xvi. its a setup

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Claire woke up early the next morning and her entire being ached. Her legs and back were stiff, and when she sat up her head pounded. She stood up slowly and limped out of the room quietly. JJ was still fast asleep on the couch so she just stood there watching him for a moment; the way his hair sat untidily from his hat, yet still looked so attractive. The way his stomach rose and fell with every breath, and the way his mouth hung slightly open as he snored softly. Seeing him so calm and vulnerable was just another painful reminder of their fight the night before.

Claire had been ready to open her heart up to him for so long now, and when he kissed her, she felt as if finally something in her life would go the way she wanted. But JJ clearly didn't think about her in the same way, and if he did, he wasn't going to admit it. Claire knew more than anyone that he had a hard time opening up to people, and always kept his feelings private, but she just wished for once he would trust her enough to let her in and let himself be open. She wasn't going to force the topic on him, however, she wanted him to realise that whatever doubts he had about himself not being good enough for her or about their relationship–because Claire knew that JJ would be thinking about that stuff–she wanted him to realise that he was more than good enough. She wanted to tell him that she loved every bit of him, the funny side, the cocky side, the scared, vulnerable side–all of it.

But Claire needed JJ to realise that for himself. She couldn't make him, no matter how much she wished she could. And if he didn't realise it, she wasn't sure what would happen between them after that.

Claire tore her eyes away from JJ and walked to the sink to grab a glass of water. Except, there were no clean glasses since John B had clearly not done any cleaning up whatsoever. She sighed and limped over to the coffee table and grabbed some clean bandages along with the tissues and rubbing alcohol. She went back into John B's room and sat down, unwrapping the bandage and gagging at the hole in her thigh. It wasn't a massive hole, but it was big enough. She applied the rubbing alcohol, dabbing gently–while trying not to cry over the stinging–and wrapping a clean bandage around it. Claire stood and returned the rubbing alcohol and tissues to the table, but accidentally stubbed her toe and woke JJ with a start.

His eyes blinked a few times until they focused on her.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." Claire said.

JJ shook his head. "It's fine. How's your leg?"

"Sore." She said, looking down at the floor. An uncomfortable silence followed and it made her want to rip her hair out.

She hated how awkward things were now.

"Would you mind taking me home so I can change and freshen up?"

"Yeah. I think my bike is still here."


JJ's bike was still there luckily, and they got on; JJ tensed as Claire wrapped her arms around his torso for support, but relaxed almost as quickly. And although Claire felt uncomfortable about riding on the back of it, she was more concerned about changing into a fresh pair of clothes than the butterflies in her stomach. It was only a short ride to her place and she scrunched her nose in disgust at the FOR SALE sign that still sat in her front yard. She did find some comfort in the fact that it hadn't sold yet, though.

Claire was thankful she'd left the window open yesterday when she left for work because she was able to easily sneak through, albeit with a bit of difficulty due to her leg, and freshen up without Jackie even noticing she was home. Once she was ready, Claire felt a lot better, but still not great. Claire carefully clambered back out her window and limped over to JJ who was still perched on his bike waiting for her. She got on and wrapped her arms around his torso, once again feeling his muscles tense against her arms but relax immediately after, and he took off back to the Chateau.

About an hour of the two sitting around in complete silence, the others showed up in the van and to say Claire was relieved that her and JJ were no longer alone was an understatement.

"Hey, how's your leg?" Kie asked when Claire hobbled over.

"Fine. Still hurts like a bitch but a lot better than it was last night." Claire replied, then turned to Sarah. "Thanks again for getting the bullet out."

Sarah winked. "Anytime."

Claire chuckled and followed the two girls into the van, sitting beside Sarah.

"What's that?" Claire asked, noticing the piece of paper with a weird diagram on it that was laying beside a blowtorch.

Kie picked it up. "I believe it's a diagram of the pulley system we're supposedly using to get the gold."

The three started examining it and Claire honestly couldn't follow. She was smart, but not Pope smart.

"He said it looked something like this," Kie said.


"That's fifty feet down, and they're using a hundred feet rope. So I guess this little wagon will go...straight to the gold room."

Sarah laughed. "Who drew this?"

Kie chuckled. "Who do you think?"

They looked through the front window at Pope, who was looking back at them smiling.

"Kie, this better work." JJ said, coming over and throwing the three gold bars on the floor in front of her. He glanced briefly at Claire but she looked away. "We can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it."

Kie picked up the blue blowtorch, "it's gonna work."

And so, she got to work on melting the gold down and the others watched excitedly. Claire, although she was excited, kept to herself. When Kiara had finished melting, they gathered their things and drove to the pawn shop downtown.

"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein." JJ said as they got out of the van.

"Like you could've done any better." Kie retorted.

"I could've done much better. I took a welding class."


"Whoa, whoa, hey! Shh!" John B said. "Chill out, okay?"

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ replied irritatedly.

Claire rolled her eyes. "You're never satisfied, are you?" She snapped.

JJ narrowed his eyes at her and looked as if he was going to bite back, but didn't. The others looked between the two and then at each other in confusion but there wasn't really any time for questions.

"How did I get this job anyways?" JJ continued.

