Chapter 12: Losing The Crown

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Meagan in her pink hockey wear. With this, she waved the hockey stick to the hair as if she was a professional. with a pad and helmet Wear presented well with sexy posses. She kicked a ball to the crowd with confidence as the crowd cheered her up. A small grin formed on Meagan's lips as she catwalked out of the stage. I watched with curiosity as I prepared my mind with no idea of how a cricket was being played. Well, it wasn't my fault that my uncle wasn't good enough to get us a television set. With Ember by my side, I felt the boldness to present.

Up to my turn, I waved my cricket stick with enthusiasm into the air and the audience cried louder.

"Good colour mix!" I heard from one of the judges before I took a final walk out of the stage.

"Save those kids! This is madness!!" An ordinary looking man yelled at the Emcee.

"Who's that?" The audience turned to him with confused faces.

"Child beauty pageant is a criminal offense! These children are under pressure, can't you fucking get that?!! Aren't you all ashamed of yourselves? These are kids being exploited my their mothers. You're all ugly parents living through your children!!!" He whimpered negatively.

The bouncers standing by the corners of the building signalled themselves as three hefty men walked to drag the weird stranger out.

"Leave me alone! This miss mini competition should be stopped. Out girls should be in bed now, not posing for your greedy eyes!!" The man tried to let himself go but one of the bouncers threw a hot punch to his chin. He fell down immediately and staggered his way out of the event.

"Aww! That was unexpected." The emcee continued from where he stopped, making others pay attention to him.

"We all know that child beauty pageant s have a long time controversy but... Seriously. It's really sad that we're picking on young girls. That was why we made this programme a 10 to 16 years old participation event. I know girls shouldn't be judged on their look. That's can't change and doesn't seem good enough for girls at any age but what if this is what these girls want? What I see is girls with dreams and their parents being of support. And this, just like any beauty pageant out there, is to encourage our girls to feel good about themselves and take pride in how they look. We've got no cry babies in this pageant so far which is a good this so... Why would you spoilt that? We're all having fun so, let's continue from where we stopped. Next in line is question and answer." He raised and the crowd cheered up to him in excitement once more.

Meanwhile, at the dressing room, we were getting ready for the next act. I knew it was going to be more like personal questions so, I quickly changed into my red dress. Watching Francisca and Grace, the other contestants press a little red lipstick against their small lips.

Beside me, Meagan put on some golden glitzy eyeshadow and applied a Rosey red blush on her cheeks. I took a large toothed comb and brushed my hair to it's wavy long style. Looking at the full mirror in front of me, I caught Meagan's watching me with a sassy look.

"Is there anything you want from me?" I asked as I placed the comb on the table.

"You can say or think what you want about me but that's your problem. As for me, I have my stands higher than my heels so I just don't care."

I watched Meagan's jaw dropped down in agape. Sure, she wasn't expecting it but she deserved being told just in case. I glared at how she looked at if being hit by a thunderstruck. It seemed as if she was taken aback by my directness but who cares? I rolled my eyes at her and joined Ember in preparation.

Some contestants that watched us just snickered. Nobody cares. It was evident that Meagan looked so pissed but she couldn't say anything. With silent murmurings in the dressing room, we were all called out again.

With Meagan Robinson as the first contestant, they asked her to define who a mother is.

"Angels are often disguised as mother's. Mother means love, care and family. My mother is a goddess."

"Whooa! That's my daughter!!" I heard a woman screaming on top of her lungs before the crowd joined with a cheerful roar. She dressed so extravagant. One could tell that she was Meagan's mum.

"Wow, good! What does being part of a family means to you?" The second judge asked.

"Smiling for photos." She replied with and bat her false-lashes at the emcee in a sassy look.

I thought that was rude but to my utmost surprise, everyone burst into laughter and clapped hands for her.

"What can't you spend a day without?"

"Food." She replied.

The audience gave her a round of applause as she walked out.

The judges were to ask three questions per participant and score them according to their performances, boldness and wordings.

Other contestants answered respectively to the judges seated before them. It felt as if they had practiced this for long but I was ready for whatever question they have for me.

When it was Ember's turn, one of the judges asked.
"What is the most important thing in the world?"

"Family and love." She replied. A thunderous clap cheered her up.

