Chapter Twenty-eight

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"Come on, are all of you afraid of your girlfriends?" Austin asks looking at the three guys.

"One thing you should learn, never mess with there clothes," Jack says with the shake of his head.

"You guys are wimps, they wouldn't freak out," Austin says and Carson raises his eyebrows.

"I moved Julia's shirt from one end of the closet to the other, she still brings it up." He says and Austin huffs.

"To tell you the truth Taylor probably wouldn't care. She's not much of a clothes girl." Leland says and Austin sits down in the chair. He thinks for a little while before a smile comes onto his face.


"What do you think he's going to do?" Analyze asks looking over at Taylor. She shrugs not having really thought about it. The four girls are just sitting outside watching the water.

"Just watch your back, all those guys are in there. They might come up with something bad." Layla warns and Taylor smiles.

"I already have a plan for when he does do his." She says and Layla looks at her with a smile.

"What are you gonna do?" She asks and Taylor laughs.

"Just something small, if he does do something I'm gonna take out his deodorant and put butter in for it." She says and Julia shakes her head.

"That would piss me off, I'm just saying." She says and Taylor shrugs.

"He'll probably just laugh it off." She says and Layla nods.

"I'm still worried for what he's gonna do back at you. I lived with him for like a year and on April fool's I would leave for the whole day and not come back til the next. I still got hit with things though." She says and shivers.

"I don't know why he wants to get you back, not like I saw that much." She says and Layla plugs her ears.

"I don't care how much you saw, shut up." She says and shakes her head. Analyze laughs at her reaction, but doesn't say anything about it.

The four of them sit out there for a few hours talking about miscellaneous things and then the boys come out by them. Taylor looks up at Austin and he smiles down at her. She looks at him suspiciously but doesn't see anything in his hands.

The eight of them just sit there watching the sun, but the four girls continue to wait for what's going to happen. "Taylor you wanna help me make the lunch?" Layla asks standing up. She nods her head wanting to get away from Austin. Waiting is making her anxious. The two girls walk into the house and Taylor walks into her room carefully. She looks around and doesn't see anything moved. She walks into the bathroom and nothing's in there.

She checks her shampoo making sure he didn't put any coloring into it or something. She walks around confused. She walks back out and goes to Layla. "I don't know what he did." She says taking a seat as Layla makes the sandwiches.

"Maybe he didn't do anything and is just making you think he did." She suggests, but Taylor shakes her head.

"He did something." She says and stands back up. She goes back into the room and begins looking for her phone. She opens the small pocket of her bag where her phone normally is and sees a few worms. She screams and jumps back shoving the bag forward. She continues to scream until she's all the way on the kitchen counter.

Austin along with everyone else comes running in. Taylor looks up at him with wide eyes. He looks at her like he doesn't know what he did. "That..was mean." She says staying on the counter.

"What? What did he do?" Layla asks looking up at her.

"There are worms in the small part of my bag." She says glaring at him. Layla looks over at him and then starts laughing. Everyone else joins in and Taylor sits up there not moving.

"They're just worms. They won't hurt you." Leland says. She takes her shoe off and throws it at him. "Hey." He says after it hits him in the shoulder.

"Just go get them out and I'm never using that bag again." She says looking down at Austin.

"I know, that's why I took everything out of it." He says, but she still glares at him.

"Someone just go get the bag and remove it." She whins. Leland shakes his head and walks down to there room. He grabs the bag and looks in it. He counts four worms and picks them out and lets them sit in his hand. He walks out and sneaks up behind Taylor.

He taps her shoulder and she turns around. He lifts them up and she screams running behind Layla. He laughs and Layla glares at him. "Go and take them out of the cabin." She says. He nods his head and begins taking the worms out. Taylor looks over at Austin and glares.

"Hey, I didn't do that. I just put them in the bag." He says holding his hands up.

"You know there are wild bunnies out there. Would you like me to go get one for you?" She asks and he drops the smile that was on his face. "That's what I thought."

"Come on, help me bring the food out guys," Layla says and hands Taylor a bowl of fruit. She takes it with a smile. Austin grabs a plate of sandwiches and catches up with Taylor.

"Don't do anything with a bunny, please. I'm begging you." He says and she laughs.

"I won't, but if anyone so much as picks up a worm I'll be coming at you." She says and he looks around for Jack or Leland. He sees both talking and runs over to them.

"Leave the freaking worms alone, ok. Don't even touch one." He says and the two guys look at him confused. "Just don't." He says. The two guys nod their heads but look at him like he's crazy. "Thank you." He says before walking back to everyone else.


