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Khylen and Macy were in their quarters getting ready for the battle that was soon to come, they had attached that Milano to Yondu's ship so they could come and go as they pleased and almost everyone was on Yondu's ship except for the two of them plus Warrick who had decided to go with them to suit up as well. "Hey, what was that thing you wanted to tell me earlier?" Macy asks as she's tying her hair up to make sure it was secure. Khylen looked confused for a split second before recognition crossed his face.

"Right! So while Peter and I were in the pod together, he was trying to go rescue her and I said 'I know you like her but we have to go' well then he said I don't like her instead I like two people, and he has all along." Macy looked at Khylen amused, when he sees this he pauses cleaning his staff. "What?" Khylen questioned chuckling slightly. "I know, I had you two on the comms but how do you that he likes specifically us?" Khylen pressed his lips together before gently placing his staff on the bed behind him before he started to pull his hair up in a low pony like Macy's. "Well, if it's not us then it's a raccoon and a tree so I'm pretty sure it's us. However, for more proof. Yondu said while he was beating Peter up that he knows Peter likes guys like me and when I looked at Peter he wouldn't meet my eyes, so I think it's true. At least it's looking that way."

Macy exhaled sharply before she opened the bag they brought from their ship with all of her and Khylen's shared gear in it. "Well, we can't exactly ask him that before the mission. He needs to focus but also what if he's never been in a relationship with two people before, just because we have doesn't mean he has, not only that but what if he feels like an outcast because we were together before him?" Macy looks down at the weapons she has to choose from before picking up a dagger and strapping it to her thigh before placing one on her inner arm. "I'm hearing a lot of what if's, we don't know the answers to any of those questions. Only Peter does, and you are right we shouldn't talk about it right now with him just in case he has a strong reaction to it. I still think we have a shot though." Khylen winked at Macy before standing up using the balance of his staff to help him.

She shook her head fondly as she grabbed a phaser out of the bag before strapping it to her gun strap that was hanging on her hip. "Have a shot with what?" Warrick questioned as he bumped into Khylen on his way over to them. "Oh, were you listening again?" Macy teased Warrick who rolled his eyes fondly. "We were talking about if we have a shot with Peter." Khylen clarified with a slight roll of his eyes. Warrick nodded like everything made sense. "I think you do." Warrick winked before he turned around and started to walk towards the ship entrance to get onto Yondu's ship. "Oh! Hey Peter!" Warrick said loudly enough that Khylen and Macy both knew it was on purpose so they could hear.

"Oh, Hi Khylen, Macy. I was just picking up some gear, and I see you two are doing the same." Peter's eyes flicker from the two of them before landing on Khylen's staff. "Nice staff," Khylen smirked at Peter before steeling his face into a smile. "Thanks, I don't know how useful I will be against Ronan but I can try." Khylen was always a little nervous using his powers, he never knew what the outcome from his enemies will be and it also depends on the environment he's in but he knows that on Xandar it has plenty of water. "You're gonna do great, take it from me I only have one hand, and I gotta use the Hadron Enforcer." Peter huffed slightly, Macy's eyes flicker towards Khylen who gives her a quick nod.

"Well, I don't know what you're plan is but what if we stayed with you and just helped you, I know you're completely capable of doing it yourself but I don't want anything to happen to you and I know Khylen doesn't either." Macy licked her lips as she was worried that she said the wrong thing.

Peter gave her a slight smile before nodding and he looks away slightly, when he turns back towards the two of them Khylen can see a hint of blush on his face. "I'd like that, I wanted to say you both look really good." Peter stammered out before closing his eyes firmly and shaking his head at himself. "I mean, you both look like you can kick ass."

Khylen huffs easily before he tightens his hand around his staff. "I've been meaning to ask you, we aren't really giving Yondu the stone right?" Khylen raises an eyebrow at Peter who pauses before shrugging. "I don't know, I know if he had the stone it wouldn't end pretty but if we don't give it to him then we will all be hunted down until we're caught and probably dead." Khylen frowned at Peter but nodded. "We'll figure it out, but he's not getting the stone." Khylen was firm, the stone shouldn't go into the hands of Yondu. It shouldn't go into the hands of anyone but Khylen wouldn't know the first thing about destroying something like that.

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