"Cause you're the best liar." Pope said.

They entered and while JJ greeted the clerk, the others split off to different parts of the store and eavesdropped. Claire stayed with John B and Sarah towards the front while Pope and Kie moved to ogle at a spot towards the back.

"I see you buy gold."

"That's what the sign say, don't it?"

"Well, I sure hope you buy a lot of it, because I'm about to blow your mind." JJ said, putting his backpack on the counter.

"I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it." She said.

He pulled out the gold and put it in front of her. "How about them gold apples?"

The woman chuckled. "That ain't real."

"That ain't real?"

"It can't be," she said, still chuckling.

"Feel how heavy it is."

She picked it up and examined it with a light-up magnifying glass. "Spray painted tungsten."

"Spray painted tungsten? Really? Okay. Why don't you see how uh, soft it is?"

She whacked it with a small hammer and then proceeded to test the acidity.

"Ooh, the acid test." JJ said, then looked around at his friends, "my favourite, guys."

"Well, it ain't plated and it ain't painted."

"Ma'am I'm telling ya, this is as real as the day is long."

"It looks like somebody tried to melt it down."

"My mom. She had all this jewellery laying around the house, and she thought it was best to melt it down. To 'consolidate' it."

"Seven pounds? That's a lot of earrings."

"Okay, to be honest, ma'am," JJ cleared his throat, "...it's really hard to see my mom fall apart with Alzheimer's."

Really? Alzheimer's? Claire rolled her eyes.

"Mhmm. Give me a minute."

"Take your time, ma'am."

She went out back and Claire exchanged an amused look with Sarah.

The woman returned a few moments later. "So I, uh, I talked to my boss."


"And uh, this is what I can do." She said, placing a slip of paper in front of JJ.

He stared at her blankly. "Fifty thousand? You think I walked in here not knowing the spot price? Ma'am I know for a fact this is worth 140, at least." JJ said.

"Well, sweetie, you in a pawnshop. This ain't Zurich. Do I look Swiss to you?"

"Ninety, or I walk."

"Seventy. Half price...and, um...I don't ask questions about where you got this."

JJ looked at John B who gave him a thumbs up. "I'm gonna need that in large denominations, please."

Claire and Sarah glanced at Kie and Pope on the opposite side of the shop and the four of them grinned.

"Well, here's the snag." The woman said. "I don't have that much denominated, not here anyway. I can write you a cashier's check."

"Cash...no, ma'am, I want the cold hard. That's what that sign says. Cash for gold. And that's what I expect. I'm gonna get it in cold hard."

"Well, I have to send you to the warehouse. I have the money there. Is that alright?" She asked.

Claire was becoming skeptical and getting a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Where's this warehouse?" JJ asked.

She gave him the address and the six of them left, heading straight for the supposed warehouse. The nervous feeling hadn't escaped Claire one bit.

"So, they keep money out here?" Pope asked.

"That's what she said." JJ replied. Then he chuckled, "that's what she said."

Claire rolled her eyes.

"Stop." Pope said.

"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive." Sarah said.

"That's cause you're rich." JJ replied.

"We've never heard of it either." Claire snapped.

"Thank you." Sarah muttered.

Kie nudged Claire's arm gently and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" Claire muttered.

"You okay?" Kie whispered.

"I'm fine."

Kiara didn't believe her one bit but she didn't press for details.

As they drove along the seemingly never-ending road, Claire couldn't see any sign of a warehouse. All there was were trees upon trees and nothing else.

"There's nothing but weeds back here." Kiara said, as if hearing Claire's exact thoughts.

"Alright, just cause it's just weeds, doesn't mean it's like..."

Suddenly sirens whooped behind them and they all turned to look.

"Cops? Out here?" Kie questioned.

"God! Are you kidding me?" JJ exclaimed.

"What did we do?" Sarah asked.

"Why are we getting pulled over?"

"Stash that."

"Chill, guys."

"I hate cops."

"Did you bring the gun?" John B asked JJ.

"No. Okay? Everybody told me to leave it back at the place." He replied.

"So you do listen to us." Claire said curtly.

JJ ignored her as he frantically packed his bag and hid it. But the sound of a gun cocking made the six of them freeze, and Claire swallowed thickly as she saw the gun was pointed directly at John B. And it wasn't even a cop, it was just some guy their age.

"Why don't I go ahead and see them hands in the air?" The guy said. "All y'all's hands up in the air right now!" He yelled. They obliged.

"You, out of the car! Let's go!"

John B slowly got out of the van. The guy ordered him to let the others out so he did as instructed.

"All y'all! Go on, go on! Let's get out the car, let's go!"

Sarah was out first, then Pope, followed by Claire, Kie and JJ last.

"Look, we're broke–" JJ started.

"Shut the hell up!" He yelled.

"Alright! Just relax!"

"Shut the hell up! Shut up!"


"Lay down in the ditch! Lay down in the ditch! On your goddamn hands and knees! Down!"

The group slowly got to the ground and Claire whimpered softly. She didn't dare look up.

"Stay here just like that! Put your head down! Don't let me see you look up! Alright? That's all y'all gotta do."