"Define the word, family."

"Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Family is what makes a home worth living."

"What does it mean to be a beauty queen?"

"Being a beauty queen isn't just about having the best hairstyle or the perfect body shape, size and colour. Being a beauty queen doesn't have to be measured with how fluent our English is or how elegant we present ourselves. Being a beauty means improving your self confidence, taking pride in however you look, natural or artificial. And the best judges for that is our parents."

"Next, is contest 39— Sylvia Morrison!" The presenter announced.

"What are a girls made of?" The first judge intoned.

"Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, love, talent, and guts. That's what girls are made of." I answered.

The audience praised me with an unexpected vociferations with an vehement utterance of the voice. I was overwhelmed.

So..  the last but not the least question for tonight. The lady in gorgeous white dress sighed before asking
"Who is your mother to you?"

"I couldn't spend time with my mum before she died two years ago but from the little I know... My mother was the only person in the world who turns my worries and fears into joy and happiness. Even if she's dead to the world, she still lives within me. My mum is an aspiration that give me a hope to dream farther than any human could imagine. And when I'm down, all I have to do is to think of my mother. To me, my Mother is my courage, my mother is my pride. Mother could be poor or demanding, but she's has a heart of gold I won't dare to hide."

I wanted to speak more but the audience cried out at me with thunderous applause. They gazed at me while I handed the microphone back to the Emcee and took a final now before walking out. I don't know if that was expected of me or not. Queens don't bow, I'd mistakenly done that but I finally find myself out of the stage.

After a while, we went back to our dressing rooms with our gowns, ready for the final part of the even— the  announcement of the winners. Everyone were getting ready and having final touches. Just then, I remembered I'd sneaked to attend to the programme. I couldn't help but to feel nervous.

As darkness crept, my eyes glanced at the wall clock as it's longer hand chimed  12:00 pm. It felt like a dream.

', this is not right! I should have gone home an hour ago... It's already midnight!' A voice inspirited in my head.

"What's it?" Ember turned to me. Is anything wrong? Don't worry... That's our final act for tonight." She blushed at my worried face to calm me down.

'Oh no! Collins would be home by now... I really need to go!' A disturbed voice in my heard hit me hard. I just grabbed my purse.... Amber's pause. "I know but I can't stay!"

"What? But why?!" Ember queried, looking so puzzled.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I can't wait till the end of this! I really need to get going! My uncle would kill me!!" I turned back and ran out of the dressing room.

"No, Sylvia! Please..." She tried to run after me but the attendant called her up the stage along side other girls.

I let out a soft moan in pain as I got out. It looked so dark, I couldn't see any taxi along the endless road. Fear closed my eyes, my heart sang with frightening beatings.

"What if Amber gets caught? What if she gets hurt? No... I need to get him right away." I concluded and started running into the dark, smokey darkness. As fast as my legs could carry, I pushed through the chilly weather with tears in my eyes.

"No, Amber won't get caught. She's strong enough!" I kept telling myself until I suddenly slipped on the floor. Looking at my leg, I noticed the black shiny heels made me slip. I took it off immediately, holding it to my chest like it was my lifesaver.

Breathing nonstop, my eyes finally got the sight of the old building standing before me.

Taking a glance at the direction of my room, I noticed it was dark. And not just my room, the whole building was dark except one lightbulb hanged outside buy the corridor of the building.

I gently tiptoed closer, unsure on where to pass. Collins beats me once in a while I when I do something wrong like mistakenly breaking the plates, not doing or completing my chores and not attending to him.

'What if Amber isn't home yet?' I thought, watching the rot metal window frames from where I was standing. I decided to move closer, walking towards the backyard. I took a pebble and threw it through the window. It tossed on the wall, Midway the pane of the glass.

"Oh no..." A frustrating whimper escaped my mouth.

I took another pebble and did the same thing. But it seems I wasn't good at this at all. With Amber's pause hanging across my chest, I folded my gown up with my hidden behind the  decided to climb up the brick walls.

I placed my legs on the edge of the lower window frames that were longer and climbed myself up, pulling my sweating body up and finding things to hand onto.

