The Reunion

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I walked to school one breezy summer morning, missing my parents. My parents are...... Oh where are my manners, hi I'm Sky, Sky Zeus. And in case you didn't guess it by my last name, I'm the son of Zeus, Zeus and Mother Nature. I bumped into a girl that I feel like I've seen before. I figured out who it was, it was my friend, Aqua, Aqua Poseidon. She doesn't remember me since we when we were kids. We played evil pranks and got in big trouble, we were playing a prank. The prank was that we were bad guys and pretended that we were going to kill our parents. We were memory wiped, including me, I forget things but then remember them, I didn't get fully memory wiped because I'm the son of the leader and most powerful, in my opinion, God. I said," Hey Aqua!" She got scared because then again she didn't know who I was, yet. I told her, " Don't worry, I know you don't remember me. But trust me and follow me." She followed me but had her guard up. We met one of my other "friends" Fier and Terra. Full names,
Fier and Terra Persephone Hades, or Fier and Terra Hades as they like to be called. I decided to skip them since they lose their temper easily. I saw Forest and Harvest, they were the 2 out of 4 people who remembered me. I saw something in the corner of my eye. It was the Lapis bracelet I gave to her. It was floating in water. I left when she wasn't looking. I took it and put it on her wrist, then Her eyes turned blue. Her life flashed before her eyes. She remembered me and all my friends. We went on to Death and War. They were plotting their evil plans on their sisters and the planet. I grabbed a Bloodstone bracelet and Aqua grabbed an Oxyn bracelet they were floating on a black hole. We grabbed them and On the count of 3 we put the bracelets on them. Death's eyes turned black and War's eyes turned black and red. Their life flashed before their eyes. We went back to Fier and Terra. We grabbed Jasper and Ruby bracelets and we had to fight to put the bracelets on. Fier's eyeS turned red and Terra's eyes turned brown and their life flashed before their eyes. We gathered everyone and we held hands. We started floating and our eyes were changing colors. Above us there were crystal necklaces. They floated down onto our necks. Mine started glowing clear white, Aqua's started glowing blue, Terra's started glowing brown, Fier's started glowing red, Forest's started glowing dark green, Harvest's started glowing light brown green, Death's necklace started glowing black, War's necklace started glowing black and red, Life's necklace started glowing white and Peace's necklace started glowing rainbow colors. We started floated down. We got our significant colored hair and clothes. We were so exited, well, most of us, Death and War weren't super excited, but at least they were smiling, a bit it was ore of a half smile than a smile but I'm getting off track. I'm the only one who doesn't live with my parents. My "parents" know that I'm magical but they don't know anything about it. I sometimes live with my family, but that's only if they're off. The reason I don't live with them is because my people are in battle with the Griffindoors. My parents wanted me to be safe, so they sent me down with a parachute. I still miss them from time to time, but I still manage it.

The End

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