Chapter 19- Piper

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I'm sorry it's late. And shotty. And late again. Just enjoy that I updated okay?

Piper wasn't sure what surprised her more: that there was a girl in the cabinet or that Jason fell on top off Piper when he saw her.

"Jason!" Piper gasped tumbling off the chair and onto the ground with Jason landed on her side.

A scream tore in her throat as she tried to swallow back the sound. It resulted in a high pitched gurgle and tears streaming down her face.

"Piper!" Annabeth yelped. Jason scrambled off her, his eyes widen.

"Oh my Gods! Piper I'm so so sorry!" Jason knelt next to her trying vain to help her. In reality he was just making it worse. Piper pushed him away feeling miserable.

The girl in the cabinet was oddly familiar, like a famous person she should've known. Of course Piper knew all about that. How many times had someone bravely approached her and asked if she was really The Piper McLean? How many times had she lied and said no?

But this girl was crazy intimidating. Dark eyes that analysed them all as if waiting for them to attack her. She was like Annabeth, only with toffee complexion and thick chocolate icing hair braided back into a fishtail.

Percy made a surprised noise. Annabeth and Leo shared a look.

"Reyna?" Leo asked running a hand through his firewood hair.

The girl, Reyna, set her terrifying glare on him, "If you're going to try and take me, I know fifteen different ways to put you in the hospital with only my fist!"

Leo stepped back, "Whoa, whoa, dude, chill!"

Piper felt rather that noticed Jason glared at Reyna like she was poison that would kill them all. Which wouldn't be surprising. Practically everything in this twilight zone of the day seemed to be trying to kill them.

Annabeth crossed her arms, "What were you doing in that cabinet?"

"Hiding." Reyna growled, "What else?"

"Hiding from what?" Piper couldn't believe she even asked the question. Everyone looked at her like she was stupid, and she couldn't help but feel like she was. "Sorry, stupid question." She mumbled, hoping her cheeks didn't betray the amount of embarrassment she felt.

"How'd you get stuck in here?" Annabeth asked, motioning to the small closet- sized nurse's office. She seemed to be asking the sensible reasonable questions here. Piper glanced at Percy who hadn't spoken since the three off them caught Annabeth and Percy kissing. And boy, that was weird. If she hadn't been in excruciating pain, she would've laughed. Percy was watching Annabeth, his face was blank slate so that even if Piper had been really good at reading expressions she still wouldn't have known what he was thinking.

Reyna gave the blond girl another stony glare, and they regarded each other darkly. The tension was so thick in the air Piper could barely breath. Leo held his hands out like he was getting ready to stop a fight between them. Piper had no doubt that if he tried both girls would simultaneously beat him up, then fight each other.

"It was Octavian," Jason said suddenly. His voice was dark. And he didn't look at any of them. Piper swallowed hard, finding her throat feeling like sand paper. Suddenly Jason looked up glaring at Reyna, "Wasn't it?"

Reyna practically growled at him, "Stay out of it, Grace."

"It was, wasn't it!"

Piper noticed Leo looking at her confused like she should know what they were talking about. A sick feel swelled in her when she realized she should. Or maybe that was just the pain.

"What do you want me to say?" Reyna snapped, "You were right? Octavian was a two faced, son of a bitch? I should of had him deported?"

"I told you an entire year ago!" Jason responded darkly. Piper couldn't help but think this was a side of him she really didn't want to see. He looked dangerous, a shadow cast on his face like he was an entirely different person.

A bad person.

"I'm sorry, what are we talking about?" Leo cut in, "Who's Octavian?"

"He's this skinny blond, kinda sick looking guy. Real egomaniac," Annabeth said, looking just as sick as Piper felt, "I had to do a film project and he wouldn't let go of Chris's camera. He always said he was the best news we were ever going to get. He's got this weird obsession with teddy bears and switchblades, too. But what does he have to do with anything?"

Jason looked at Reyna like they were having a silent conversation. Piper could feel herself starting to get nervous. Even if her nerves hadn't already on end she'd be there now. What did Jason know? How? Surely he would've told her if he'd been interested in a different person.

Hell, what did it even matter anymore? She and Jason had never even really been dating. And she almost entirely positive no one else cared about relationships right now. It wasn't even like any of them were going to survive any way.

"Why do you know so much about Octavian?" Leo asked Annabeth suddenly.

Annabeth's face made this strange expression, her ears turned red. "It was kinda hard not to know everything. He, uh, was a fan... Of me. Plus it's kinda my job to know everything. You know, newspapers."

