Chapter III: Some News

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Aracely looked at Chloe, still shocked that she's seeing her tears coming from her face. "What is happening to you?! Why is the person making that!?" Aracely asked. Chloe didn't reply. Instead, she stayed still and felt as if she had war flashbacks. It was a flashback, but not war. 


It was a normal Monday morning in the innocent year of 2010. Chloe was only in 1st grade only to be with her baby sister, who happened to have a rare disease with her heart that she needed to be sent to the hospital frequently. One day, a tragic incident occurred to the family....


"It's a long story," Chloe said, wiping the tear from her eye. "Don't mention what you witnessed from me." she added. Aracely shrugged and they both left the dorm, bringing the book in Aracely's backpack. 

"Chloe Mackhaito, please report to the office," a voice said on the speaker. Chloe sighed. "Be right back, Aracely." she said as she sprinted towards the office. Aracely blinked twice and looked at her backpack. She looked in front of her where Chloe sprinted off to. 

In the office, Principal Glendan was waiting in the office. He looked at his watch and the school clock that actually worked with the actual time. Chloe opened the door to his office and closed the door. "You called, Glendan?" she said. Principal Glendan nodded and gestured his hand, meaning come towards the desk. Chloe went behind the desk as Glendan searched for some papers. He finally found what he was looking for and it was some sort of folder. "What's this?" Chloe asked. "Cassius," Principal Glendan replied. "In 2014, it was noted that he was deceased but......" he paused. Chloe looked at him and blinked twice. "He what?" Principal Glendan clutched on to the papers, tightly. "He faked his own death. Your mother knows him well. Cassius was the master of disguise and faking." he explained. Chloe's eyes widened. "What? So he's out there somewhere.....?!" she asked. He nodded. "In that book of Infinity's moments here had pictures of her children and their children and so on. Infinity had an enemy; Ryder Neilsenn. From what I know, he was someone Infinity exposed when they were in school." Principal Glendan gave a history lesson. "Was he.....?" Principal Glendan nodded. "Cassius' ancestor," 


Meanwhile, Lilian was at her desk, scratching the tape off of it. Aracely was at the desk next to her. "Where's Chloe?" Lilian whispered. "Office," Aracely replied. She set her backpack down on the floor. "Alright, class!" the teacher, Mr. Morle, called to the class so they would hear whatever announcement this teacher had to give. "We're having a new student today, so let's give them the respect they deserve, ight?" he announced. "Ight," the whole class replied. In Mr. Morle's class, whenever he says "ight" at the end of his sentences, everyone has to repeat that as in they understood. A boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, a denim jacket, a tie-dye t-shirt, jeans, and converse shoes walked in the classroom. He waved slowly to the class. "Alright, new kid. Sit in one of the seats at Lilian and Aracely's group." Mr. Morle said as he pointed to both girls and they rose their hands. The boy nodded and sat down in the seat next across from Lilian. Aracely stared at the boy, oddly. The boy seemed uncomfortable and avoided any sort of eye contact with her.


Chloe rushed out of the office and sprinted towards her classroom. "I have to warn everyone!" she thought to herself. She looked at the time on her watch and sprinted faster. With time to spare, Chloe entered the classroom and sat in her normal seat while panting. "Chloe, you're late." Mr. Morle said. "I........know........Principal Glendan.......needed me.......for something....." Chloe replied in between her panting. The boy stared at Chloe, as if she was someone he knew. Chloe got out her books and started to do the work she had to do for the class. 

"Apparently," Principal Glendan began. "Your mother has been telling me your grades have been lowering since  everything occurred in 2011. Not sure how you're passing the grades, but I will assure you, you will be punished for not making up work you need to do. Do this work you have to owe, otherwise we won't have " 

Chloe did all the work she had to owe from being late to class. Lilian and Aracely looked at Chloe, looked at each other, and back at Chloe. They gave a look of confusion. Why was Chloe all of a sudden owing work? Hasn't it been a thing for her to turn them in 3 months late? There were a lot of questions going on their minds. None of them could be answered.

To be continued......

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