Chapter 10: Genius

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The two women sat in silence as Optimus drove them through a relatively empty street within the dark night. Maria watched the passing palm trees planted on the sidewalks along with the either closed shops or open night stands and Sage preoccupied herself with tinkering with N.E.W.T. who beeped every now and then.

Maria looked away from the window and turned to look at Sage who was fully focused on what she was doing. Watching her like this was intriguing because of the little quirk Sage seemed to have as she worked. Every now and then she'd smirk to herself in success when something went right. It wasn't anything that significant, but the face she made was one Maria found to be quite cute.

"I can feel you staring." Sage stated, not looking away from her work.

Maria widened her eyes and looked away opting to face the road ahead, "I-I'm not staring, just...observing."

"Observing what exactly?" Sage asked, looking up from N.E.W.T. and at her.

"The robot." Maria said, pointing to N.E.W.T. who looked up at her and beeped.

"N.E.W.T." Sage reminded.

"Right." Maria said with a nod, "I was observing N.E.W.T."

"Why? There isn't much to observe." Sage asked, connecting two wires within N.E.W.T.'s shell.

"Well it's not like he can create a freaking black hole with just a toss and an order from you." Maria said sarcastically.

"Isn't that the dream." Sage said, closing up an open plate on N.E.W.T.'s hardware.

"What do you mean?" Maria asked.

"N.E.W.T.'s main function is just crowd control and space management. Sure little things like cans, watches-"

"My phone." Maria added with narrowed eyes.

"That." Sage said with a nervous nod, "He can suck up little things like those, but bigger things like humans for example are much too large for him so he just pulls them in rather than suck them up."

"That's why those guys at the club weren't sent off somewhere." Maria said, now understanding what she meant.

Sage nodded, "N.E.W.T. emulates some properties of a black hole, but he isn't equipped to generate that kind of power, not yet at least."

Maria blinked in utter bafflement as her eyes snapped to the Sage's Phase Chamber, "Okay, what about that? That disc thing. You threw it and it felt like the entire world became..."

"Ethereal?" Sage asked in amusement and Maria nodded, "I call it my Phase Chamber. This disc is a conduit. A bridge between this world and another similar to ours I call The Void."

"You achieved interdimensional travel?" Maria asked in shock.

"Briefly." Sage replied, "The Phase Chamber collides our two worlds into one for a brief amount of time in a set radius. Whomever or whatever is within that radius will be pulled into The Void where everything is ghost-like. You can't touch anything nor can anything touch you since you don't belong there."

"So you're telling me that I travelled to a different dimension today?" Maria asked.

"Yup! Don't worry though, the effects aren't harmful since the travel is brief, tearing through just takes some getting used to, that's all." Sage said, "It's honestly just a quick method of escape to me. I'll focus on true dimensional travel later."

"And you called these miniscule achievements?" Maria asked in shock

"Any scientist worth their knowledge could figure things like this out if they put their mind to it." Sage said with a shrug.

Maria scoffed, "I've never seen anyone in a lab coat do what you did tonight."

"They'll get there eventually. Humanity always finds a way." Sage replied.

"Do you really believe that?" Maria asked.

"Absolutely." Sage said as she gave Maria a genuine smile, "People are amazing, Maria. Never ever forget, even for one moment, how truly amazing you are."

"I could say the same about you." Maria said with a smirk and Sage shrugged with a wink, going back to working on N.E.W.T. while Maria looked down, smiling to herself as her thoughts finally reached a clear conclusion, 'God damn Sage. I think I'm falling for you.'

"We have arrived." Optimus announced and Maria's eyes snapped forward to see that they were approaching a motel with multiple cars littering the street around it.

It seemed to be a party of sorts, a loud one in fact. Music blasted through the area with many people dancing on the street in front of the motel, drinks and food were being served all around and it seemed like people were having a good time all around.

"Oh joy, a party." Sage said with an amused smile, "Quite the night we're having, no?"

