~05~ Jinxed

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  This shouldn't come unexpected
the world always seems to get me down
yet somehow i thought that i could manage to keep this going
as much as i wanted to be i wasn't part of your life
and it caught back up to you
I'm flushed back out into the wide and empty world
like a failed project, crumpled and tossed away
the uncertainty of recent times gone
forged into a keen blade of pain
my closest friend returns
i caress and comfort this new pain
my memories of scant moments of comfort all i have
there will always be pain but i cant stay away

~Jarek Dayne "Jinxed"

Detective Casley regarded the ceremony that unfolded before him in unmitigated silence. He felt a sudden wave of grief wash over him like it did to the ever-changing ocean, carelessly dribbling onto sand. Holding his breath, he approached Cecil. He had come to know her for a few days but how well she was taking the current situation only defined how strong she was. Strong enough to not have killed her own daughter.

"Mrs Pepperman, I know I've already said this countless number of times but I want you to know I'm sincerely sorry for your loss." He said after catching Cecil's attention.

"Thanks for everything-" She paused, "I need to speak to you about the investigation, privately."

"You have nothing to worry about, we have a few decent leads and I'm very positive your daughter was killed." Detective Casely said, gauging her reaction.

"About that; I want you to put an end to this investigation. No one wanted Ali dead and that is final. All I want is for Ali to find the peace that she so much needs. I don't want to know if she was killed or not. I don't trust myself to keep on living if I find out what actually happened to her. So please just put an end to this investigation." She said in a thin, trembling voice.

Detective Casely clenched his fist in frustration. Was this the same woman who had wanted to find justice for her dead daughter?

He shook his head begrudgingly. "I don't think I can do what you ask of me. I made a promise to help uncover the mystery behind Ali's dead and I'm going to do just that."

"I trust you know how much pain my family has faced these past few days. Please don't ignite this dreadful feeling by digging where you shouldn't." Cecil whispered as she closed her puffed up red eyes.

"Digging where I shouldn't?" Detective Casely asked.

"Jim thinks it's best if we leave town for some few months. Everything about this town reminds us of Ali and it is taking a toll on us. Detective please close this case whilst I'm being nice. A fresh start is what we need now and we can't keep on hanging onto this investigation. It's definitely not going to bring Ali back." Cecil sighed, walking out on him.

Detective Casley shrugged, if Cecil Pepperman wanted this case closed then he was definitely going to do the opposite of that- at least not after the mysterious call he had received. If he wasn't suspicious before, he had every reason to be now. Now more than ever he felt a precipitous willpower to fix the cross puzzle and expose what had to be revealed. 

"I think I might know who killed Alicia Pepperman,"

"Who am I speaking to?"

"My name must remain unknown. I must stay hidden. They will come for me as soon as they find out I'm alive. Please help me stay hidden!"

"Okay please calm down. Can you at least tell me were you are ."

"I can't! Don't you get it, I'm trapped. Alicia was killed that is all I can say for now,"

"How sure are you that she was killed?" asked the detective.

"I saw everything with my own eyes. I'm so scared. I feel eyes watching me everywhere I go. I think I'm being followed." The voice whispered.

"You can trust me, tell me where you are, I'll come to you."

"You don't want me dead right? I think those devilish eyes are watching me now. I see red eyes everywhere, it's creeping me out." The voice shook with terror .

Detective Casely stared at his phone. "Cole help me trace a call." He switched the call back to Cole.

"Okay right on it" Cole said enthusiastically. After a few minutes he found the right location, "North of the staples street,"

"Hello are you there?" Detective Casely made a sudden turn driving at a faster pace.

"Why isn't anyone talking. I think I've lost the caller.... Shit! Meet me at the said location as soon as possible. I think the caller might be in danger," He said as he tightly gripped the steering wheel.

"Cole are you sure you have the right location?"

"Absolutely. Are you already there?" Cole asked.

"I'm almost there!"


"You are a detective right?" A blonde asked, playing with a strand of her hair which covered her sullen face.

"Yes, and you must be the sister of Alicia." Detective Casely said.

"You got that right. What did my mum want?" She asked, scanning his face to find the answers she was searching for.

"You tell me kiddo, what do you think she wanted?"

"You can't end this investigation no matter what she says. I know my sister was killed and I'm willing to do everything I can to find the person who killed her so please help me out."

Detective Casley grinned, it turned out the girl was eavesdropping. "Who said anything about ending this investigation? I'm sure I'll need all the help I can get."

"Thanks Detective," she smiled, "I saw Ali yesterday, she asked me to help her" Courtney said bluntly as her smile slowly turned into tears.

"What do you mean you saw her?" The detective asked.

"I know it sounds crazy but I really saw her. She looked scared and terrified; I approached her thinking she was alive not dead like they said she was, but she disappeared when I linked my hands with hers. She disappeared Detective, I tried calling her back but my tears blocked her from hearing my muffled screams,"

Detective Casely was unsure of what to do as he blankly stared at the broken girl before him. "Here," He said, giving her a handkerchief which was tucked away in his breast pocket.


Ana Maria Del Rosario eyed the the ornate buildings that passed by her with great anticipation. She had previously thought all the praise and good stuffs she heard about Woodwave was all a hoax. What her eyes kept gazing upon proved her wrong. Woodwave was indeed beautiful. It was like the heavens, hearing of her arrival, had deliberately opened its gates smoothing the pathway for a beautiful sunshine to emit. The birds whispered a tune and she joined them thinking it was an invite.

"Okay this isn't working." She said to herself in a thick Mexican accent. She hated driving alone; if only she had someone to keep her company whilst she drove. She turned up the volume of her radio which was currently playing Tina Turner's I will survive'. "God I love this song!" She squealed like a teenager.

"Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye

Did you think I'd crumble

Did you think I'd lay down and die

Oh no, not I I will survive."

She sang out loud as she tapped her dainty fingers on the wheel. She was so engrossed in singing the song which calmed her spirits, because it somehow related to her current situation; the reason she had run seeking refuge in Woodwave, that she didn't notice a frail blonde teenager standing on the deserted street. Before it dawned on her, her car was already trumping on what she thought was the remains of the girl's body.

"What have I done!" She screamed as she quickly got out her car, and ran towards the body of the girl.

"Wait! You can see me?" The girl asked visibly surprised. Ana Perla stared at her. Was her mind playing tricks on her or was the girl she had just hit with her beat up truck sitting right before her like she hadn't just run her over.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" She asked, kneeling by her.

"I'm fine," The girl replied, standing on her two feet.

"Is there anything I can do? I can drop you off where you are headed." Ana Perla suggested, the guilt that she had almost killed someone was eating her up.

"Don't worry I'm fine," The girl said, politely refusing her offer.

"No I insist." Ana Perla stressed, opening the door for her.

The girl sat in her car reluctantly, probably deliberating if she had made the right decision.

"I'm Anna Perla," She said, trying to make small conversation. She looked at her expectantly when she realized she wasn't going to reply with her name like courtesy demanded. She turned her attention back to the road.

"I need your help," The girl blurted out.

Ana Perla snapped her head to her direction,"My help?"

"Yes, before anything else my name is Alicia Pepperman and I'm glad I met you on a day like this."

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