Two Buckets and a Jug

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I'm watering my garden

with two buckets and a jug.

Cannot carry watering can

Too heavy for me to lug.

Of my little garden,

I surely am the Queen.

I re-cycle as much water as I can

I really am quite 'Green.'

Ten trips from kitchen sink

to lounge window

my two buckets to fill.

I water Oh, so often,

Is it overkill?

I fill the buckets each morning

and water every night.

I never let my pots dry out,

it really would not be right!

My garden blooms so beautifully,

Fuchsias, Geraniums, Roses.

The bees and butterflies

appreciate them with their insect noses!

I'm watering my garden

with two buckets and a jug.

Hear the water fill the buckets,

Glug... Glug... Glug..!

August 2018

See how sophisticated I am!  Ha, ha. 

There is no outside tap and no hope of ever getting one as we 

have no communal water supply. We would have to dig up the 

road and that would be astronomical. Hence the hard work 

with two buckets and a jug.

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