FUNNY things to cheer us all up.

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FUNNY things to cheer us all up!

I was walking (slowly) up the four steps at the entrance to my local supermarket. Coming down the steps were two mothers and two small boys aged about six or seven. I heard one mother say to one of the boys "You aren't going to do that are you!?" It was more of a statement than a question. There was a moment's silence and then a little voice piped up "No, because if I do I will be in BIG trouble." And the mother replied "Exactly." I had to laugh to myself and wondered what he was wanting to do, but wouldn't dare! Children are so amusing aren't they?

When President Biden became President of the United States of America, he came to Britain to attend meetings with our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson in Cornwall.  Afterwards, the Queen invited him to Windsor Castle for an elaborate meal. The television crew were there televising the event. They showed the Queen stood by a table on which was a large cake. Stood next to the Queen was Camilla and another woman (name unknown to me). In her hand the Queen had, wait for it, not a cake slice or normal sized knife suitable to cut a cake, but a large curly sword! It looked ridiculous. The Queen had the sword the wrong way round and the point was pointing down into the cake. She must have known at this moment that this was not going to work and she said something, the whole room erupted in laughter, the TV crew panned away from her immediately and I do not know what happened next! Did someone bring a normal knife for her to ceremoniously cut the cake, or did Camilla help out? We shall never know. It was hilarious and very, very, might I say, STUPID! And it was not the Queen's fault.

Recently, shopping in our normal supermarket which is called Morrisons, I picked up a garlic which was in a box marked 'Ginger.' I do know what a garlic looks like, but when my husband pointed out it was marked ginger, I put it back. The following week, our son was with us and we told him and he picked up a ginger root and said 'This is ginger and that is a garlic.' I almost laughed until I cried!  I think he thinks we are both losing our marbles! I wonder if other people have bought a garlic thinking it is a ginger? Well, only stupid people like us, I suppose....

Last summer we were talking with our neighbour in the car park. His partner came along having just walked their lovely little dog. He said of her 'Oh, here she comes.... Bay Watch.' I didn't laugh at the time, but I have laughed about that oh, so often since. His partner is quite short and has put on a lot of weight since she's retired and looks nothing like any shapely, beautiful young woman on Bay Watch, if in fact she ever did (and neither do I or have I in fact). I wonder if she knows what he said? I certainly won't be the one to tell her.

In case you don't know, Bay Watch was an American TV programme about lifeguards saving people from the ocean, and based on a beautiful sandy beach. The young men and women had bodies to die for!  And wore skimpy bikinis and swim shorts.

I do love to laugh!

Keep smiling everyone, and keep safe and happy!

December 2021

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