Set For Life

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Chuuya moaned loudly as he dug his nails into Dazai's shoulders. Chuuya's legs trembled, and his body shook with pleasure as Dazai abused his prostate. Gasped and desperate moans slipped from Chuuya's lips, Dazai groaned as he nibbled Chuuya's neck. He gripped his lovers' hips tightly as he cummed inside of him, Chuuya screamed and he fell forward into Dazai's arms as he cummed. Chuuya panted as he rested his head on Dazai's shoulder.

Dazai rubbed his hand through Chuuya's hair and he kissed him over and over before he gently slid Chuuya off of him, and laid him in the bed next to him.

Dazai smiled as he looked at him and he rubbed his fingers through his hair. "You want to bath together?"

"Only if you get the water ready." Chuuya said as he rested on his elbow looking at Dazai.

Dazai laughed as he started getting up. "Fair enough."

Dazai got up and he went into the bathroom and he started making a bubble bath after making sure the water was only luke warm. Chuuya yawned loudly and Dazai laughed as he walked over to the other side of the bed Chuuya was laying on and Dazai lifted Chuuya off the bed. Chuuya squeaked as he felt himself being picked up and he blushed.

"I-I can walk myself you know!"

Dazai shook his head. "Mm. I know but you're two months pregnant. You should definitely take it easy. Remember what the doctor said?"

Chuuya crossed his arms and pouted and Dazai laughed again as he helped his small lover get into the bath. Chuuya groaned out happily as his body relaxed in the bath.

"We negotiate with the Chung Yee Tong, tomorrow right?"

"Mm." Dazai said as he had finally settled in the bath and wrapped Chuuya up in his arms. "I'm supposed to talk with Zhang Wei, he's the Mafia Boss of Beijing China. Tomorrow when that man shows up, he is a dead man." Dazai said darkly.

"He was a very silly man to think he could steal from under our noses and not end up being killed."

"A very silly man indeed. Don't worry baby if everything goes how I plan for it to tomorrow. We'll be set for life. After this negotiation tomorrow and the down fall of the Chung Yee Tong, the Port Mafia can finally rest for a bit."

Chuuya nodded. "Tomorrow is bound to be bloodshed."

"Maybe, maybe not. But our men are well trained to be able to handle situations like these."

"That they are." Chuuya leaned up and kissed Dazai softly. "Everything will go fine tomorrow, regardless."

"You're right baby. It will." Dazai said smirking.


Wei and Dazai stared at each other and Wei occasionally looked at Chuuya as he looked at them both. "I must tell you Mr. Dazai I was quite confused as why you summoned me all the way from Beijing to Yokohama." He said.

Dazai laughed. "Well from my understanding Wei you owe us a lot of money. Money you've stolen not only from me but from my family as well." Dazai said as he leaned on the negotiation table.

"I owe you nothing, and it's Mr. Wei to you."

Dazai laughed. "I don't owe you any damn respect." Dazai said narrowing his eyes. "And you sure as hell owe me more than a lot. You stole thousands from me, and I want every cent rather you give it willing or not."

Wei chuckled. "Is that a threat?"

"It's a promise. It isn't an option one bit."

"We are making this pretty simple Wei. All we want is the money you owe us. You already became a trader to the Port Mafia, and my husband doesn't take to kindly to those."

Wei tsked. "Do you know who the hell we are?!" He stood up angrily.

"Some pathetic excuse for a mafia organization." Chuuya stated.

"Why you!"

They were interrupted when they heard the door to Dazai's office open. Oda wheeled in a cart with tea and he poured tea and sat it in front of their guests. Oda sat tea in front of Dazai and then Oda gave Chuuya a glass of orange juice. Oda also sat a tray of sandwiches in the middle of the table.

"Ah, thank you Odasaku for the refreshments."

Oda bowed. "No problem Boss. Is there anything else?"

"That'll be all. You're dismissed."

"Refreshments?" Dazai pointed.

Dazai and Chuuya watched as they started to sip the tea and eat the sandwiches. Dazai looked at his phone and he smirked as he read the messages. "Well Mr. Wei it seems we no longer need your consent. My men have found my money." Dazai said smirking.


"Oh, you didn't know? I sent my most skilled man out last night to get my money and destroy your whole organization. From the reports, seems there was no survivors."

Wei's eyes widened and he stood up to attack Dazai but Dazai side stepped and the man stumbled. He took it up a notch and pointed his gun at Chuuya and the man shot. Chuuya just chuckled as he stopped the bullet with his ability. Chuuya flipped the bullet around and he sent it flying straight through the man's heart and like clockwork his subordinates fell to the ground and started foaming at the mouth and shaking. The rat poison seemed to be working overtime. Dazai stepped on the man's chest and the man screamed and Dazai looked at him bleed out. Chuuya came and stood next to Dazai and he looked down at the man along with Dazai. "Goodbye Zhang Wei." Dazai said smirking.

The man finally took his last breath and he died on Dazai's office floor. Dazai pulled Chuuya into his arms and kissed him softly.

"Are you alright?"

Chuuya nodded. "I'm fine." Chuuya smiled.

Dazai pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and called Oda. "Odasaku send up a clean-up crew, immediately." Dazai then hung up the phone. "Our money will be here by this afternoon. "How does the first flight out to Paris just me, you, and the kids sound?" Dazai said resting his hands on Chuuya's stomach.

Chuuya smiled as he kissed Dazai. "That sounds great."

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