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Macy watches as Quill and Khylen get loaded onto the ship by the beam, she grips the back of Warrick's headrest tightly, and before she knows it the ship is getting further and further away. She looks down at Warrick in horror. "What are you doing? We have to go get them!" Macy looked at Warrick in shock, at first he didn't respond, he just kept a hold on the controls and started to follow Rocket's ship who was beginning its rocky descent back to Knowhere. "We can't Macy, Khylen told me to protect you. So that's what I'm doing, we will get them back but just, not right now." Warrick pressed his lips together as he carefully chose his words.

Macy could feel eh tears welling in her eyes but she sniffed harshly and forced them to be sucked back up, she couldn't cry not on the job in front of people. That wasn't like her and she wasn't going to start now. She watched as Rocket slid right to a stop in front of Groot and what looked like Drax laying on the ground, she saw out of the corner of her eyes Warrick let out a exhale of relief one that Macy knew all too well. Warrick carefully lowered the small pod on the opposite side of Rocket's, even though it didn't have enough damage as Rocket it still wasn't a smooth landing.

Macy can feel that she isn't steady as she carefully walks out of the ship but she refuses Warrick's hand when he offers it, she looks across from them to see Rocket climbing out of his escape pod. "Blasted idiot. They're all idiots!" Rocket grunted as he jumped out and dusted his legs off. "Quill just got himself captured." Rocket updated Groot and Drax who were looking at the three of them confused. "Yes, and Khylen went with him," Macy added bringing her lips to her mouth and starting to pick at her fingers with her teeth.

Rocket huffed before he pointed at Drax. "None of this ever would have happened if you didn't try to single-handedly take on a fuckin' army!" Macy tensed expecting that Drax would charge at Rocket again, she noticed the way Warrick stepped towards Macy ready to interfere but Drax just let out a sigh of defeat. "You're right, I was a fool. All the anger, all the rage, was just to cover my loss." Groot placed his hand on Drax's shoulder beside her Macy could hear Warrick take in a sharp intake of breath, she knew one of the reasons they didn't work out was that Drax wasn't emotionally forward and he was still rightfully not fully over his wife's death, so it wasn't just the right time but she couldn't imagine how hard it was for Warrick to see Drax hurting.

"Oh, boo-hoo-hoo. "My wife and child are dead." Groot gasped and Rocket rolled his eyes. "Oh, I don't care if it's mean! Everybody's got dead people, it's no excuse to get everybody else dead along the way!" They all stayed silent before Rocket locked eyes with Groot. "Come on, Groot. Ronan has the Stone. The only chance we got is to the other side of the universe as fast as we can and maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to live full lives before that whack-job ever gets there." Macy couldn't help herself she started to move forward toward Rocket.

"You're just gonna leave there? With Yondu? No, we have to save them." Macy was lucky that Groot nodded his head telling her that he agreed with her, if not, Macy doesn't think Rocket would've said what he did next. "Save them? How?" Macy was glad that Rocket at least entertained the idea. "I'm not sure yet, but do you not remember how Khylen helped you against Drax, did he not show you kindness for the first time? They're your friends and excuse me if I'm wrong but it doesn't seem like you got a lot of those." Macy pursued her lips together worried that Rocket was going to pull a gun on her, instead, he let out a sharp intake of breath. "I know, they're the only friends me and Groot have ever had along with you two." Rocket nodded his head towards Macy and Warrick. "But there's an army of Ravagers around them. And there's only four of us." Macy watched as Drax carefully stood up before speaking.

"Five." Drax put a hand on Groot to help him straighten, they watched as Rocket grunted and placed his hands behind his head squeezing at the fur slightly before he started to kick at the small patch of grass that was by his ship. "You're making me beat up grass!" That was enough agreement for Macy, they were going to rescue Khylen and Peter. She can't help but hope that after this they can start making a move into a romance with Peter because she doesn't know if she could wait any longer especially when the two of them were close to dead.

Or they could already be dead, Macy closes her eyes firmly at that thought and shakes her head trying to push it away. She couldn't think like that, she had to be positive.

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