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I don't own Star Wars btw. I know. Disappointing.

Amelia ran through lists in her head of things she needed to do for her report. She faintly noticed hands brushing over her shoulders as her measurements were taken, but was really too deep in her thoughts to notice.

"Okay, miss. I'll send you the design and you can tinker with it if you want. I know a lot of people like to customize it," the Zabrak taking the measurements said. They stepped over to a screen and scrolled before landing on her name. "Sent."

Amelia shook her head. "I'm fine with whatever your design is. I just need this quickly."

"Of course." They nodded. "If you want to wander around nearby it should be finished in three hours."

"Thank you so much. I hate to rush you, but my squad's next mission is in a day," Amelia gratefully said. She brightened at the prospect of the market nearby. Perhaps it would have the transmitter she needed to repair her datapad, though she didn't know how to do the actual fixing itself.

She wandered off to a mechanic's shop, browsing through the spare parts. Amelia managed to find the transmitter and purchased it with some of the credits in her pocket. 

After that, she idly looked through some other shops and stalls, but didn't see anything that caught her eye. She only ever bought what she needed, never anything that she wanted.


She turned, spotting Wrecker waving to her. As soon as he confirmed it was her, he bustled over, pushing through the crowd.

"Oh, hello, Wrecker." Amelia smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"We all wanted to look at some stuff." Wrecker shrugged. "Except Tech. He stayed back at the ship."

Amelia's good mood soured at the mention of Tech. "Blast. I needed to go back to the ship."

"Aw, you're not gonna stay with me?" Wrecker looked disappointed, although Amelia didn't know why. 

"Sorry, I can't." Amelia handed him some credits. "But why don't you get something nice to show me later? I'll see you on the ship."

Wrecker brightened and eagerly nodded. "Ya got it!"

Amelia returned to the armoury and waited the rest of the time until the Zabrak from before called her in. She was shown how to put on the thin plastoid and sent on her way.

She dreaded the thought of it, but she needed to go back to the ship. She had to figure out how to fix her datapad before she left, otherwise she'd never be able to keep her supervisor updated, as was required.

Amelia walked up the ramp onto the ship, heading for the cockpit where her bag was. She didn't see Tech in there, so she let out a breath of relief.

Then she spun around to leave, immediately bumping into him.

Amelia fell backwards, landing roughly on her tailbone. Tech didn't attempt to catch her, merely watching in surprise at the string of curses she let loose.

"Quite the vulgar language," Tech remarked as she got back up. "I only recognized three out of five of those words."

Amelia dusted herself off. "Yeah well that's what happens when you fall. You usually swear."

Tech hummed, flicking his gaze over the case she was carrying. "What's that?"

"It's the armour I was given," Amelia informed him, switching it between hands.

Tech's eyes lit up with interest. "May I see it? I'd like to identify the differences between yours and mine."

Amelia's forehead pinched. "I guess. Here." She handed him the case, and he placed it on a bunk, presumably his.

He opened it and examined the flimsy pieces of plastoid. He held it up and twisted it, watching the way it bent. "It seems thin. Flexible."

"Yeah well my armour is less for fighting and more for running away." Amelia sat on the floor, crossing her legs. "You done yet?"

"Not quite." Tech paused before looking down at her. "I would like to see you in it. The design is odd, and I don't understand how it's supposed to keep you safe."

"I mean... sure?" Amelia took it back and started to put it on over her clothes. She struggled to remember how to do it, but finally got it all on. "Done. Happy?"

"No," Tech replied, looking her up and down. "You have the chestplate on crooked, the shoulder pads are on the wrong sides, and it still appears too thin to actually protect you."

Amelia glanced down at herself. "You can put shoulder pads on the wrong sides?"

Tech sighed. "Your clothes are also puffing it out. You need a set of blacks. It helps keep the armour at an even level. It also prevents shifting of the plastoid."

"Well I don't have a set of blacks, so this will have to do." Amelia tried to straighten the chestplate out, but only made it worse.

Tech adjusted it, pulling the strap tightener on one side and loosening it with the other. "I will give you my spare."

"What?" Amelia stared up at him with wide eyes. "No, you don't have to do that."

"If you perish in battle due to your armour sliding around, we will most likely be decommissioned. A consequence of your being here means we have to keep you alive." Tech room a moment before added, "Not that we would've let you be killed anyways, but it heightens the pressure."

Amelia frowned. "Be that as it may, it won't fit me. You're taller than me and our proportions and different. I don't know if you've noticed this, but my chest is bigger than yours."

Tech nodded. "I've noticed."

Emilia faltered. "What?"

Tech tilted his head. "By that I mean I've already taken that into account when I thought over whose blacks would fit you best. What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing!" Amelia shook her head. "Never mind."

Tech reached under his bunk and pulled out a storage crate, dragging it across the floor. He opened it and pulled out a set of neatly folded blacks. "Here."

Amelia took it from him. "Thank you. I... I don't know what to say."

Tech pushed the crate back under his bunk, sitting on his bunk. "They're clean, I promise. Now change into them, then into the armour as well. This will fit better."

Amelia grumbled, but slipped away to change. She came back in the blacks and carried the armour in her arms. "Can you help me put it on? So I can learn?"

Tech nodded. "Very well."

"Has anyone seen Amelia?" Hunter asked, hands on his hips. "Wasn't she also here?"

"She went back to the ship." Wrecked fondly looked at his bag, carrying what he had bought with Amelia's credits. 

"Isn't Tech there?" Crosshair realized before groaning. "Kark."

"I'm sure they're fine," Hunter said, even though his entire body tensed. "Although... We should probably get back. Not because I'm worried, but because we need to go back anyway."

Wrecker led the charge back to the ship, excited to show Amelia what he got. Crosshair and Hunter trailed behind him. 

They stopped outside the ship, listening for any signs of Amelia killing Tech or something.

And they weren't disappointed.

"How did you actually believe that?" Tech exclaimed.

"Excuse me for not knowing not to wear a bra under blacks!" Amelia yelled right back. "And why do you even know that?"

"Because it's obvious!" Tech snapped. "It's they're supposed to be skin tight, why would you add a barrier of fabric below?"

"Well sorry I didn't strip down!" Amelia sarcastically screamed. "I'm tempted to not wear the blacks, just because you said that!"

Hunter shook his head in exasperation. "Maker."

"I will drag you back to the ship and stitch you back together myself if I have to!" Tech yelled. "Then I will lecture you on what you did wrong!"

"Loving this teamwork," Hunter dryly said before marching into the ship to end their bickering.

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