Chapter 2: Miscalculations

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This was not exhilarating!

Those were the exact words running through Sage's head as she walked along the long desert road. It had been 3 hours since she'd left the army base in hopes of finding some answers and she had begun to regret that decision immensely.

She took out a canteen from the bag she had taken from the base and brought it to her mouth for some water but only a few drops dripped into her mouth, confirming the canteen on being officially empty. Sage rolled her eyes and shoved the canteen back in her bag.

"I'm officially annoyed." Sage stated with frown. She had come across a cross road with each road going in four different directions.

It didn't help that the three roads she had to choose from seemed never ending and the fact that her tunic made the desert sun even more extreme. From the corner of her eye, Sage noticed a car driving towards the crossroads from the east.

She had studied a lot of things from that dictionary and was shocked to discover the technological marvels the world she was now in consisted of. While grateful to learn from it, Sage knew next to nothing about this world and she knew the best way to learn more was to find some kind of historical texts or information to get a good grasp on the world.

The car approaching her direction was in fact a muscle car with flames painted on the front and it was shaking from the beat of the speakers.

She waved her arms in the air to garner the driver's attention and the muscle car stopped in front of her. The windows rolled down to reveal a lanky man with blonde hair that was shaved at the sides, nose and ear piercings, tattoos on his arms and neck from what Sage could see. He wore a silver jacket with a black shirt and jeans.

"How's it going, babe?" the man asked as he smirked at her.

'Humans have really regressed from the looks of it.' Sage uttered within her thoughts as she adopted a smirk of her own "I'm lost; would you mind taking me to the nearest settlement?"

"Settlement?" the man asked in amusement.

"I meant to say civilization." Sage corrected, there were many terms for places people gathered and lived in from what she studied but she wasn't sure if she would be communicating well enough without the slang of the current age.

The man laughed "Yo you talk funny sweetheart, but I get ya. Nearest 'civilization' not too far from here."

"Take me there." Sage stated.

"The demanding type eh? I like that, but a please would be nice." The man said.

Sage almost rolled her eyes but stopped herself from doing so "Please? I'll make it worth your while."

"Now that's what I like to hear, hop in babe." The man said as he nodded over to the passenger seat.

Sage walked around the car and the man opened the passenger door for her but once she got in, she cringed from the unknown yet stomach churning smell. The man laughed as he turned the car and drove off with the radio back on to full volume.

"My name's Kevin by the way." The man, now named Kevin, shouted and Sage just briefly smiled in response.

Sage felt a light bump but couldn't distinguish where it came from so she just chalked it off as the car bouncing off the road or something of the sort. She turned to watch Kevin's body and study him as he drove and he smirked at her.

"Like what you see?" Kevin asked.

"Just observing." Sage replied as she continued to study his movements.

"So what were you doing all the way out here and what's with the goofy clothes?" Kevin asked.

"I told you I got lost and my outfit shouldn't matter to you." Sage replied "And you? What are you doing out here?"

Kevin smirked "You seem cool so I guess I can tell ya."

He placed his hand on the dashboard and the sided of the radio glowed, a screen slid up from the dash and it was showing the current status of the car and its schematics.

"My boss just got me this baby after all the good work I've done." Kevin stated.

"What kind of work?" Sage enquired.

"Let's just say, I move some important merchandise for him." Kevin stated as he swiped on the screen and pushed a symbol which made three buttons, which were green, yellow and red, pop up by the radio "Check it out."

He pushed the red button and Sage widened her eyes to see a missile pop up from the hood, she saw another car with red and blue lights attached to the top as it sat by the side of the road. Kevin laughed as he went to push the red button, which was glowing and the screen had targeted the police car.

Sage moved and grabbed the steering wheel, turning it to a hard right as Kevin pushed the button. The missile was fired but it completely missed its target and shot of to the desert. The explosion itself created a large dust cloud and the wind pressure pushed the car back slightly, all of this completely shocking her.

"What the hell!?" Kevin shouted as he grabbed her head "That was meant for the pig! You just wasted millions bitch!"

Sage grunted as she grabbed her hammer and hit Kevin on the knee which made it shoot up and hit the pedal, making the car jolt forward and cause Kevin to his nose on the steering wheel. He screamed in pain and went to grab something from his pocket but Sage knocked him out by landing a blow on his head, making the man go limp.

"Frag." Sage stated as she reached into Kevin's pockets, she took out a pistol and put it in her bag even though she had no idea what it did.

She felt another bump from the car which confused her since they weren't moving anymore. She moved Kevin's body to the backseat and got out of the car, moving to the hood and opening it up.

"I don't think that's normal." Sage muttered as she looked down at the supposed engine.

The 'engine' was a wheel with a glowing core in the center, cables littered the entire compartment as well as multiple mechanical components that some of Sage could identify from her studies but the rest were a baffling to her.

The car bounced from a bump again and she shut the hood, moving around the car to see what was doing so. She went to open the trunk but it was locked, so she searched through Kevin's wallet but there was no key.

She entered the car again and started searching his jacket pockets, smirking to herself in success once she found a key. Kevin groaned and started blinking awake much to Sage's annoyance.

"Wha-" those were the only words Kevin let out right before Sage knocked him out with the hammer again.

She walked back to the trunk and unlocked it, opening it up but getting shocked once more as another secret about the car was revealed. Inside the trunk was a woman that was tied up and gagged with her makeup running down her face from the tears as she looked at Sage in fear.

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