My Phone

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It's an iPhone 4s.

That should say some things right there.

I like it...

...most of the time. 

It's got its ups and downs. I think larger ups. The downs are just there to be my pet peeves.

Pros about my phone:
• It's a smartphone! Yay! So I can download some apps (you'll see what I mean in the cons), customize it, go on the internet, etc.
• It actually works. As in, it can actually send and receive texts and photos and I can use it as an actual phone by actually calling people.
• It's small. That could actually be a pro or a con depending on how you look at it. Pro because it's more portable and can fit in a back pocket. Con because the screen can be rather tiny for some games (eg. Minecraft).
• Wattpad works pretty well on it. That counts for like 10 points right there. XD I mean, seriously, it might be my most used app.
• It charges really fast. And I mean, really fast. As in, I sat down here maybe 5-10 minutes ago at 50%, plugged it in and it's at 75%. It also holds a charge pretty well.

Cons about my phone:
• It's a hand-me-down. It used to be my mom's. I've had it for about a year and two months now. So, about two-thirds of my contacts I don't even know. XD And a third of the other third I don't need or want.
• It can be glitchy. When I'm typing a longer chapter on Wattpad it seems to get overloaded or something and the typing gets slow. Also Minecraft has become the king of glitches on here.
• It has iOS 7. The old software doesn't let me download some apps. So, yes Madi, I would love to get PicsArt and/or Phonto, but I can't because of my software. -_-
• It's small. (see pros)
• I don't have the best monthly plan. This isn't really the phone itself but what my parents were willing to pay for me (it only costs $12/month). I have 250 texts (I've run out once now), 250 minutes (that's actually plenty, I don't talk on the phone much XD), and 10 GB of data (enough only to send/receive group MMS and photos).

So I do well with what I have. It would be nice to get a newer phone. I think when I do I want to switch to Samsung. What do you Samsung users out there think of your phones? Like them? Please let me know! I need advice.

Welp, that all from me. Please vote, comment, share, and eat cupcakes (I'm still using it *sly smile* *cough cough* WitchyScarlet *cough cough*)!!


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