"It's a long one, that's for sure." Maria said as she looked at her, "What are we doing here, Sage?"

"Well we have to get to Moscow somehow. I believe I've found the perfect way to get there." Sage said with a smirk, "We're going to charter a pilot."

"Is this going to be another Sergei situation?" Maria asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Unlikely." Sage simply responded as she reached behind her seat and pulled out a Barney the Dinosaur backpack.

Maria looked at the backpack and smiled in amusement, "Really?"

"What?" Sage asked as she looked at the backpack then Maria, "I like dinosaurs."

Maria chuckled as she pat Sage on the head, "Clever girl."

"Thank you?" Sage asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

'Oh my God, she's never watched it. Of course she hasn't. I don't even think she's seen a movie in her life. I guess...that'll have to change.~' Maria thought as she smirked, "Alright, let's go."

"You're quite strange." Sage comments and Maria narrowed her eyes, "No, no, don't get mad. I like that. It makes you interesting."

"Thank you?" Maria asked, now her turn to tilt her head in confusion.

"You're welcome." Sage replied with a smile as she exited the truck and Maria followed, shaking off Sage's weirdness with a chuckle.

"Optimus keep an eye out as usual. If you see or hear any trouble, then..." Sage drawled out.

"I will do what I have to do." Optimus finished.

"Right." Sage said with a nod as she walked towards the party with Maria in tow.

"So who are we looking for exactly?" Maria asked as they walked through the party towards the motel entrance, garnering curious or suspicious looks on the way and even through Maria was undeterred by the looks, keeping a wary eye out, Sage followed her PIP-Boy's tracker towards their soon to be pilot's location.

"We're looking for someone reliable, someone well known for taking on jobs that are less than legal, someone who was a top brass member of the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces. We're looking for..." Sage said as she stopped at the exact location of where their target was and right in front of a man with his back turned, "Emir El Idrissi!"

As soon as Sage announced his name, the music cut off with everyone looking at them, now many more garnering unwelcoming gazes and the crowd slowly forming a circle around them.

Maria looked around at the crowd with her hand slowly reaching for her gun whilst Sage was completely unbothered by the crowd and stared at Emir's back with a smile.

Emir turned around to reveal that he was relatively tall man with light brown skin, lime colored eyes, shaggy black hair that seemed to have started greying and a shaggy black beard that had strands of white hair growing apart of it. He wore a white vest that was tucked into black khaki pants and brown shoes.

Emir looked at the two of them with a raised brow, taking a sip of his beer before pointing at Sage.

"You use my government name." Emir stated in a bit of broken English, "How do you know of this?"

"I heard about what you do and I tracked you down because of it." Sage stated and those that understood her immediately grew protective of Emir as some pulled out their guns and others knives or machetes.

"Sage..." Maria whispered, now her hand fully gripping her concealed pistol, but Sage looked undeterred as her smile remained.

"Emir! You promised not to bring your trouble here!" An older woman shouted in Arabic from the motel entrance.

"Go inside, mama! This won't take long!" Emir shouted in Arabic as he continued to look between Sage and Maria, "What you want? Death?"

"Preferably not." Sage said as she unzipped the backpack and reached into it, but then all the guns clicked as a warning and some let out shouts, "It's just money. No need to worry."

Emir grabbed the backpack and took a glance inside, "Money for what?"

"You're a pilot right?" Sage asked and Emir nodded, "We need you to fly us and my truck."

"Where?" Emir asked.

"Russia." Maria stated.

"Moscow to be more specific." Sage added.

Emir smirked, "You come to my home on my mama's birthday and expect me to fly you to Russia?"

"I heard you're a man of many talents. Someone that always gets the job done for the right price." Sage said, "You don't need to trust us, frag, you don't have any reason to. We just need your help and right now, you're the best possible option we could ask for."

Emir contemplated her words as he stared into her eyes for any hint of mistrust and so far to him, they did seem genuine.