"Really Taylor." Austin says and walks out of the bathroom with no shirt on. He holds up his deodorant.

"I'm not going to do anything else, but that doesn't make up for jack squat. And yes really." She says. He huffs and tosses his deodorant in the garbage. He begins to wipe his armpit trying to get the butter off.

"This doesn't come off." He groans and she laughs.

"Hot water and soap, it will." She says back to him.

"This is just mean, my armpit feels weird." He says from the bathroom. Taylor laughs again and shrugs.

"Sounds like a personal problem."

"It's gonna be a you problem when I smell like BO." He replies back. He looks in the drawers and finds hers. He puts some on feeling weird, but would rather smell like a girl than stink. He walks out and she laughs as he moves his arms.

"Wait, did you use mine?" She asks watching as he looks for a shirt.

"Yup." He says and she shakes her head with a laugh.

"Why not just ask Jack or one of the guys to use there's?" She asks and he looks up at her and shakes his head.

"That's...weird." He says continuing to dig in his bag. "Did you hide my shirts or something?" He asks turning back towards her.

"No, what would that do? I mean, it is a bonus to me, but no I didn't hide your shirts." She says and he looks over at her with a smile.

"You like me without a shirt, is that what I'm hearing?" He asks standing up and walking over to her.

"Maybe." She says looking up at him.

"Maybe?" He asks leaning down close to her. She nods her head not able to speak with him so close to her. She feels her heart rate pick up and feels her insides go warm. She watches as he lowers his head so close to hers, all she has to do is move an inch forward to kiss him. He looks into her eyes almost daring her to make the first move.

She looks up at him and then leans in. She feels him smile behind her kiss before grabbing her waist and pulling her into him. He feels himself wanting more than just one kiss from her, so when she pulls back for air he begins kissing along her neck.

Taylor feels his hot skin against hers and works her hands up and into his hair, he lets out a small groan as she pulls on his hair to bring his lips back to hers. She then feels him lift her shirt up a little, but doesn't stop him. He keeps his hands on her waist under her shirt never going higher or lower and Taylor's happy he doesn't.

She leans into him making him fall back onto the bed with her on top of him. He keeps on hand on her hip and the other in her hair.

Then, Austin and Taylor both jump as they hear their door open. Taylor turns her head and sees her brother looking down at Austin with a look that could kill. "Leland, don't." She says hopping off of him and walking up to her ferrous brother.

"You said you wouldn't try anything. What was that?" He asks not even glancing at Taylor in front of him.

"We weren't going to do anything, we were just-"

"I saw what you were doing. You have no right to go-"

"I wasn't forcing anything on her. I wouldn't ever do that, so don't try and tell me I don't have right to kiss her because that's all that was happening." He says angrily. Taylor's now the only thing in between the two boys.

"Leland don't. He waited for me to make the move, I was the one controlling how fast we went." She says and puts her hand on his shoulder. "Leland, look at me. This isn't like Mathew ok. Just calm down." She says and he looks down at her. "I'm fine. Look, no crying no pain. Austin didn't do anything I didn't want." She says and he looks back up at him.

"I'm's just.."

"I get it, she's your little sister, but I told you I wouldn't do...that with her and we aren't going to." He says and Leland looks down at his little sister. He gives her a hug and she holds him back. Layla walks into the room and looks at her. 'He needs you.' She mouths. Layla nods and pulls on his arm.

"Come on, Leland." She says. He lets go of Taylor and lets Layla pull him out of the room. Taylor turns back to Austin and looks down.

"Sorry, I didn't think he'd come in or even react like that." She says and begins to fidget with her hands. Austin lifts her chin up and lightly kisses her on the lips.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for, but you do have to explain a person named Mathew." He says and she nods her head.

"An ex of mine. I wasn't ready for...that, and he kept trying to push me into it. One night my brother came over after picking up Layla and heard me yelling no. He ran into the room seeing him on top of me and me struggling. He began beating him up and I'd called a friend of his to pick him up. He left not pressing charges because he knew he was in the wrong. Then I found out he was only dating me because of what his friend group thought of me and I only know that because when his friend picked him up he'd asked Mathew if it was as hot as they predicted. I'd broken down and then told Leland. He went over to his house and starting to throw punches at him and all his friends. And that's how my brother went to jail." She says feeling emotions that she's buried start to come up. "But it's in the past, and I want it to stay there. That's why Leland is over the top about seeing us kissing." She says and puts a smile onto her face.

Austin pulls her into him and kisses the top of her head. "I'd have been in jail with him had I know about it." He says and she laughs a little. He pulls her back to see her real smile.

"I think we can go watch the movie now." She says and he nods following behind her. 

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