"Wait, You slept with him?" Leo blurted out, he seemed shocked by the very idea. Piper couldn't even begin to guess where he got that notion.

"NO! What the Hell is wrong with you!" Annabeth gagged, Leo shrugged trying to apologize.

"Not everything." Reyna said.

"What?" Annabeth turned away from Leo.

"I said not everything, Chase." Reyna perused her lips, "You don't know everything."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Annabeth said clearly frustrated. Piper could see the frail mask she was wearing threatening to fall apart. Piper was feeling similar. She couldn't remember what even happened that morning. She couldn't remember what it was like when she wasn't terrified. Reality seemed surreal.

How long was it before one of them actually went insane?

"Octavian isn't just a fucking jackass." Reyna struggled like she just wanted to cry but couldn't remember how to, "He was my body guard as well."

"Why would you need a body guard?" Piper asked dryly.

Reyna glance at Jason who shook his head and looked back towards the cabinets, opening them up and searching in them for that medicine stuff Annabeth had been talking about.

"I'm...." Reyna looked past Annabeth at Percy, "Is he okay?"

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled. Percy was slumped over on the bed, his skin so white Piper could practically see all his veins. Hadn't he been fine just seconds ago? "Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods!!!"

Leo rushed over to the other cabinets, helping Jason search wildly. "What's it called?" He asked again dumping out a basket of pill bottles and Ace bandages.

"Ambrosia." Piper said, seeing as Annabeth was preoccupied with panicking, "Annabeth, you need to calm down. Breathing is good for your soul."

"Percy!" Annabeth cried again.

"Chase, chill." Reyna said more firmly, "You're acting like a little kid."

Piper wanted to freeze time. Her heart pounded in her chest. She had have a mind to look at Reyna and go "Really? Are you an Idiot?" because that was not something you said to...well anyone.

"FUCK YOU, REYNA!" Annabeth leapt at Reyna viciously. The girls went down in a tumble of blond and and purple. Reyna let out a yell wrestled to get out from under Annabeth's attacks.

"Guy! Stop!" Piper yelled at them but she could barley hear herself. Jason and Leo were dumping out containers throwing boxes and medicines around Piper was surprised they could find anything. Percy was deathly pale his arm laying off the bed like some cheap horror film where everyone died in the first ten minutes.

She felt like the center of the storm.

A hurricane.

The noise was building up. Jason was yelling at Leo, Reyna managed to pin Annabeth against the cabinet, the glass container holding some tongue presses got knocked off the counter and shattered on the floor. Pain pounded in her skull still burning from Jason falling on her. And if she was real honest...that was probably the best thing that had happened to her all day.


Jason frozen mid sentence, Leo stopped dumping out pill bottles (really why did the school have so much?), Annabeth and Reyna paused in tearing each other's throats out, still breathing heavily.

"Jason get the medicine!" Piper commanded, "Leo pick up the stuff, Annabeth, Reyna separate yourselves!"

They all looked at her blankly.


Jason and Leo hurriedly obeyed, as if she was some terrifying force. Reyna sent Annabeth a withering glare and stepped away from the blond.

"What?" Annabeth scoffed, "Are you going to make me sit in the corner too?"

"If I have to." Piper snapped, "but I thought you might want to do something that would be helpful to your dying boyfriend!"

Annabeth swallowed, looking slightly ashamed. Piper didn't blame her for being on edge. Scared, feeling cornered. And yet she still managed to deny that Percy was her boyfriend.

"Damn, Grace," Leo whispered, "your girl's terrifying."

Jason shook his head, but Piper wasn't sure if it was because he was telling him to shut up, or because he didn't consider her his girl anymore. And quite honestly, had she ever been?

Reyna raised an eyebrow, seemingly unmoved by Annabeth attacking her, Leo's comments, Jason's reactions or anything else in the world. Piper wished she could be like that. Not caring, or at least pretending like she didn't care.

"Found it!" Jason announced, holding out a bottle. It was plastic and more like a flask than a medicine container. It was labeled in Sharpie which might've been how they missed it.

"Great." Piper said with forced enthusiasm, "You might want to hand it to Annabeth before she attacks you."

Jason followed her advice, and the room waiting in tense silence. Annabeth opened the flask and frowned like she was narrowly judging how much she should give Percy. Could he even swallow?

"Too much and he could die." Reyna said void of emotion.

"I don't need your help!" Annabeth snapped at her.