"Please, Emir. We don't have much time." Maria said and he looked between them before looking down at the bag.

"I am not a cheap man." Emir informed, "How much is money?"

"150,000." Sage stated.

"Dirham?" Emir asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Dollars." Sage stated and Emir's eyes widened along with Maria's while many that were listening had their jaws dropped in shock.

"1-150,000 D-Dollars?" Emir asked and Sage nodded.

"Just deliver us to Moscow and that's it." Sage stated, "It's all yours, should you choose to accept."

Emir took a swig of his beer and zipped up the bag, looking between them once again.

"What are your names?" Emir asked.

"We don't have to tell you-" Maria was about to respond, but Sage cut her off.

"Sage Alanna and Maria Hill." Sage stated with a smile as Maria sent her a frustrated glare to which Sage shrugged at.

Emir chuckled as he looked around the crowd, taking out a wad of cash from the backpack as many gasped, "Everyone! Open your arms wide for our gracious guests and welcome them with the same love they have shown to us!"

The crowd cheered as the music was turned back on and the party went back into a full resounding swing.

"You have plane?" Emir asked as he looked back at them.

"I was under the impression you had one." Maria said.

"I fly them. Do not own." Emir informed.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me." Maria muttered.

"I've got a plane." Sage said, surprising Maria and Emir nodded.

"We fly tomorrow. Be ready then." Emir told them.

"What? No, we don't have time to waste. Let's go now." Sage said hurriedly.

"It is my mama's birthday. We fly tomorrow," Emir said as he pushed the backpack to her chest, "Or not at all."

Sage looked down at the backpack and back at him, making no attempt to grab it and he nodded.

"We fly tomorrow." Emir said and he smiled, "Relax. Sage and Maria. This is party. Have some fun."

"We're wasting time..." Sage muttered with her thoughts racing and Maria took note of her agitation.

"Thanks a lot, Emir." Maria said as gently grabbed ahold of Sage's hand, "We'll be seeing you around."

Emir nodded as he walked away and Maria led Sage to an empty table with an umbrella over it. Sitting her down and rubbing her thumb over her fingers in an effort to calm her down, which seemingly worked as Sage sighed.

"You okay?" Maria asked.

"I'm fine." Sage replied, pulling her hand back to check the current location of her invention whilst rapidly tapping her foot on the ground.

"For such an expert bullshitter, you're doing a pretty bad job of it right now." Maria said, and Sage just briefly smirked as she continued to stare at the PIP-Boy's screen and Maria frowned, "You hungry?"

"I'll survive." Sage replied, not taking her eyes off the gauntlet.

Maria slowly nodded as she got up and headed towards one of the food stands.

A bottle of beer was placed onto the table and Sage raised her head to see that it was Emir smirking at her.

"A small gift to between new friends." Emir stated.

"I don't drink." Sage clarified.

"Everybody drinks, Miss Sage." Emir said with a chuckle, "People just choose not to."

"Yeah, well," Sage said with a yawn, "I'll be choosing not to."

"Tired?" Emir asked and Sage waved it off leading to Emir letting off a hum, "You are not from here."

"That would be an astute observation, yes." Sage confirmed with a nod.

"We give you and your friend room for tonight." Emir stated, "We have many."

"I was planning on sleeping in my truck again, but I don't think Maria would appreciate that much." Sage said as she watched Maria wait for the food she had requested.

She turned to look back at Sage and their two eyes met, Sage sending her a small wave and Maria nodding to her with a small smile.

"I'll take you up on your offer, Emir." Sage said to him and he nodded.

He took out a set of keys from his pocket and picked one out, putting it on the table and sliding it to her.

"One of our best." Emir notified, "My mama, she is very thankful to you. It is first time she had ever seen a real dollar."

"I apologize for crashing your party though. It was urgent that we get to you as soon as possible." Sage apologized.

"Your payment made my mama happy." Emir stated, "For that, I welcome you with open arms."

