A Gangsters Weakness

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Dazai sighed as he stood on the roof of the hospital gripping the rails with his bare hands. Dazai swore when he found out the man responsible for his husband being in pain and his babies suffering he'd kill them with his bare fucking hands. Dazai did something he hadn't in a long time. He pulled a cigarette out and he lit it, smoking in the toxic fumes. Reflecting on what happened. Dazai figured whoever was responsible isn't working alone. The bullet didn't even hit them but the poison that spread through the bakery affected his husband and son horribly. Dazai was unaffected. It was more than likely no longer human running through his veins protecting him from the venomous fumes, but Chuuya and Arsené… they were suffering a great deal. They were both laid up in the ICU of the hospital… the stress of it all and the pain Chuuya was enduring caused for their baby to be born prematurely. Dazai honestly was afraid the small baby wasn't going to survive.

Dazai called Kouyou as he paced back and forth on the roof. Within three rings she answered. Quite worried knowing it was well late in France.


"I'm going to have to stay a while. So for now I give you complete charge of everything. I know you'll handle it well."

Kouyou's eyes widened. "What?! Dazai what happened?!?"

"...Chuuya and Arsené have been affected by a poison. It's an ability… but I directly can not nullify it… so Chuuya and Arsené are just… suffering… they're in the ICU of the hospital right now…"


"...Chuuya had the baby… she's in the NICU… they truly don't think she'll survive…" Dazai said sadly. "... I'm supposed to protect them… and I failed them today…"

"No. You didn't. You haven't failed them at all. Failing them would be running away. Not being by their bedsides. But you're there. You're willing to put everything on hold to make sure they're okay. You're more than protecting them and you are brave Dazai."

Dazai sniffled as he tried to hold it together. "Thanks… Kouyou-nee…"

"Keep me updated on things. I'll handle everything here don't worry. You just get the bastard who did this."

"Of course I will… it's what I do best."


Dazai checked on Chuuya first. He looked down at his husband who was panting heavily, and sweating. His body was trying to fight against the poison affecting him. But unfortunately without catching that ability user Chuuya would stay in this state for god knows how long. Dazai gently wiped the excess sweat from Chuuya's forehead. He kissed him softly on the forehead and held his hand in his tightly as he kneeled next to his side.

"I promise you Chuuya… I'll fix this… and our babies will be okay… I won't let us lose either one of them… I swear it…" Dazai said wiping his tears.

Chuuya groaned in pain as the poison was spreading. But even through his pain he squeezed Dazai's hand.

"D-Dazai… I… I know…" Chuuya said softly. "D-Don't b...lame… yourself…"

Dazai sniffled and smiled as he looked down. "Silly chibi… You're in so much pain and still worrying about me… rest now… I'll fix this…"


Dazai then went to check on the children. He first checked on Arsené. Trying to give the most comfort to his son as he could. He kissed his small forehead and he was grateful at least that Arsené was sleeping now. At first he was unconsolable. He was crying for hours, and it had finally simmered down to just pure exhaustion. Dazai kissed his son one more time. Laying his favorite stuffed animal next to him before heading up to the NICU. Dazai walked in the room and he looked at his daughter in the see through container. It was to keep her healthy from the outside germs. Because of her early arrival it was the best for her so she didn't end up sick from someone else. She was so fragile, so small. Dazai was afraid to hold her. He was afraid he wouldn't be gentle enough with such a small and precious life in his hands. Dazai sighed as he looked at his daughter. He had to fix this. And quickly.

Dazai's phone ringed and he pulled it out his pocket. He looked at his phone screen. It was a private number. Who the hell would call him private? Dazai answered the phone.


"Dazai Osamu-"

"Who the hell is this?!"

"The man responsible for your son and husband's suffering. How's the baby? Dead yet?" The man chuckled.

"You son of a bitch. The second I find out who you are I'll make you beg for mercy." Dazai said as he smirked. "If you know my name you know I am good for it."

The man laughed. "That you are. But right now. I believe the ball is… mm… how do you say? In my court."

Dazai heard over the PA system of the hospital a code blue for Chuuya's room. Dazai's eyes widened as he ran to Chuuya's room quickly. He tried to go in the room but the doctor wouldn't let him. "Chuuya!"

"How does it feel to have your loved ones toyed with? To have their life in someone else's hand." He chuckled. "You have 24 hours to save their life. Can you?"

Dazai gritted his teeth and as he heard the click of the phone hanging up.

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