You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

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There is an old saying 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks.'  May be that is true of dogs, but what of humans?

Five years ago, we moved into our one bed ground floor flat. We did a four week renovation staying with friends in their granny flat (Ha, ha!) (Notice it is not called a 'Grandad' flat – I think there is a little sexism there) for three weeks whilst this was done. We renovated the kitchen after we moved in.

We had a heated towel rail fitted in the bathroom, which we've never had before. I have to fold the towels carefully so that they look tidy on the rail.

Each morning, I go into the bathroom after my husband and find his towel dangling on the floor. Eventually, this got on my nerves (this shows how VERY patient I am, but please don't ask him to clarify that point – he might not agree!)

Four and a quarter years later, I have a 'eureka' moment and a light bulb 'pings' in my head. I picked up his untidily placed towel and took it into our bedroom, where he was sitting at our computer (there isn't room for it anywhere else). 

"I'll show you how to fold a towel, shall I?" I said to him. "You always leave it all over the floor."

"All right." he said, looking slightly worried.

I showed him how to fold the towel and place it on the towel rail. And, he has done this every day since.

So there you can teach an old dog new tricks! Ha, ha, ha!

(Not that my husband is a dog you understand and I would never call him names).

I have his permission to post this, by the way, just in case you were wondering.

PS  We have now been married for 41 years.

April 2018

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