Chapter 9: Piper

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Dang! Look at me! Three updates in one day! It's almost like I know what I"m doing again! Imagine that!

Things started going wrong the second she woke up that morning. Piper was just having one of those days. A really sucky day.

After falling out of bed at two in the morning, missing her alarm clock at six, nearly getting run over in the school parking lot, breaking her heel and having to switch back to her gym sneakers in homeroom, listening to Drew once again plot her breakup with her boyfriend, Piper McLean was about to explode.

And little did she know it was about to get a whole lot worse.

"And then, once he tries to kiss you, you have to slap him, okay Pipes?" Drew chatted with her.

If she noticed the burning fires in Piper's eyes, she didn't comment. But Piper was pretty sure she was just too stupid to see it. Too plastic. Too fake.

"Then you walk away, okay?" Drew brandished her words with flare as they strutted about. Boys dogged their heels, more like actual wolves than teenagers.

Piper kept her smile up. It was hard. All she wanted to do was scream. Her sneakers squeaked against the tiles.

God, she missed that sound.

"Hey Piper!" Lacy strolled up to them her blond curls bouncing. She looked flawless, as always. "Wow! Are you actually going to break up with Jason?!"

"Where'd you hear that?"

Lacy squealed with excitement. "Everyone's taking about it!! Oh my God Piper! You know I would follow you jumping off a cliff and all, but even I know that's a stupid decision!"

Piper gritted her teeth with in a forced smile. She hated this. It made her heart ache. Lacy looked up to Piper like a role model. And it hurt know Piper, herself, was not a good role model at all.

Lacy beamed at her, oblivious to Piper's pain. "Piper, you are such a good friend!"


Piper nearly flinched at the word.

"Yeah right..." Piper averted her gaze to the students around them. She could hear some guy complaining about having to pay for his own car. Another girl telling her acquaintance about her horrible step mother.

If only they knew...

Secrets don't make friends.

Well it's a good thing Piper wasn't looking for any more friends.

They strolled by the cafeteria, more commonly known as the "commons" to the students. Dozens of tables were set up in easy rows bursting with conversations and food.

"Hey Pipes, want anything?" Lacy smiled.

"Oh, no!" Drew cut in immediately. "Lacy, you imbecile! The food here is soooooo fattening!! Ugh, you're such a dimwit!"

Piper scowled her tone. "Maybe I did actually want some fries, you b*tch."

Drew froze a look of confusion and disbelief etched on her screwed face. "What did you just call me?"

"A b*tch." Piper said, "You better get over yourself, because I'm not breaking up with Jason! He deserves someone so much better than me, or you, or Kellie! So the least I can do is make sure you keep your slutty ass away." Piper grinned, pleased with herself.

Drew looked so mad her head might explode, "You-! What gives you the right to say that?! You stupid cow! My dad is a lawyer! My mom is a super model that gets paid millions! I will sue you until you're so broke the only job you will be able to get is as my personal foot stool!"

"Good luck with that!" Piper laughed, "My Dad is Tristan McLean!"

Everyone gasped. They stopped to watch her in awe and horror. The same look that she always got, that unnerved her to the point where wished she'd never said a word.

But Piper smirked at Drew, "And if you ever come near me again, I will be delighted to give you a black eye that can't be covered up with your clown make up." She victoriously noted the terrified look in Drew's eyes. Then she turned away and stomped past the crowd with fireworks exploding in the background-

"Piper?" Piper blinked to see Lacy still looking innocently at her, waiting for Piper's answer, while Drew continued talking about how fattening the food was.

"No thanks Lacy." Piper sighed. "I've got to go anyway. Mr. D doesn't like us eating food in his class."

Lacy giggled, "Mr. D doesn't like people in his classes."

Piper couldn't argue, (mainly because that retched teacher did) she waved a quick goodbye, swaying her hips as she walked by a group of boys.

"Whoa! Piper!!" A boy called, "Looking good!" He fell in step with her shining an overly bright smile.

"Go away Dylan." Piper said shortly. "I've got a boyfriend."

