Newsies!!! :)

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If you're interested, which you might be :)

I went with some friends last night to see Newsies in the movie theater, because they were showing it again!!! For you Fansies, we all know it's so much better on the big screen :) They didn't have the intermission this time, though, which I liked the first time I saw it. :/

The group I went with was some of the youth group from my church (we have a crazy youth group, don't ask). Our director and his wife took my friends Anna and Ava and I. Anna and Ava had not seen it before, and since we had just choreographed some moves to "Carrying the Banner" for a town parade (which we won the grand prize on with the help of our director's cartoon artistry, might I add 😁🎉), I HAD to make them see it. We had also seen the 1992 version a few months earlier, and I told them that the new one was a lot better.

Ava had been watching "Supergirl." The actor for Winn Schott- Jeremy Jordan (*fangirls excitedly* er, sorry, excuse me... :3)- is also in Newsies as the star role of Jack Kelly, and when she discovered this during the pre-movie extras, she was really excited.

AFTERWARDS, we hung out outside the theater, where a lot of us were showing off our best tricks, because who can resist after watching Newsies, right? I asked the two girls about how they liked it. Anna is a huge Hamilton fan, and I got Ava to say that it was better than Hamilton.


So, Fansies, I have successfully made the fandom a little larger. I'm happy. 😁😁😁😁 Ava agreed that this one is a lot better than the original, which I think is true. She also is a big Jackrine shipper now. 💕

I asked Anna how she liked it, and she replies, "I like the soundtrack better than the movie."


"I didn't like the plot."

*walks away during icy silence*

And then during the car ride back she continued her rant about Marvel. 😒

I DON'T have anything AGAINST Marvel, its just NICE to talk about the movie we JUST SAW instead of SOMETHING ELSE.

We're still good friends, but...!?!?!!

So I tried, Fansies, and partially succeeded. Some people will just have to miss out on the beauty of Newsies.

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