Home Sweet Home

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Dazai yawned softly as the first rays of sunlight started to pierce the room. Dazai groaned in annoyance at this, there was no way he could fall back asleep with light shining through the room. Even the smallest of light bothered him. Dazai shifted out of bed gently as to not disturb his sleeping lover and he shut the dark curtains closed and then the second layer closed on top of that. Dazai now content with the darkness of the room went back over to the bed. Dazai looked at Chuuya asleep on the bed. Chuuya's back was exposed. Dazai's eyes roamed down the exposed part of Chuuya's back and he smirked as he saw the small hickeys on the dip of his lower back. Dazai finally crawled back under the covers. Dazai felt as Chuuya rolled over snuggling into him and he smiled as he kissed his ginger curls.

"Mm... What time is it?"

"It's still early. Go back to sleep Chuuya. Our flight doesn't leave until 1 pm."

Chuuya grumbled something unheard by Dazai at that and Dazai chuckled softly as he heard Chuuya softly snoring again. Dazai kissed the top of Chuuya's head and he let sleep claim him again until it was time to leave.


Dazai and Chuuya made it safely back to Yokohama. It was midafternoon, and it was the brutal cold winter and Dazai was freezing in his and Chuuya's shared condo. Dazai was wrapped up in a blanket shivering and Chuuya noticed this. Chuuya stood up and he went over to the thermostat turning on the heater. And then Chuuya went over to the fire place and he started up a warm fire for them both. Chuuya stood up once the fire was lit and he went into the kitchen and threw a bag of popcorn in the microwave starting it. Chuuya poured two glasses one of wine and one of whiskey. He took out two bowls and he poured chocolate covered pretzels and strawberries in one and once the popcorn was done popping he poured that in the bowl. Chuuya grabbed both the bowls and he walked out to the living room with the drinks and alcohol following behind him. Chuuya plopped down and he sat everything down on the table. He crawled over to Dazai and he sat on his lap. Stretching his legs out on the empty area of the couch. Dazai kissed him softly as he started playing the movie they picked.

They sat in their living room watching the movie contently. Chuuya smiled contently as Dazai started kissing on his neck and Chuuya chuckled. Chuuya felt as Dazai sneaked his hand up under his night shirt, and Dazai purred as he realized Chuuya didn't have on any underwear. Chuuya moaned softly as Dazai nipped his neck and he felt Dazai push his finger into his begging hole that was still a bit loose. Chuuya moaned out as he titled his head back on the arm of the couch. Dazai felt Chuuya starting to loosen up more as he teased his inner walls with one finger. Chuuya moaned softly as Dazai continued to kiss and lick up and down his neck. Dazai marked hickeys on Chuuya's neck as he added a second finger deep inside Chuuya, Chuuya mewled as he did and he pulled on Dazai's sleeve. Dazai teased Chuuya's inner walls ruthlessly and Chuuya moaned loudly as he felt Dazai brush against his prostate. Chuuya let out several gasped moans and he couldn't take the pleasure any longer. Chuuya pulled Dazai's hand out of him and he hissed at the sudden loss. But he leaned up and quickly replaced Dazai's fingers with his long, thick cock.

Chuuya moaned out as he slid his hips all the way down on the brink of too full. Dazai put his hands on Chuuya's hips and he slowly started bouncing him up and down. Chuuya wrapped his arms around Dazai's neck as he gasped softly into his shoulder. Dazai kissed Chuuya's neck as he thrusted inside him faster.

"A...ah... so g-good... you feel so good inside me..." Chuuya moaned out as Dazai thrusted into him harder. Dazai opened up Chuuya's shirt and he leaned down sucking on one of his nipples. Chuuya threw his head back with his face flushed. Chuuya screamed when Dazai thrusted into his prostate.

"Ah! Ngh! AH... Shuuji... r-right there... ah... r-ight there...!" Chuuya moaned loudly as he scratched down Dazai's back. Dazai moaned loudly as he pulled Chuuya's face down and crashed his lips on to his. Dazai moaned into the kiss as he slid further inside of Chuuya and brushed against his prostate. Chuuya pulled away gasping and he screamed as Dazai fucked him just the way he loved. Chuuya was so close just a little more. Just a bit more. Chuuya groaned in annoyance as he heard several footsteps approaching their apartment.

"You have to be fucking kidding me?!" Chuuya hissed as Dazai slipped out of him and quickly zipped up his pants.

"One day! I ask for one damn day of cuddling, sex, and movie night! And it always gets ruined!" Chuuya complained as he put the clip in his gun angrily. Dazai pulled out his gun and he sighed.

"I know honey. I'm sorry." Dazai said as the first man who kicked in their door got shot. Dazai flipped over their living room table and they ducked behind it as Dazai pressed a button on his phone and tossed it to the side. Chuuya shot two men coming straight for the table and Dazai shot a man who tried to attack Chuuya from the side. They held them off until the firing squad came. Dazai pulled Chuuya into his arms and he ducked down, holding him close to his chest.

"Shoot!" Dazai commanded.

The shot down every subordinate from a rival gang until there was none left.

"It is done Boss."

"Ah, thank you." Dazai said leaning up with Chuuya. "Please set us up another room for the night, will you?"

"Yes, Boss. Right away." He bowed.

"I'm pissed. I just want to go to bed now." Chuuya said folding his arms, rolling his eyes, and pouting.

"Mmm. How does a vacation to the Bahama's sound? A weekend getaway, just you and me. And all the time in the world."

Chuuya pouted cutely and looked Dazai in his eyes. "Promise?"

"I promise." Dazai said smiling as he kissed Chuuya's lips tenderly. 

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