Annabeth winced to herself, mumbling a sorry to Percy and she opened his mouth. She poured a tiny portion in and held his head back so he would swallow. Nobody said anything but Piper kinda thought Annabeth would make a bad nurse. With her fiery temper, furious glare and pessimistic personality that Piper had so far witnessed, She wondered if Annabeth had ever truly been happy.

Leo shifted nervously, "So how long until it works?"

Percy shot up coughing causing Piper to flinch in surprise. Agony shot up Piper's side and she stumbled into Jason.

Annabeth wrapped Percy in a hug telling him he was an idiot but Piper barely even heard them.

"Pipes?" Jason said catching her lightly, "You're burning up! Annabeth!"

Percy was regaining color rapidly, the bruises already fading. He looked disoriented. Like, Who is this gorgeous blond and why exactly is she hugging me?

Leo, apparently trying to be useful, managed to get the Nectar before they knocked it over.

"Here you are Beauty Queen," he presented the flask to her, "Remember what I said? You aren't allowed to die!"

Piper grimaced as her bullet wound cried out in agony again. She felt utterly pathetic again. She was useless without the bullet wound, useless with it. And she was surprised she hadn't died from blood lost yet.

Jason looked at her worriedly, "Careful," he warned but Piper was anyway pouring the thick liquid down her throat.

To be honest she wasn't sure what she expected it to taste like. Maybe that artificial grape or cherry cough medicine flavor? So when she got the over whelming taste of black bean soup, She almost choked.

"Piper!" Jason yelped.

She swallowed hard, getting over her shock fast, "I'm fine!" She promised, "I'm okay!"

And the weird thing was she did. Already. Instead of feeling like a thousand swords were stabbing her in the side it was only like, a hundred, maybe only fifty.

Piper looked down at the bottle wondering if a little more would hurt her. It tasted really good. It reminded her of that one time she got sick and her dad stayed home and made her that black bean soup to make her feel better. Her dad, not their personal chef.

As if hearing her thoughts, Jason took the flask from her "We should be careful with this," he suggested, "In case the others need some."

Annabeth nodded in agreement, her hand still tightly intertwined with Percy's. He looked like he wanted to ask why again, but was also already enjoying it too much.

"Great, wonderful, I'm glad everyone is perfectly okay." Reyna said sarcastically, "Now what? We can't get out. The door is locked on both sides. You'd need a key. How'd you guys get in here in the first place anyway?"

"Fortunately, I know the secret knock, honey." Leo grinned winking at her.

"Don't call me that." She growled, "If you can open the door, then open it already."

"Not so fast, Reyna," Jason grabbed her arm. She looked murderous, like How dare he even touch me! Piper was surprised at the amount of happiness that swelled in her. Jason ignored Reyna, glaring her down, "They deserve to know."

"Know what?" Percy rasped. Annabeth looked at him warily, he cleared his throat frowning, and repeated, "Sorry, what are we suppose to know? Who even are you?" He asked Reyna.

She ignored him, "Jason Grace, let go of me before I-"

"You what? You send your guards after me?" Jason hissed, "Your threats don't work anymore Reyna. We are the only ones here who can help you. But I'm not letting anyone lift a finger for you until you tell them everything."

For a second Piper thought Reyna was just going to punch Jason's lights out, but then she just spit, "Why do you care so fucking much?"

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Jason asked with a laugh that was so humorless Piper got a chill down her spine, "I had my suspicions the entire time, but seeing you here, now? This isn't a coincidence. Octavian sold you out, and the Monsters will do anything to keep you specifically here."

"What are you talking about, Jason?" Leo asked, but he was ignored.

"Tell them." Jason insisted, "or I will."

Reyna glared at him, and it was obvious how much spite she was harboring. Then, finally, She exhaled. Her shoulders slumped like she'd just given up.

"I'm not who everyone thinks I am." She said solemnly, "my's Reyna....Ramirez-Arellano...." Reyna managed through gritted teeth.

Leo stared at her, "Is that suppose to mean something to me?"

Piper would've smacked him if she could. Annabeth turned such a pale color Piper wondered if she needed some of the Nectar as well. Piper herself almost fainted. "You're joking."

The words slipped out of her mouth so fast she barely had time to regret them. Reyna gave her a strange look, like she didn't quite understand the idea of a joke.

Piper suddenly felt very self conscious. Here she was with a bloody designer blouse on, a sport windbreaker duck taped around her waist to keep her from bleeding out, her converse which didn't go with her outfit to start with and there was no way her hair or make up were looking anywhere near OK anymore. It was probably the exact opposite of the formal outfit that the princess was normally accustom to.

Annabeth swallowed dryily, "You....You're the next in line for the Amazon throne."

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