each other.

"You have beautiful eyes." He says and she feels her face get warm.

"They're green." She says and he smiles.

"Yes, they are." He says and she looks down not being able to hold his gaze any longer. "Taylor." He says causing her to look back up at him. "You are beautiful." He says and she smiles.

"I think you're quite handsome yourself." She says her smile still not leaving her face.

"Are you back on those pills?" He asks and she laughs shaking her head. "Well, then thank you." He says and she looks back down. "Taylor, why can't you look at me?" He asks curiously.

"You don't really know me. You think you do, but you don't. I feel bad...for not telling you because you think you know me, but you're wrong." She rambles quickly and begins to fidget with her fingers. He looks at her confused and then remembers what he had said a few days ago. Saying that he was glad he knew the real her.

"What do you think I should know about you that would make me change my mind about you?" He asks grabbing her hands. She continues to look down at them and then begins to play with his fingers. It's like a tick for her. 

"I'm...I'm different, different weird." She says struggling.

"What if I like that you're different weird?" He asks and she shakes her head.

"Not a good different weird. I'm..." She takes a breath not knowing how to explain herself to him.

"Taylor, look at me." He says in a soft voice. She slowly lifts her eyes to him. "There isn't one thing you could tell me that would make me turn away from you. You're not getting rid of me." He says with a smile.

"I...I've got...this disorder thing. Bad thoughts when people look and when they are staring. It's not good and I...I can't control it. It just happens and won't go away." She begins to feel panicked talking about it. "I make scenes and embarrass people. People don't like to be embarrassed, they...they-"

"Taylor, you don't embarrass me and those thoughts when people are looking at you. They can go away and I don't care if you stare at your menu when you talk or that you can't have a lot of attention on you. Why would that matter to me?" He asks watching as her eyes go from left to right, up and then down.

"Be-because it matters to everyone else." She says still moving her eyes.

"Leland, Layla, Julia, Analyze, Carson, Jack, Chloe, none of them care. Your parents don't care th-"

"Yes, they do. They want me to be normal. A child that at gatherings doesn't hide out in her room because if she even walks out of her room she's going to start hyperventilating. They want a child that is strong headed and is like Leland. Someone that can take charge and handle pressure. I-I can't do that." She says and Austin sees her eyes begin to water.

He tilts her chin up to him and stares into her eyes. "Your parents love you the way you are and they will no matter what you do. You're not perfect, no one is and no one is expecting you to be. Your parents just want you to talk to them and feel like you don't have to hide behind a mask. You put up a facade that you don't need to. You can be yourself and I promise you, your parents won't be embarrassed." He says and wipes a few tears that have fallen from her eyes. She doesn't say anything, just wraps her arms around him and lets herself relax. He puts an arm over her back and kisses her forehead.

Once she's asleep he begins to let himself fall into a deep slumber just thinking about her and how she finally opened up to him.

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