Sage smiled as she looked at the beer and shrugged, opening it and taking a swig to which she immediately cringed at as Emir laughed.

"Have a good night, Miss Sage." Emir said with a brief raise of his beer to her and Sage nodded.

"You too, Emir." Sage said as he walked away just as Maria walked back to them with a plate of condiment filled fries.

"What was that about?" Maria asked as she watched Emir walk back to his friends.

"He offered us a room." Sage said, pointing to the key and taking another swig of her beer.

"Sage is that beer?" Maria asked in surprise.

"Indeed it is, Deputy Director." Sage said with a subtle slur in her tone, "What of it?"

"Nothing really," Maria said as she put the plate down on the table, "I just didn't know you drank."

"I do not." Sage said as she drank some more, "This is merely a courtesy."

"And you're okay?" Maria asked.

"I'm fine, Maria! This is merely one bottle!" Sage exclaimed, now her slur very apparent, "I have survived waters much more toxic than this...and I always stand tall! Watch!"

Sage stood up, but then she stumbled to the side and almost fell, but Maria caught her before she could land face first on the ground.

"You only had one bottle and you're already drunk?" Maria asked amusedly.

"I am not DrUnk!" Sage slurred with a hiccup, "You are just sober!"

"Yes, Sage. That's what people who haven't drank anything usually are." Maria said in amused tone.

"Well, that's just BoRing! You are boooring!" Sage slurred as she finished the rest of her beer. She spotted another in a cooler box and reached for it, picking it up, but then Maria immediately grabbed the bottle.

"That's enough of that." Maria said and Sage looked flat out offended.

"What the frag!?" Sage exclaimed.

"If only one bottle can do this to you then the second one may as well put you in a coma." Maria said, putting the bottle back in the cooler box, "I'm cutting you off for tonight."

"Every party has a pooper, that's why we invited you..." Sage sang as she blew Maria a raspberry, "Party pooper!"

"Sage." Maria said as she folded her arms, trying to hold in a laugh.

"PaRty PoOper!" Sage sang and Maria let out a laugh and Sage smirked at that, "Ha! You laughed! That means what I said was true, because every joke has some truth behind it!"

"That's not how that works." Maria said with a shake of her head.

"Works for me." Sage merely replied as she looked at the plate of fries, "Ooh! Food!"

Sage stumbled to the table and scooped up a handful of the fries, taking a mouthful and humming in satisfaction at the taste.

"Save some for me at least." Maria said with a chuckle as she took a few fries and ate them, moaning in satisfaction at the delectable taste, "He wasn't lying when he said that these were his best servings."

Sage stared at Maria with her jaw dropped as her mind kept playing back to the sound of her satisfied moan, 'That was so hot! Illogical thinking! But it was though. Shut up brain!'

Maria noticed her stare and laughed at the face she was making, "You okay?"

"You're hot." Sage let out involuntarily, but then she widened her eyes with her cheeks growing red and she embarrassingly turned and walked away towards the bustling crowd.

Maria blinked a few times in a both confused and flattered mindset, but then she shook the bubbly feelings off when Sage started walking towards the crowd.

"Sage, wait!" Maria exclaimed as she walked after her, finding her standing in the middle of the crowd with her back turned, "Sage?"

"Do you hear that?" Sage asked as she turned towards her with a dazed smirk.

"What?" Maria asked.

"The music! That melody!" Sage shouted as she started bumping her head to the beginning of the track.

"I think I've heard the song a couple of times on the radio." Maria said with a shrug, "What about it?"

Sage gave her a lazy smirk as the song's lyrics started to boom and she sang along to them 'Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'm batshit crazy, having you on my mind?'

"Are you seriously singing right now?" Maria asked with a look of utter bafflement.

"Do you think I'm helpless?" Sage continued a she started circling Maria, "My algebra gon' equal you every time."

"How drunk are you!?" Maria exclaimed.

