Chapter 25: Should I Be Thankful?

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"What?! Why are you living with him if he's using you out of your will."

"I hate my life, Noah... I'm like a puppet to my uncle and I have no choice. After my parent's death, he sold out everything. Truth is, there's nothing left for me. There' one left. He's the.. only family left for me."

"Sylvie... Why do you have to satisfy him? When you know that he's like a hungry dog, wanting more bone, why do you have to keep quiet?"

"Because I'm scared. I don't know what would happen but this might actually take him to prison again." I felt more tears welling up in my eyes.

"Tell me about it." he shifted closer and scooped.

"Two years ago, there was this rumour that he raped a lady living 4 blocks away from where we stayed. He got arrested and eventually got to jail. I didn't know about it until some of his friends kidnapped me." An unexpected sigh escaped me, I paused to wipe my nose with heel of my palms. "They were Ben's associates...he said I would have to work for him until he's able to save enough money to bail my uncle. I had to do it... I had no choice."

"So Ben used you as well?! That's awful?! Your uncle treats you differently, like a minor....Did he know? Did you tell him that you're the maid, and cook, and the saviour and the prisoner?" Agony scattered all over his face tried to comprehend.

"All I get is insults and more beatings. I'd have to suffer the consequences for everything I do wrong." My silent sniffles poured out like sharp coughs as I held back. I let the tears flow freely, dripping off the end of my nose and splattering into Jade's back shirt, making it darker with its stains. Dark spots covered my vision as I tried to explain. "Please, just hold me tonight Noah, I'm scared."

Disappointed, a single tear rolled down his cheek as he felt his throat closing up. Noah held me tight, with more tears streaming down my face. I usually feel this when I'm alone but this moment, I just couldn't hold back.

I sobbed for hours on Noah's chest, leaned against the bed. I couldn't help but to think how dead I am already. What would happen tomorrow?


The sun got higher in the sky, the day’s activity begun. Plants and trees feasted on the golden beams of the sun. Late risers missed the beauty of sunrise. It is a rare joy to be awaken at sunrise.

'Oh my, this bed is so soft. I knew my life had been a nightmare. Now I'm waking from it.' Clinging to the feel of the sift pillow, I turned right and stretched my hand. It wasn't so soft. It was as hard as rock.

'Oh, where am I?' I was still dreaming with a smile until I felt his breath on my face.

I jerked up immediately with a sudden pull out. It was Noah on the bed with me. His eyes, half open.

"I'm sure you slept well. You were smiling throughout." he muttered in a slow baritone voice. I rolled my eyes at him and he pulled closer.

"Why are you on the bed with me? I thought you volunteered to sleep on the floor!"

"You were shivering so I had to hug you. Perhaps, I felt you needed company on bed."

'Should I be thankful?' I wore a stern look at him. And then remembered that I cried to sleep.

"What happened last night?"

"Nothing much, you told me about you uncle and cried so hard. Omg! You're such a crybaby." he joked but still wore a serious face.

I felt ashamed.

"Umm... About last nigh-"

"About last night! " he cut off my words with both brows raised concentrating on me.

"Umm.. Can we keep that between us? You see, nobody needs to know."

"Don't worry, I'd find a way to solve your worries. My mum's closest friend is a family therapist. She should be able to help." he smiled at me while I pulled out of bed.

"What? Does that mean you're going to tell your mum?"

"Yeah, maybe." He smiled at he and stood up from bed. I was finally relived that, Noah knows but I somehow felt exposed.

"Now I see why you never gave me your phone contact and stopped coming to school. You probably don't have a phone but would you come to school though? We're writing out final exams in less than three months. You need to be well prepared and-"

"Yes I know but I don't think so because my uncle stopped me." I paused and thought about it. Raising my gaze at Noah, I noticed how confused he was. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
I faked a smile to ease off his worries. My eyes caught the luxuriously clock on the wall. It was 7:30 a.m.

"I really need to get going now else I'd get late."

"To where? School?"

"No, to work at Tobi Stores. What if he finds out I spent the night with you? Huh! Just let me go already..."

"Why shouldn't he know? Don't you care me?" Noah responded.

"Of course, I do. I just can't allow my uncle to come between us. You might be his next target.... Only God knows what he'd do when he finds out. I need to take a shower right away, you need to prepare fir school too. Don't forget, you're dropping me off!"

As if my words startled him, Noah just watched. I got into the bathroom and closed the door.
"Huh! How annoying!" I sighed.

I really want to go to school but I don't know what to do. I can't face Collins right now.


After taken my bath, I put on my dress and denim jacket. Just then, I noticed the silence in the room and went downstairs.

"Breakfast is ready!" Noah announced.

I just nodded my head realizing how silly he sounded."Have you taken your bath?"

"Yes darling, didn't you notice my outfit changed?" He scoffed. "You're the one wearing dirty clothes not me."

"Whatever!" I rushed to see what hed prepared.  "Wow, you prepared this?"

"Yes, come on. I cook better than you think. I'm not a spoilt child you know."

"Okay, fine." I grabbed a piece of hamburger from his plate and took a bite.

"Hmm... You tried but its not as good."


"Is this what you'd tell me after being your friend and saving you from Ben and being your pillow throughout the night, being your cook and now, your driver?" He freaked out.

"I didn't beg you, Noah! You did whatever, willingly. Don't forget Amber hated me because of you and I'm literally going to be a dead meat if you don't take me to work right now!" With all my strength, I pulled him from the dinning chair but he didn't even move.

"You're so impossible, Sylvie!" He blushed at me, realizing everything was a joke.

"Let's just go." Noah grabbed a brown jacket and wore it on the white singlet he had on. Without wasting time, he locked the doors and I climbed his motorcycle with an helmet on.

It was a smooth ride to down the road. I love the feel of having Noah by my side. My hands held him tight as he zoomed faster. A smile formed on my lips at the new positive feeling. I didn't know what punishment was waiting for me but somehow, I felt loved and cared for.

Stopping right in front if the provision store, Noah held tight his handlebars while I leaned on his built shoulders and climbed down. I looked towards the building. It was still locked.

Noah helped with taking off the helmet. He placed it on his petrol tank, staring at me.

"I free you. You should leave now before someone sees us." I said to him.

"I don't want to leave." He muttered. "Won't you invite me in?"

I just rolled my eyes at him and turned away. I felt something holding me back, I turned yo see that it was Noah. He pulled me with one grip and next, I saw his lips on mine.

"What are you doing?!" I pulled away and cut the kiss.

"I love you, Sylvie!" He stated into my eyes and I looked away at the quiet area.

"Just go already, please!" I begged.

This place is usually busy, I wonder why it's so silent now.

"Won't you say you love me too? Huh... Whatever, when next are we meeting?"

"Stop making out with me in the middle of the road like this. It's risky." I snapped at him and left.

"I could just pay a you visit later in the evening. Whatever! See you soon!" He voiced happily and kicked his engine. I watched him zoom away with utmost shock as my heart beat raced on the spot. What an idiot?! He dare not visit when Collins is at home. I can't help but to think this was just a stupid idea. For now, I need to think about a solid would lie to persuade Collins.

I swallowed the chilly sensations that over took me and opened the store. Cleaning the whole place, the first customer walked in.

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