He was still smiling way too happily. He walked at an angle stepping closer to her and forcing her to walk rather close to the wall.

"Not the way I hear it." Dylan said cheerfully. "Aren't you breaking up with that loser later?"

Piper swallowed hard. He took that moment to pounce. Almost like a lion her shoved her up against the wall causing her to gasp in surprise. Dylan swooped in pressing his lips hard down on her. Piper struggled against him, but he had her pinned.

She let out a squeak, a pitiful sound. She attempted to kick him but her position was too awkward for that.

Then just when Piper was about to black out from the lack of air, someone ripped Dylan off of her. She fell over her books and new make up bag spilling all over the floor. She gasped for oxygen, trying to inhale and hack the taste of Dylan's disgusting lips out of her mouth at the same time.

Leo stood next to her trying to help.

"Aww come on, babe!" Dylan called as a thin blond basket ball player shoved him back more. Will. Piper recognized him vaguely from one of Jason's basketball games. He continued pushing Dylan away down the hall.

"You liked that!" Dylan insisted, "and more's coming, Pipes!"

"Go F*ck yourself, Dylan!" Piper yelled after him spitting on the shining white tile floor. She was met with an echoing laugh that made her grit her teeth.

Leo snorted, "What an asshole." Leo handed her some of her textbooks, "I bet he'll actually try."

"Probably already has." Piper wiped her tongue off on her wrist, gagging.

Leo looked at her sideways, "Are you going to do it?"

"Excuse me, what?"

"I mean about Jason. Are you breaking up?" Leo looked genuinely confused. Piper almost sighed if her brain wasn't already busy with trying to remember where she put her gum.

"It's almost time for classes." She said instead, "the bell will ring any second."

"That had nothing to do with-!"

"Gym right? Aren't you guys doing floor hockey today?"

"Well no-!" Leo let out a frustrated groan, "Fine! I switched classes. Now I'm in advanced math. What is with you and Jason always changing subjects like that?!"

Piper ignored his last question with a pain in her stomach, "The math halls are on the other side of school." She informed him.

Leo glared, "Oh, what the Hell!" He said turning away, "I don't know why I bothered. I'm not going to be here next week!"

Piper's head snapped in his direction, "What's that suppose to mean?"

Leo snickered but there was nothing funny about. He walked backward as neared the corner, "You have your secrets Beauty Queen," Leo said, "I have mine."

He left her pondering his words, almost as much as she pondered her entire facade of a life.

What did it matter anyway? Why should she care if he wanted to run away? Good for him. He could do what she couldn't.

Piper sighed. She shouldered her bag again, somehow it felt heavier than before. Classes. Right. Here we go.

Piper walked into her first block just as the bell rang. Her teacher didn't even look up. On the board were Textbook pages to read and complete.

Piper hated this class.

Mr. D slept through it all. They were expected to work silently on the pages. And if they woke the teacher they got detention. This class drove her the most insane. She shouldn't even be here.

Shouldn't even be here.

Secrets don't make friends...

Though it didn't seem like Piper was in need of anymore fake friends. Her dad had already hired enough.

Piper tapped her foot, staring out the doorway of the classroom. She could see the headlines again in her mind.

McLean's daughter found drunk! Billionaire's Car Crash! Oooh! That's going to leave a mark!

Even back home when people thought they knew her, they didn't. And when people said wished they could be her, she knew they didn't. They didn't want to be neglected. They didn't want to be forgotten. Or pushed away because of one mistake. So she got drunk and tried to drive a car? That didn't mean he had to send her cross country for it.

And she only got drunk because she couldn't get his attention.

When did acting become more important than his only daughter? Why did he just toss her away like that?

Piper snapped back into focus as someone ran down the hallway. A girl. Wait! Piper knew her. That girl who'd freaked out yesterday. What had Chiron called her....Hazel.

Hazel was crying again.

Piper didn't really even stop to think about it. The entire class watched her get up and walk out. Piper was surprised no one tried to wake Mr. D.

Then again she didn't really care.

She jogged after Hazel following her. Hazel ran to the bathrooms and Piper could already here a bit of her sobs.