Do you think I'm calling? Do you think I'm calling out your name every night?" Sage continued, stopping in front of her as she pointed at her chest, "Girl, I have fallen for you'

(What, what you say?)

"Oh my God." Maria said with an eye roll.

"Exactly." Sage replied with a smirk as she started dancing and moving to the beat of the song.

Oh my God
Baby, baby, don't you see?
I got everything you need

"O-only a genius could love a woman like she." Sage sang along as she grabbed hold of Maria's hands and started moving them to the beat.

"Sage this is ridiculous." Maria said in amusement.

Oh my God
Baby, baby, don't you see?
I got everything you need

"O-o-only a genius could love a woman like she." Sage repeated with a smirk, "And guess what baby, I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius."

Sage pulled her closer as she bit her lip while looking into her eyes, placing Maria's hands on her shoulders and grabbing a hold of her waist as they swayed to the beat.

A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
He's a genius

"'Cause I love a woman like you." Sage sang along and Maria couldn't help but blush as well as laugh at the cheesiness of the situation.

I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
He-he's a genius

"'Cause I love a woman like you." Sage repeated, holding onto Maria's hand and spinning her so now her back was pressed against Sage's front as they continued to sway.

The crowd took notice of the two of them and as if they followed their lead, many couples started dancing together. Emir encouraging more and more people to join the lively party.

(Da-da-da-da-da-mm-da, da-na-na)


"You'll be my Einstein, my Newton, my Galileo, and my Hawkings" Maria sang, surprising Sage.

"So she does know to have fun~" Sage teased.

"Bite me." Maria replied with a giggle.

"Don't tempt me~" Sage whispered as she placed a soft kiss on Maria's neck and she shivered at the touch.

Boy, put that pep in my step
Put your arm on my neck while I am walkin'

"Please understand, yeah, I have fallen for you, you." Maria sang as she started to roll her hips against Sage, two slowly grinding to the rhythm.

(What, what you say?)

Oh my God
Baby, baby, don't you see?
I got everything you need

"O-only a genius could love a woman like me" Maria sang and Sage chuckled.

Sayin', oh my God (My God)
Baby, baby, don't you see? (Yeah)
I got everything you need

"O-o-only a genius could love a woman like me" Sage sang, twirling Maria back around so that they were back in their original position only this time they were closer and more sensual in the way they moved against each other.

I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius

"She's a genius." Maria sang, fully enveloped with the music at this point.

"'Cause I love a woman like you." Sage sang along, as enveloped as Maria was.

I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
He-he's a genius

"'Cause I love a woman like you!" Many others sang to their partners with hearty laughs that was brimming with love.

(Da-da-da-da-da-mm-da, da-na-na)
Oh my God

"Dot the Is and cross the Ts. I got everything you need." Maria sang to Sage as she stared into her eyes with profound infatuation, and if heart shaped eyes were possible then she'd sure as hell be having them now.

Well, only a genius could love a woman like me
Oh my God

"You're the lock and I'm a key. I got everything you need." Sage sang to Maria with her eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips, feeling the strong urge to just do what felt right at the moment, to finally explore these strange new feelings, but she wasn't sure how to go about it.

Well, only a genius could love a woman like me

Maria couldn't take it anymore as she pulled Sage into a strong yet passionate kiss. Her arms gripping her neck as Sage tightened her hold on her waist. Sage wasn't accustomed to such an action, but being the quick learner she was, she adapted and moved her lips in unison with Maria's, leading to agent to let out a satisfied moan.

(Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
'Cause I love a woman like you
(Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
He-he-he's a genius (Oh)
'Cause I love a woman like you

The two slowly pulled away once they were finally out of breath as the song ended and the crowd let out cheers of celebration as well as hoots and hollers, not just at the two, but the entire feverish dance they all partook in.

"W-Well...I think I may have sobered up now." Sage let out as Maria chuckled

"Shut up, genius." Maria said, pulling her into another kiss.

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