Finally, I got to my window and which was slightly open and tucked my tiny body through the open space. A loud smash took over the silence, making the tiny ceramic flower vase and a couple of things arranged by the window fall off. With a loud thud, I pulled myself in one more time, completely falling into the dark room.

"Who's that!" I suddenly heard Amber's voice as she turned on the standing lamp.

"You're still here? I rushed to her in an instant, trying to keep it low.

"Yes, sure, dummy!" She whispered softly and crawled out of bed to meet me. I took a seat by the edge of my bed pulling off the empty pause from my body.
"How was it? Tell me... What happened exactly? Did you win the crown?" She asked checking the purse but her smile dropped to it's emptiness, and searched mine positively for answers.

"No, Amber." I scoffed with tears pricking in my eyes. "I didn't."

"Awwwwn... That's no reason to be so disappointed. At least, you tried."

I folded my lips and looked up at her. "Really?"

"Yes, you are a queen without a crown but with a diamond heart. And perhaps, you could win next time. Never give up, Sylvie. It's just the beginning." She encouraged me with an assuring smile stood up from the bed.

"Are we going to sleep together, tonight or?... Where are you going?" I asked her, a little confused.

"I'm not sleeping here tonight, dearie. See you tomorrow!" She swiftly grabbed her purse and shoes.

"Wait, what? Don't tell me you're planning to go home at this time. It's literally... 12:43 p.m." I said to her looking at the reading clock by the side of my bed.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. She sounded so positive, walking towards the window and stucking her head out. How far is this building?" She asked.

"Come on, you're not going to sneak out like a rat." I gently pulled her arm. "Follow me.

With her purse and shoes, we tiptoed out of the room. I led her through, watching closely for Collins.

He sounded so drunk earlier on. I just stayed indoor without replying." Amber whispered as we walked through the living room to the front door.

"I'm glad we didn't get caught. Thanks so much for today, Amber. You make me so fulfilled... I don't know how to repay you." I remarked.

"Awwwwn, come on. You're like my sister now. It's midnight already... See you tomorrow." She held me in a soft hug as I watched her. I could help but to imagine how special she is. I don't know what it feels like to have a sister but if it felt like this, I'd really love to have one.

I watched her walk into the darkness as tears clouded my eyes. No doubt, Amber Feldman could be really cute whenever she wants to.

Lost in thought, I was about to close the front door when I heard.

"What are you doing there all alone?"

I turned to him in stunned silence, thinking of a befitting lie to tell but my mind suddenly went dry. Empty.

"Isn't it weird? It's midnight already... Go to your bed!" He told me.

"Y..yes, sure." I stuttered and rushed into my room and gently locked the door behind me. I banged the door close before I realized... Collins just saw me in the gown.

I took off the gown and put on my nightie. I couldn't help but to think about how the say went as I laid down on my bed. The pageant was more than I imagined. It was everything good I'd dreamed of. Too bad, that won't be happening again, would it?


The following day, unlike every other Saturday morning, I was up early. Fed the birds, cleaned the house and prepared breakfast.

It was tried dry chicken wings seasoned with flavoured ingredients which is one of my favorite, actually. I knew weekends are for guests so, we might be expecting anyone sooner or later. Turning off the cooking gas, I caught my uncle walk out towards the kitchen.

The rims of his crystal blue eyes eyes were inflamed. He yawned and stretched tiredly. Then he opened the refrigerator, taking out a chilled bottle of beer and gulping it down his dried throat. After a couple of gulps, Collins rubbed his nose with the heel of his hand and turned to me with a suspicious glare, “I can't remember anything from last night but that red gown. What was it about?”

"I'm so sorry, it was a mistake. I mean-"

"No... don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just need you."

My eyes raised to his as I swallowed hard on the thought of what he meant by that.

“Do you want to practice kissing?”

"No... No, I don't." My voice shivered to his in reply.

"Okay, good." He raised the beer bottle at me and wiped off his mouth with his bare hand. Collins motioned closer to me with a frightening stare that send sweaty dripping down the nape of my neck. "But next time, I won't give you a choice."

His baritone voice warned.

I trembled to him in fear of what he might actually do... Until we heard a the doorbell ring. It was from his narcotics business friends from around the countryside.

"Serve us breakfast and some drinks!" An hateful hiss escaped his lips before he walked out of the kitchen to welcome them in.

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