Too small for words

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After 43 years of marriage, our steel teapot finally gave up the ghost and we needed to buy a new one. It was part of a set comprising a tray, tea pot, sugar basin and milk jug, given to us as a wedding present. It was a really lovely gift and we have used it well over the years. Now only the milk jug and sugar basin remain and they are the bit worse for wear!

The tea pot was making really horrible tea and instead of being hot, it was only luke warm; ugh! And it was leaking all over the place and it was getting on our nerves. My (silly) husband looked at several on the internet and finally decided on quite a fancy one, it looked really nice. It was called an 18oz teapot and only cost £5 (and frankly, that should have been a clue!)

We were really excited when it arrived in the box, but when we opened it, it was so small it would hardly hold one tea bag! It was so funny! On the box it states, 'convenient for the family.' A family of mice, perhaps? Ha, ha.

Well, we found what we wanted eventually and now are back to nice, hot cups of tea from a very posh tea pot! Ha, ha. (This time we spent £15).  We have to have a tea pot as my husband does not like tea bags, we always have loose tea leaves.

This experience reminds me of a game show called 'Would I Lie To You' when a team of three people have to guess if what a member of the other team is saying is correct or not. A woman was saying she sent for a chest of drawers, but when it arrived it was only inches high! It was the truth, she had sent for it late at night over the internet and was really surprised when it arrived. The other team stated, what did she think it would be like as it only cost £18 and she had to admit that she had had a bit to drink when she ordered it! It was really funny! It was the size to suit a doll's house!

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