Anax A. Lexicon: the Energy Dragonion Knight

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Name: Anax A. Lexicon

Alias: Knight of Black and White, No Heart, Devil of Remnant

Gender: Male

Age: 14 (at the start)

Birthday: July 12, 4000
Species: Human?

Current Occupation: High School Student, GuildMaster of Knights Gaian Elpis, Bartender
Former Occupation: Middle School Student, Arbiter of Remnant(apprentice)
Status: Alive
Hair Color: Snow White (Natural)
Eye Colour: Ocean Blue?

Complexion: Pale White

Weaknesses: occasional pain, magic fluctuation, emotional issues, uncontrollable magic.

Height: 155.5 cm


Anax's hair wild snow white hair which is cut short, reaching below his ears. He wears a black Shirt and a white unzipped cardigan with a black inside and is short sleeved. He put sand coloured cargo pants on with a random pairs of socks and a pair of brown ankle boots. His most distinguishable feature is a magic star shaped silver necklace(?). The only type of armor he wears are a pair of vambraces with mechanical blades built inside of them making them slightly bulky. When he has no upper clothing on, he has a long jagged scar reaching from his left shoulder to his right hip. He's also zero fat and all muscle due to his severe training.


Anax is a caring yet bold and outgoing person, who will stand up to situations when he feels there is something wrong. This was proven when he defended Sera from a group of bullies resulting in him being beaten up, proving how bold he was in approaching people older than him and how caring he can really be.

He is extraordinarily caring and social to his friends and family. He always has the energy and enthusiasm to cause trouble in local areas and with his smarts it spells double trouble for the poor soul, but he can be rather blunt correction is blunt and will not notice it, like all the times he's rejected confessions with a simple 'no' earning him the name No Heart.

He is also a man of honor who fights people fairly, caring for the lives of others and will fight when they are ready to fight, which earns him the respect of many who fights against him.

There are occasions where his personality will turn cold and heartless against people he has grudges with, and has a tendency to lash out violently against them should they provoke him or if he feels like it. Proof of this is against people he holds grudges against or people he hasn't even met yet knew what they were doing. This has earned him the title 'devil of remnant' due to his violent nature against these people and the people who witnessed his callous nature.


Anax is a capable hand to hand fighter, capable of taking on a second year guardian student. He is skilled with wielding a sword to a certain extent, but his skill with arm blades surpasses the sword by a lot.

He is excellent in video games and games in general as well as being the king of pranksters, as proven when he went down in history for starting a 'prank apocalypse of 4013'.

His abilities to control magic are higher than that of the average teenager but his ability to keep it stable is below that of the average toddler causing all he makes to either dissipate, shatter or explode, which can sometimes act as a double edge sword in fights revolving around magic.

He is a capable mechanic and is able to make things out of scrap despite some of the problems they may have which can prove useful in making defences against phantom attacks and useful tools to people after they were given the ok that it would not malfunction.

In terms of combat, Anax is the most destructive person there is due to his magic Energy Dragonion Knight(destructoid) allowing him to in a way destroy everything he fights making him an extremely difficult threat despite not being in the top three of his guild.


* once dropped a warehouse on a group of thugs (by accident)

* works in a bar/pub as a waiter

* makes a suit look good(but is hesitant in wearing one)
* is informative about many things
* dense in real life romance
* obsessed with knights
* prefers to be on time or early for events or meetings

* seemingly aware of events up until 4016

* knows what his friends are thinking half the time without the use of telepathy

* stickler for time.

* Genesis user

* favorite fruit is mangoes

* possesses two pairs of Vambraces that can change into Armblades

* horrible cook (unaware)

* hates puns

* every person he fights never comes out in one piece, no matter how strong they are

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