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Jeremy walked to the bus, sitting down and turning on his music. No one bothered him, so he usually sat by himself.

Jeremy was mute. Now, I know what you're thinking. 'This is a world of soulmates, isn't being mute normal?'

Well, no. It was very rare for someone to be mute, and the last time it happened was years ago. So Jeremy had always been kind of cast out at his schools, but luckily today was the last day of school, so he didn't have to deal with the weird looks for the summer.

He could go to the beach, get some ice cream, whatever! Jeremy didn't mind being alone, although he knew sign language, he still got nervous talking to people.

Jeremy got off of the bus, shoving his sweater into his backpack. He lived in Florida, so it was pretty hot outside pretty much all the time. He walked to his house and went inside, sitting down on the couch. He just watched some tv, waiting for his parents to get home from work.

He heard the door open and looked to see his dad standing there. He smiled.

'Hey, dad!' He signed, getting up.

"Hey, Jer. Um, can you go up to your room? I- uh- need to talk to your mom about something." He said, walking into the kitchen.

'Okay!' He signed, going to his room to play some video games. He figured his mom was probably in her office, sincr he heard someone walking down the stairs.

He jumped when he heard yelling. He looked at the clock and saw it was 8:30. He must've fallen asleep.

He went downstairs to see what was wrong, stopping and hiding behind the wall separating the living room from the kitchen as the yelling got louder.

He assumed his mom was yelling at his dad, seeing as they fought like this a lot. But it never got this loud.

"Just... get out of here, and take that freak of a kid with you!" He heard his mom yell and she stormed past him, up the stairs.

His dad came around the corner and saw Jeremy standing there, close to tears. He bent down and pulled Jeremy into a hug.

"Don't worry, Jer, everything is fine." He said, flinching when he heard two suitcases land on the floor by the stairs.

He grabbed the suitcases and threw them in the trunk. Jeremy got in the passenger's seat, worry settling in his stomach. his dad got in the car and turned it on.

"My family has a house in New Jersey, I'm pretty sure we still own it, so we can go live there." He said.

Mr.Heere looked over and saw that Jeremy was crying. "Hey, son, don't cry! We'll be fine, I promise."

Jeremy took some deep breaths to calm down. His dad was right, they could take care of themselves! His dad drove off, and Jeremy fell asleep somewhere along the way.

Over the next few days they stayed in motels until they made it to the house. Jeremy just hung around in his room most of the summer, his dad enrolled him at the local high school near the end of it.

Jeremy woke up one day and decided to go to the mall, just to get outside. He got dressed and walked to the mall.


There's the first chapter! Hope you liked it! Probably gonna update the next chapter later today if I have time.



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