Chapter 1

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The car came to a stop outside the gate off the freshly renovated two story building. It looked far too nice to be a women's shelter. One might find it unusual but I would drive past this place every day and have never known it to be a women's shelter. It's the perfect place, hidden in plain sight, fenced in and separated from the rest of the world. I pressed the button on the keypad to request to enter the gate. A woman's voice spoke almost immediately

"Women's shelter."

"Hi, it's Renee." I kept it brief since they would be expecting my arrival.

I glanced down at the beautiful 4 month old baby girl as she stared back at me eyes wide with wonder and not a care in the world, and how amazing it was to think that she had no idea that our world was completely falling apart. That mommy was holding everything together by a thread. And I could not be selfish with my child. I was buzzed in and the gate slowly opened in front of me. I pushed the stroller swiftly eager to get out of the heat. It was the middle of July in South Carolina and my body was definitely feeling it. I walked closer to the front door and was greeted by a petite brown skinned woman with naturally curly hair that barely kissed her shoulders. Her skin had a glow to it as if she had bathed in cocoa butter.

"Hello Renee, my name is Ashley. " We spoke on the phone yesterday"

She smiled an impressive smile, her teeth snow white.

"Oh and you must be Storm, look how beautiful you are!"

Ashley continued to talk baby talk to Storm. Storm was my rainbow baby. I had a son two years before her a stillborn who died at 38 weeks gestation and it completely tore me apart. So to say I am blessed to have her is an understatement. A cool breeze of AC brushed across my face as I entered the threshold. She sat me down to finish my intake process, we went over the basic questions, name emergency contacts, and work information. She then went on to explain rules and curfew.

"You will be required to leave every morning by 6:45am and return at 4pm. Dinner is at 5 you may sit in the common area with the other women until 8 on weekdays and 9 on weekends. All electronics are to be turned in at 8 as well." I wasn't too keen on turning in my phone at 8pm but I would do anything for my child. We left the lobby and hopped in the elevator getting off on the second floor. It was a very nice facility we walked across a foyer to get to the other building that storm and I would be staying in. We got to our door and on the outside was a piece of paper taped to out door with that read "Welcome Renee and Storm." along with a bible verse Matthew 9:29 "Because of your faith it will happen." but I had little of that these days.

It was a suite style room the living space was occupied with a simple black cough and wooden coffee table both of which seemed to be pretty new. "And this is your room, you don't have any suitemates right now so you won't have to share your bathroom for right now." The room was nice and big enough for the both of us. There was a twin bed for me, a table lamp which sat on the floor in between my bed and her crib. "Unless you have any questions I'm going to let you two get settle in now." She exited leaving me alone to my thoughts. I picked up storm who was now sleeping comfortably in her car seat. Her neck bent at a very awkward angle.

"How do you sleep like that?" I chuckled to myself as I laid her down in her crib hoping that she wouldn't wake up anytime soon. I threw myself down on the bed exhausted, closing my eyes I let the darkness consume me.

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