"It's a setup guys," Kie said.

"That old bat shanked us." JJ said, then started punching the dirt. "Fuck! Goddamn it!"

"No, no, no, John B...no..." Sarah whimpered beside Claire. She looked up and saw John B slowly standing.

"What are you doing?" Claire whispered.

"John B, don't be a hero, man." Pope said.

John B pressed a finger to his mouth and told them to shush as he quickly ran over to the guy's car and got in the back seat.

"Alright, y'all just stay like that. Unless you want your brains blown out all over this road, don't move your goddamn heads, okay?"

Claire kept her head down, and didn't look up until the grunting started. She saw John B fighting in the car with their attacker and stood up.

"Guys! I got the gun!" John B yelled.

JJ ran over to him and started punching the kid. He knocked JJ to the ground however, so Kie went in for a punch but he knocked her back too. Claire rushed to help Kie up, as John B whacked him in the back of the head with the gun.

"I got the gold!" Pope yelled.

Sarah started banging the car door against him and when he fell backwards, Kie, Claire and Pope kicked him, hard. 

"You son of a bitch!" Sarah exclaimed.

John B removed the guy's mask.

"I know this piece of shit!" JJ said. "He's a basehead."

"Probably knows my brother." Sarah said.

"He sells coke to my dad."

"Listen, I couldn't hurt any single one of y'all–" he started, but JJ hit him in the face with the end of the gun.


"Dude, chill!"

"Let's get out of here, guys." Claire said.

JJ grabbed something from the kid's pocket and it looked to be his drivers license.

"We got one last stop." He said, walking off.


"Let's go see where this son of a bitch lives."

"I'm gonna remember this shit! You can't hide from me!" The guy yelled as the group of friends returned to their car. "I know exactly who y'all are! You gon' see me again! You hear me? Imma see you again!"

They drove in a tense silence to the address and Claire wanted nothing more than to just go home.

"Welcome to Crackhead Wasteland." Sarah said.

"I don't know about this, man." Pope said.

JJ pulled up and switched off the ignition.

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" Pope asked.

"This'll only take a second." JJ said, getting out of the van.

John B followed his best friend inside to try and talk some sense into him but Claire knew it wouldn't work. The four of them got out and wandered around aimlessly, waiting for the two boys to return. Claire remained leaning against the side of the car.

"Alright, so we're looking at five grand each for reparations for putting us through that bullshit. Sorry about that y'all." JJ said when he returned.

"So that's what we're doing now? We're robbing drug dealers?" Kie asked incredulously.

"This Barry guy's gonna find out. And he's gonna come after us." Sarah said.

"Yes, he will. This is not the time to start wilin' out." Pope added.

"How'd you guys like having a gun pulled on you?"

"Relax." John B said.

"He had it right here on you, bro."

"Look, we've gotta go get the gold, okay? Just give me that shit, we're putting it back–"

As John B grabbed the bag from JJ, JJ slammed him against the car. Claire flinched.

"Do you feel like a tough guy? Huh? What are you gonna do when he comes for us?" John B asked.

JJ clenched his jaw, "we punch him in the throat," he said.

"Yeah, good fucking idea, JJ."

"I'm not putting it back."

JJ grabbed the bag off John B and sat inside. None of the others made a move to follow him.

"You guys getting in or what?" JJ asked them.

None of them answered. Claire exchanged a weary look with John B.

JJ got out of the car and looked at his friends. "What?" He asked.

"We're sick of your shit." John B said.

"Oh, my shit?"

"Yeah. Your shit."

"Yes. Your pulling guns on people shit." Kie said.

"You acting like a freakin maniac–"

"Okay, Pope, I took the fall for you, man! You know how much money I owe because of you?"

"I'm gonna pay you back, and I didn't even ask you to do that!"

"I just did! Pay it back. Right here, right now, by myself." JJ said.

He slung his backpack over his shoulder and turned to Claire. "I'm guessing you feel the same way, since you made it super fucking clear last night that you think I'm such a jerk." He said.

Claire crossed her arms and walked up to him. "What I think is that you need to get your head out of your ass, JJ, and really think about your actions for once. Because that's what you always do. You never think before you do things, and then you mess up and don't know how to handle the consequences!" She said firmly. "Then the rest of us have to handle it for you."

JJ scoffed. "You're just mad because I kissed you and didn't want to talk about it." He replied. "And I'm sorry for that but I only kissed you 'cause I felt bad for you after you got shot."

Claire smacked him across the face and clenched her jaw as tears stung her eyes. The others watched the two in shock. They'd never fought like this before and none of them knew what to do.

"You're an asshole." 

JJ chuckled bitterly. "Yeah, so, what else is new?" Then he stepped back and looked at his friends with disappointment. "I'm gonna go do what I always do. Go off by myself." He said, and stormed off. Claire didn't stop him.

"Claire–" Kie started but Claire cut her off with a glare.

"Don't, Kie. Just...don't."

It took everything in her not to break down right there and then. But she did what she always tried to do–she held it together.

I apologise for the angst but I also am not sorry because it will be worth it soon hehe

Hope you guys enjoyed this one!
Ily all x

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