A Surprising Welcome

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"I don't want to stay home all day!" Chuuya whined. "Why can't I just go with you?!"

"Because honey for one you are nine months pregnant, and almost due. And two I am going to make deals with an enemy organization and the last thing I want is you or Arsené put in any danger." Dazai retorted.

"But I'll be bored and lonely without you." Chuuya pouted.

Dazai walked over to Chuuya and he kissed him gently on the lips and rested his hands on his stomach. "I promise you I won't be long and when I get back we can spend some time together okay?"

"Okay..." Dazai kissed Chuuya again and he leaned down kissing his stomach.

"I love you both. I'll be back soon."

Chuuya nodded as he watched Dazai leave.

Dazai had been gone for two hours now and Chuuya was going out of his mind. He was too far along to have enough energy to go anywhere and do anything. But being in the house all day was definitely driving him crazy. He really hoped Dazai would be home soon because Chuuya has already cleaned the whole house, reorganized their book shelf by sides. Chuuya had his side and Dazai had his. Chuuya finished getting Arsené's room organized finally. And now since it was late in the afternoon. Chuuya figured Dazai would be home soon so he started fixing dinner. Tonight's promised meal was crab, mashed potatoes, asparagus, and sweet dinner rolls. Because Chuuya knew for sure Dazai successfully closed the negotiations as he always did.

Chuuya had just put the lid back on the pot letting the crabs continue to boil. Chuuya dried off his hands and he heard the door to their condo being pushed open. Chuuya thought it was a bit odd Dazai was taking so long to come inside.

"Osamu?" Chuuya called out. Chuuya didn't receive an answer, instead he felt a bullet graze his face and it ricochet off the boiling pot of crab and cracked the mirror in the living room. Chuuya backed up and he ducked behind the island in the kitchen as more bullets where flying his way. Chuuya grabbed the gun from the cabinet and he loaded the clip and fired at the subordinates. Chuuya would have used his ability but using his ability especially while pregnant took a bigger toll on him than he'd like to admit.

Chuuya dodged more bullets as he ran into the hallway going towards the bed room. Chuuya opened the door to their bedroom, and he used the door way as coverage as he shot the enemy organizations subordinates. There was only one man left but Chuuya ran out of bullets, and on top of that Chuuya felt a very sharp ripple of pain. He groaned out in pain as he held on to the door frame. Chuuya pushed through the pain and he got up and fumbled around in the bedroom for some bullets. Chuuya found them but he yelped and the bullets clattered to the floor as another sharp ripple of pain went through his body.

"Shit!" Chuuya said as he held his stomach and he panted heavily. Chuuya reached for one of the bullets and he grabbed the gun, another sharp ripple of pain and Chuuya was doubled over. He heard the click of a gun, and he looked up seeing the subordinate pointing a gun at him. He smirked as he got ready to fire. "Goodby-"

Chuuya then suddenly felt blood splatter all over his face, as the subordinate was shot through the head. He fell to the ground with a thud and Dazai sat his gun on the dresser.

"Chuuya!" Dazai rushed over and he wiped the blood off of Chuuya's face with his coat sleeve. "Oh god baby are you okay?!" Dazai asked worriedly as Dazai held Chuuya's head in his hand looking at him.

Chuuya nodded weakly as he gasped. Dazai looked worriedly as he held Chuuya up.

"Baby... What's wrong? Come on talk to me."

"Baby... I think I'm in labor..."

"Shit... Odasaku grab the hospital bag and bring around the car!"

Odasaku nodded and he ran and got the hospital bag and made his way down to the car. Dazai helped Chuuya out of the house and he helped him down the stairs of their condo complex. Chuuya was breathing heavily as the pain was getting unbearable. Oda brought the car around and Dazai opened the door and he helped Chuuya inside and he slid into the car himself.

"Oda step on it!"

Oda stepped on the gas and he started driving as fast as he could to the hospital. Chuuya screamed as the pain was now hitting him full force every second. Dazai grabbed Chuuya's hand and he nullified his ability as it was starting to show as Chuuya was in pain. Chuuya was freaking out as he felt the baby start to slip out of him.

"We're not going to make it... The baby is coming..."

"W-what?! Chuuya baby you have got to hold on we're almost there!"

"Ah! I can't! I can't! He's coming!"

Chuuya was panting and sobbing as he couldn't deal with the over bearing pain anymore.

"You have to deliver him..." Chuuya sobbed.

"I can't Chuuya! I'm not a professional!"

Chuuya grabbed Dazai's shirt, and he pulled him to his face level. "You don't have a choice! He is coming... Rather you're ready or not! I can't deliver him myself and you're the boss of the fucking Port Mafia, you do negotiations all day long, you fuck people over, you con and cheat, steal, and you kill for a living so don't tell me you can't fucking deliver our son! Deliver him!" Chuuya demanded angrily.

Dazai for the first time was actually terrified of Chuuya, and he nodded his head vigorously. Dazai lifted up Chuuya's hips and he pulled off his pajama pants. Dazai looked in between Chuuya's legs and he swallowed thickly.

"I- I- I- I see the head... Uh... Push?" Dazai said nervously.

Chuuya screamed and he pushed, Dazai saw Arsené slipping out more. Chuuya panted and he groaned at the pain.

"Okay! Okay! I see him! Again!" Dazai yelled.

Chuuya pushed hard again as he groaned out in pain.

"One more time!"

Chuuya pushed one more time and Arsené came out completely. Dazai grabbed him and he heard the first wails from his newborn son. Chuuya leaned his head back panting, and Dazai took off his coat and he used it to wrap Arsené up in to keep him warm. Oda managed while driving to shrug off his coat and he handed it to Dazai.

"Cover up Chuuya too. He needs to stay warm as well." Odasaku suggested.

And Dazai did just that he covered his lover up and Chuuya's head rested on Dazai's shoulder and Dazai rubbed his hand through his ginger curls, while in the other arm he held their son between them and Chuuya looked down at Arsené. And his heart swelled at seeing the newborn.

"He's beautiful..." Chuuya said softly.

Dazai nodded smiling. "He is... And he's all ours..."

Dazai held his lover and child close and he knew from this moment he'd destroy the world to keep his family safe. 

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