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Khylen could've allowed himself to relax once they stepped foot on the Milano but couldn't because Rocket was rushing towards the pilot seat to get the ship out of Kyln. "Hold on!" Rocket says as he starts the engine and starts to fly away, Khylen glanced at Macy who was next to him holding on to her armrests tightly despite flying in lots of ships before Macy never did get used to it she always says it's the worst part of a job for her.

"Well, how's he going to get to us?" Rocket asks once they were a good ways away from the prison. Gamora looked at Khylen for him to answer. "I'm not sure, but as captain, I am not leaving without him," Khylen says looking at the crew with a serious face. Rocket scoffs. "Who made you captain, more like captain jackass." Rocket shakes his head, Khylen saw Macy's finger twitch out of the corner of his eye Khylen gave her a look and she huffed but looked away but Vaughn was too late to stop, he was already walking towards Rocket with an angry look on his face. "Make a comment like that again and I'll make you into a rug." Vaughn hissed, Rocket didn't look fussed he just rolled his eyes and looked back towards the controls trying to keep them hovering. "Vaughn! Sit down." Khylen commanded sharply, Vaughn huffs but does what he was told but he crosses his arms looking like a child.

"I saw screw this, I don't want to wait around for some humie with a death wish. You got the orb right?" Rocket turns around and looks at Gamora who nods and goes through the bag that Khylen gave her to watch once they got onto the ship. Gamora tosses some things out before looking at Khylen sharply. "It's not here." She hissed.

Khylen leaned his head back and chuckled. "If we don't leave now we will be blown to bits," Macy says looking at Khylen and the rest of her crew in concern. "No!" Hearing Gamora shout at Macy was almost making him regret helping Warden Annika by protecting Gamora but then he knew what Macy would say if she knew, she would say 'Let me deal with it, it's fine as long as we get our freedom.' for that reason Khylen sat back even though it was itching him not too. "We're not leaving without the Orb." Khylen sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face putting his head in his hands.

Warrick shuffled and looked towards the window before his mouth dropped open. "He made it, get ready to open the hatch," Warrick said unbuckling his seatbelt, Khylen did the same. He put his staff into Macy's hand so she could watch it, she was the only one he felt could touch the staff because he trusted her.

Khylen walks towards the hatch and holds his hand out for Peter to take which he does, now that he got his hook back he has a hand and a weapon which Khylen supposes will come in handy. "What were you getting Peter?" Khylen asks crossing his arms. "Besides my hook?" Peter says smirking holding up his hooked hand, Khylen rolls his eyes and looks at Peter seriously. "I was getting this." Peter chuckles as he hands Khylen a small thing that was about the size of a tiny control box. "Seriously Peter? You made us wait for this?" Khylen groans as he walks back towards his seat and sits down, he reaches towards Macy who hands him his staff back.

Khylen looks at the small thing in his hand before tossing it on the table near him. Khylen closed his eyes and crossed his arms, he felt like was there for 5 seconds before he heard yelling. He sighed loudly before standing up and following the sound of yelling which no surprise was Rocket and Peter. "You can't take apart my ship without asking me!" Peter yelled at Rocket who was messing around with some metal parts. "See, what is this?" Peter asks poking with his metal hook. "Don't touch it, it's a bomb."

Peter turned around a rolled his eyes at Khylen like he wasn't even surprised he was behind him watching them. "A bomb? You just leave it lying around?" Peter says wide eye-ed after he realized Rocket wasn't kidding. "I was going to put it in a box." Rocket says lamely.

"How about this one?" Rocket asks grabbing a wrapped gift, Khylen knew that from Warrick's many lessons about Earth. "No! Hey, don't that." Peter rips the gift out of Rocket's tiny hands before carefully placing it back in the box and shutting it closed again.

Peter sighs and rubs his hand over his hair before walking towards the computer with Khylen next to him. "Listen, we're gonna need your buyer's coordinates," Khylen says leaning his body on the table barely flinching when Macy sneaks up behind him and puts her arm around his waist. "We're heading in the right direction, for now," Gamora said inspecting the orb.

"If we're all gonna work together you need to start trusting us a little bit." Macy looked at Gamora sharply who scoffed. "Trust you guys? That is the last thing I would do." Gamora shook her head. "Look, I think we would trust you a lot more if you told us what this was," Peter says trying to diffuse the situation by bringing the attention towards the orb. "Speak for yourself," Macy says under her breath so that only Khylen was the one who heard it.

"If I had to guess, this is some kind of weapon," Warrick says squinting his eyes as he watches Peter hold it. "I don't know what it is," Gamora says sternly. Drax tilts his head before picking it up harshly. "If it's a weapon, we should use it against Ronan." Gamora looks at Drax shaking her head. "Put it down, you fool. You'll destroy us all." Drax puts the orb back on the table before slamming his hand down. "Or just you, you murderess. I let you live once, princesses!" Drax shouts, Gamora starts to walk towards Drax but Khylen grabs her forcefully by the arm purposefully walking her away. "Sit down." Khylen guides Gamora gentler to sit on a chair, when he brings his focus away from Gamora he can see Warrick talking to Drax all while keeping a hand on his shoulder.

That's when Khylen realizes, this is a small ship for 8 people who all have a history and seem to not be able to get along.

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