Chapter 2: Who Had A Birthday Wish

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When you have your heart broken for the first time, you gain depth.

—Sienna Miller


“Awwwwn... That’s super cute but... I want you to know that you’re enough for us.” He placed a kiss on my forehead and smiled at my face, but I didn’t.

“I still want a baby brother.” I whined silently.

“Okay, fine. Anything for you, my daughter.” He placed his hand under my chin as he watched me smile.

“If I hadn’t known better, I’d have concluded that our daughter is drastically snatching you away from me.“ Mum said as she walked towards us. “Enough of that chit-chat already. It’s time for dinner.” She announced.

I wrapped my hands around my dad’s neck in style. As if I wanted him to carry me, but he tickled my sides, which made me fall back to the sofa in an uncontrollable laughter. I had to hold my sides so he won’t be able to.

“Come on now, I’m famished.” Dad let out as he talked towards the dining table where mum was.

“You and your daughter are just so naughty.” She mumbled.

Dad held the nape, placing a quick kiss on her lips. Mum wrapped her arms around his waist in a lovely- dovey manner.

“What do you think about her birthday wish?”

“Ridiculous! Insane!!” Her lips curved in a smirk as she pulled away from him.

“Come on, darling. I think she’s right. We need a little prince to complete our home, don’t you think?” He smiled at her as they shared an intimate eye contact that lasted about a second or two.

“I told you already, Richie. I’m not ready to have a second child. Sylvia is enough, okay?” She rolled her eyes at him. “Oh, I forgot to bring water.”

She walked back to the kitchen while dad watched her leave.

With this, my dad narrowed his eyes at me and whispered to my hearing. “I think she’s quite adamant. Don’t you think?”

“I agree.” I replied in the same manner but disappointedly.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get a baby brother to play with. That’s my promise to you, okay?”

A wide smile spread across my lips. A feeling of joy and satisfaction filled my heart with the last words he just murmured.

“What’s the whispering about, father and daughter?” Mum walking to the table with a jug of water.

“Nothing, my love.” Dad replied her and winked an eye at me.

I couldn’t help but to chuckle softly. Mum served dinner and we ate till fill. Even though my mum wasn’t a caterer, her fish tacos and margaritas were the best you’ll ever taste. Still on the birthday cake issue, mum and dad decided we take an evening ride to Betty’s bakery. It was just fifteen minutes drive away from my street and one of the best bakery you’ll ever find on planet, Earth.

Dad took a shower and changed into a simple T-shirt and jean trouser. Mum wore a knee-length, formal gown while I was on a purple singlet and black shorts.

As a perfect family; a family of three. Dad, mum and I got into the black Hyundai Elantra jeep parked outside.

We won’t be staying long, my dear. You should keep that novel.

“No daddy. I’m still on the twelfth page. I wish I could complete it, though.”

“Don’t worry, we would read it together before going to bed. The three of us.” Dad muttered as his eyes raised to mum’s.

She just smiled as we jumped into dad’s car.

As it is; my dad was a medical doctor while my mum, a fashion designer and web writer. She stays at home during weekends to do her write-ups while dad is always busy. He has little or no time to spend with us, but he’s the best dad in the world.

Mum took the passenger’s seat while I sat at the back, watching the both of them from behind. It’s been a while since we last went out together like this. About two to three months ago. Knowing there would be a special picnic for the both of us in three days’ time is another good news.

Without wasting time, dad turned up one button as the machines to the vehicle woke up. I caught dad’s excited eyes glittering to mum’s. They felt so happy indeed. Same as me, but I sat back with the huge, tiny book on my chest. Dad drove out of the compound wall into the not-so-busy street. Well, I was off-minded with the book in my hands.

I started at the smallish letter for so long, like an old lady without reading glasses, trying to understand and pronounce the words that amazed me.

‘Ga-il Mac-ken-zie’. I pronounced. While I was with the book, mum and dad were having discussions on how busy their day went and thanks for my birthday. It didn’t take so long when we got to Betty’s bakery.

The dad parked in front of a huge, pink building that had so many lights. Looking outside the pane of glass, I noticed people were still busy with their daily activities. I couldn’t help but to wonder why adults are so carefree, and what they’ve been doing since morning. Closing the book getting nothing right except the character’s name, I climbed out of dad’s jeep as mum held my hand from behind. We made our way into the beautiful shop and I was amazed.

It was my first time at Betty’s bakery. There were tons of cakes, breads, pies, pizzas and every other snack for sale. Looking from side to side, and stretching to look at some placed beyond my eye reach, I just walked by, staring in wonder. With the old purple book still held to my chest.

“Hello there, Mr and Mrs Morrison!” An elderly woman with a bold face and gelled grey hair called from behind.