"Hey!" Piper called out.

Hazel didn't stop, she sprinted into the bathrooms. Piper followed tripping on the transition from polished tile to bathroom tile. Real classy. She landed heavily on the ground jarring her arm as she tried to catch herself.

Hazel slammed the bathroom stall door, and locked it.

"Hey!" Piper said.

"Go away."

Piper got up, rolling her wrist to relief her pain. "Why are you crying?"

"Leave me alone!" Hazel cried, her voice was watery, "I just want to be alone!"

Piper frowned. To her it seemed that Hazel needed the exact opposite. "I'm not leaving."

"Why does everyone h-hate m-m-me?"

Piper was taken back by her statement. "I Dont-"

"Oh! Don't give me that!" Hazel brashly yelled, "If anyone cared someone would've done something!"

Piper felt something swell in her throat. "About what?"

"Exactly!" Hazel cried, "No one even notices. It hurts! It hurts."

"What does?"

"Everything. I should've died. I should've died that day at the mall."

Piper could hear tears rolling down her cheeks, the sob in her voice hit Piper like a wrecking ball almost literally knocking her back. What had happened? Why did she want to die?

Piper remembered the look on her face right before she fell, what had been going on? She'd been so caught up in not punching out Drew's lights yet again she hadn't even noticed. Had anyone else?

She remembered the crowd. Suddenly. The rowdy crowd she'd never cared about. The whispers. The jeers. It hit Piper hard. She remember running to get the Chiron because Hazel had fallen, and not even when she saw Annabeth- that nosy reporter girl- get shoved off into Luke in such a fury, or Nico Di Angelo looked so brokenly leaving the principals office, she hadn't put all the pieces together.

Hazel was being bullied. And it was hitting harder than anyone knew.

"Hazel." Piper said so quietly she barely even heard herself. "Hazel."

"W-w-what?" she mumbled.

"Can you unlock the door?" Piper asked softly.

"Are y-you going to l-laugh at me t-too?"

"No." Piper said, "I'm going to ask to come with me while I find some b*tch to punch."

There was a slight click. The door opened slowly like Hazel was ready to close it and lock the door forever. Her eyes were rimmed red, and the golden color that beautifully glistened even with her tears.

"Are you really?"

"Yep." Piper assured her, "Come on. Who do you hate the most?"

Hazel inched out of the stall. "Nancy Bobfit, says it the most. But I don't want you to hurt her. I just want her to stop."

"Well she cant talk if I kick out all her teeth."

Hazel stared at her like she wasn't sure whether or not to Piper was kidding. "I don't get it."

"Get what?"

"Why are you trying to help me? Aren't you friends with Drew and Kellie?"

Piper sighed, "It's a long very terrible story. Come on, i believe Lacy said Nancy skips First block to apply make up in the commons area, if we hurry, I bet i'll have time to give her a black eye as well!" Piper grinned and headed out of the bathroom. Hazel followed almost magnetically. Piper could see her shaking, nervously. But for some reason Piper herself was sure of this. it felt right. She may not be able to be a great influence on Lacy, she may pretend to be Drew's friend and like wearing these horrible slutty outfits, but she knew how to punch. She could knock out a jerk's teeth. (If only she'd had a chance to do it to Dylan too...)

"I never learned your Name." Hazel said quietly.

"Piper." Piper said shooting her a smile, but it quickly melted, as they walked around the corner.

All of Piper senses screamed danger. Her heart jumped into her throat. Her eyes widened. Hazel made squeal of surprise. They both froze. Opposite of them stood two grinning characters, dressed in black with a hastily painted logo on their shoulders. Piper didn't have time to figure out what it was suppose to be. She was more shocked at what was in their hands, pointed at them.

"Make one noise and I will shoot both your brains out, darlings."

Piper stared down the barrel of the gun and did the first thing she could think of. Piper screamed as loud as she could.

For @snowwhitelookalike:

Margaux is superior to all of you so BOW DOWN TO HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These poots are made for walking and that's just what's they'll do these poots aRe gonna walk all over you!!

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