Mum and dad turned to her in unison with the look of excitement filling their glittering eyes. “Mrs Betty!” They replied, smiling from ear to ear.

“How’s today?”

“Great! I’d waited for you, Dr. Morrison. I even dialed your contact, but there was no reply.”

“Awwww... My bad!” I watched as my dad abruptly deepened his hand into his pocket to check the tons of missed calls awaiting him. “I always keep my phone on mute, you see.”

“Okay, good then. Let’s see your daughter’s cake.” She muttered with a soft chuckle. “Is she the one?” She asked, with her eyes focused on mine.

“Yes.” Mum replied as I felt Mrs Betty’s wrinkled hands gently caressing my hair.

“Wow, she’s such a beauty! How are you, darling?”

I replied with a fake smile. I don’t know what made them blush and chuckle so often, but I was feeling kind of nervous as sleepy.

“Awwwwn, she’s so cute.” She finally took her hands off me and called one of her workers to bring up the cake.

It was a red-velvet angel cake covered with bright pink and purple. The cake stood tall, but larger than I could ever carry. Well, dad paid immediately as the teenage worker placed the cake beside me. Before leaving, I noticed an awkward look in her eyes, but I wondered why. Maybe it was because I was reading an old book or something.

Mum and dad took their seats as we drove out of the busy streets. With the cake beside me, I tempted to touch it, but I dared not. On it was a toon picture of me with a crown which looked superb and exciting.

“So... About Princess Sylvie's grand wish.” Dad brought up. “You haven’t agreed.”

Mum rolled her eyes at him reluctantly. “Not now, Richie! Stop being childish. We’ve decided this before we even got married.”

“I know... I’m just being an understanding dad here, you see. Perhaps it’s not as bad as you think. It’s just going to take nine months and Talaa! End of discussion.” Dad’s voice was laced with seriousness.

All mum wanted was to snap out of the idea of getting pregnant again. It would cause a big distraction to her fashion and writing businesses. As it is, she’s too busy to go through that. It’s usually hectic for her, especially caring for the house and the whole family.

They were still on it when a call entered. It was on Dad’s phone. He saw the contact and picked up without hesitation.

“Hello Collins! It’s been a while!” Showing how exciting he was to pick the call.

“Yes, I just realized tomorrow is my princess’s big day! How’s she?”

“She’s fine...” Dad replied excitedly and turned back to me. “She’s reading the book you gifted her last year. Poor thing,” As I flipped through it in the darkness, I could help but to wonder who it was. I pretended to be focused on the pages.

“I’m back in town and hoping I could visit somehow, but tomorrow would be tight. I won’t be able to make it.”

“No problem. We’re having a special family picnic next tomorrow at Eden lakes.” Dad pointed out.

“Okay, marvellous! I won’t miss it.” His voice raised in excitement.

“It’s been ages since I last saw her. I can’t wait to finally meet Syl. How is she like, these days?”

“Umm... She could be a curious cat sometimes. Other times, she could be demanding. Sylvia could be anything you want her to be, you know... Do you want to talk to her?”

“Yes, please. Give her the phone.” The voice begged over the call.

“Take princess Sylvie. It’s a call from Uncle Collins.” Dad winked at me lovingly.

About to collect the phone, a bright light shine dazzled on our surprised faces. There was a loud horn from a trailer that zoomed into our lane, making phone drop off dad’s hand as he held the steering wheel close up and tight.

“Watch out!” Mum yelled in a fearful tone as the bigger vehicle in front of ours matched itself against our vehicle.

Instantly, my entire vision started spinning, while my mind went blank. Unknown to us that there was another car at the back, I heard a strong clash at the exact moment of the impact, as if TNT just exploded on the left side of my brain. The rear window shattered into a million pieces. I lie low in the chairs, but the next this I noticed was that everything suddenly went pitch dark.


There were faint footsteps. The sounds of sirens cry woke me up. I felt a stimulant sensation in waves from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head, a pure adrenaline rush. A sharp pain strike through my head as I tried opening my eyes, but it was open. I opened it to the blurry vision of passerby.

We were in my street already. The almost empty area looked so crowd. And me in my confusion closed my eyes to think for a while. Where am I? What happened, really? Where is mum and dad?

Just then, I noticed two men pulling me up from the cold floor. They placed me on a plastic stretcher and pulled into an ambulance with my body fixed to it. Just then, I noticed two frozen bodies wrapped in white blankets.

‘Those could probably be my parents.’ I presumed.

But the more I tried to move, the more difficult it becomes for me. At the attempt of trial, a nurse sitting right next to me injected me with only God knows what chemical.

Not sure if I was even injured or not, the last thing I remembered that day was the sound of sirens cry that's echoed till I could sense nothing around me. As if it faded. And just like earlier, another series of darkness clouded in my eyes again. My head fell back and my eyes went shut. Pitch dark.

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