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Dedicated to Jazzi1215 for her continuous support.

I am all there is to know, I am all that you've forgotten
I am enigmatic now, you never even knew my name
I am dressed in tragedy, I am by design immortal
I am just the last one left, but I am always here and old
Old and very strong
Old as all you feel
Old as all the world around you



I am just a secret now, I am just a vague illusion
I'm a lie you tell yourself that you never truly did believe
I'm a whisper in the dark, I'm a victim and the killer
I am almost ready now, but you insist I don't exist

~Stone Sour "Reborn"

It was dark. The moonless sky screamed terror and trepidation. Ana Perla trudged in confusion as her white linen cloth swayed with the gushing winds. She was befogged as to where she was, but it seemed too real to be mistaken for a dream. Her confusion, made it even harder for her as she struggled to get through to the other side where she was certain someone would be waiting. But the question was, if she had someone who cared enough to wait. She winced as a thorn she'd tried sidestepping grazed her arm.

For the first time throughout the entire ordeal, Ana Perla felt fear grip her. She was suddenly aware of her surroundings; she was in a dark forest...a very dark one, even the dim glow the ominous moon emitted didn't seem to make any difference. The murkiness pressed into her from all sides, and she felt slight tinges of fear grasp her in keenness. Her body wanted to scream but she was too scared to. Who wouldn't be, in an unnerving situation like this?

 Her bare feet made rustling sounds as it crushed the deciduous of crisp marcescent leaves beneath. Everything about the setting was far from peaceful. The agony she felt as she struggled with her inner emotions, invaded her thoughts of how eerily petrifying the whole scenery was.

She shuddered as the cold air cruelly blew over her bare skin. She ran her hands through her body, trying to somehow alleviate herself. She felt so alone and so incomplete; like she'd been thrown into an endless pit of isolation and the thought itself didn't work very well with her. She was at the verge of a break down when she caught a flash of light flicker from the corner of her eye. She looked closely, trying to figure out what it was.

 She was lost for words when she realized it wasn't just any light; it was Ali-the girl she had come to regard as her own daughter. Instead of feeling a great sense of relief for seeing a familiar face, she felt worst. Ali looked so hurt and weak, even the mist of light she was encased in, couldn't obscure that.

In a swift motion, Ana Perla lifted her hands to touch Ali's face, it looked so fragile and pale-the kind of face she'd always worn in Mexico- but the young ghost lightly shook her head and smiled sadly. She watched as Ali pointed out to a path which was marked by a superfluous beam of light. 

Before she could ask what it meant, Ali waved her hand, which Ana Perla quickly noticed was bruised and looked as pale as her face did.

Ana Perla placed her hand on her aching heart as it thumped loudly. Ali's eyes had a light hue of sadness in them and Ana Perla grew wearier, knowing that it mirrored exactly how she felt. She didn't utter a word as Ali rancorously walked into the light. 

This was by far the most unpleasant experience she'd ever witnessed her entire life. She collapsed to the damp earth as she cried her heart out, reeling in her pain and hurt.

"Miss, Miss..." Ana Perla groaned, biting her lips in pain as the ache in her head intensified. She couldn't force herself to open her eyes since she was weakened by her sleeping state and the numb pain she still felt. Ali was gone and it was all her fault. She felt tears slide down her chin.

"Miss are you okay?" A terrified Magdalene asked, gently shaking Ana Perla from her sleep.

"Please don't go, please don't-" Ana Perla whimpered, her throat too dry to emit any sound.

Magdalene gazed at her in horror. She'd come to wake Ana Perla up like she did every morning and was not quite expecting the scene that'd met her. Her mistress was sweating profusely and she knew then and there that her rising temperature only meant that she was coming down with a very bad fever. 

"Miss," she tried waking her up again, as she held a cold compress over her forehead.

Ana Perla pried her eyes open when she felt the cold impact. "Where am I?" she asked. She knew it was a dumb question but the throbbing pain she felt in her head made it impossible to think clearly.

Magdalene smiled, "How are you feeling?" Her grey eyes showed a lot of concern and that made Ana Perla feel safe and loved; she knew she had someone now that Ali was no longer with her.

"I'm fine, just a slight headache. Please get me a glass of water," Ana Perla requested, sweeping her hair off her face.

After a few minutes, Magdalene reentered the room carrying a tray. "What's that?" Ana Perla asked as she walked in.

"Rice porridge with ginger and vegetable broth," Magdalene answered, smiling brightly.

"I only asked for a glass of water," Ana Perla groaned. No matter how delicious that sounded, she hated porridge and knew without doubt it was going to make her sicker than she already felt.

"I know, but you will feel better after eating this. My mama taught me how to make it, trust me it's very good for treating fever."

"I have fever?"

Magdalene laughed, her mistress sounded like a two year old. "Yes, you are not allergic to ginger, are you?"

"I'm allergic to porridge," Ana Perla frowned.

"I thought as much," Magdalene smiled, "Please eat up Miss, I'll let Andre know you are not well." she said and turned to leave.

"Yes do tell him before he barges in here to make my day much worse," Ana Perla said as she sheepishly stirred the porridge on her lap. "Thanks a lot Magdalene," she whispered, lifting her eyes to Magdalene's retreating form. Ana Perla was glad she didn't hear her, it sounded too embarrassing even in her ears.

"You should have said that before she left," A voice which awfully sounded like Alicia's said suddenly.

Ana Perla nearly choked on the porridge she had swallowed. "Que demonios!" What the heck! She shouted in her native tongue, then everything started coming together. Ali wasn't really gone, what she witnessed had only been a dream. And that dream had almost killed her.

"Jesus Christ! Ali you scared me I thought you were really gone," she sobbed, forgetting how good the porridge tasted and how bad her head was aching; Ali was all that mattered to her at that moment. She would die if anything happened to her, and whether she liked it or not Ali was now a major part of her life. She looked at the young ghost standing before her and said the eight words which changed both of their lives forever- in a positive way and a negative way but unsurprisingly the negative surpassed the positive. "I will help bring you back to life," She saw the look in Ali's sad eyes and knew she had made the right decision.

"Are you sure?" Alicia asked as she wearily paced around the quaint room.

"Yes, I am."

"Thank you so much Ana," Alicia gratefully cried out, her voice rich with excitement.

"Alicia," she paused evidently battling her conscience. "Are you prepared to live a loveless life as someone else. Because the only way I can help u come back to life is if you agree to let your soul reside in another body." 

"I don't understand,"

"It's called reincarnation," Ana Perla tapered, "Reincarnation in the sense that, you will need to dwell in another body to keep living," she continued.

"How do I do that?" Alicia asked thoughtfully.

"That's where the problem comes in. You will need the body of a dead person who hasn't yet been buried in order to complete the reincarnation process,"

"You're a genius Ana!" Alicia friskily exclaimed. "Thanks a lot Ana,"

"Where are you going," Ana Perla asked cognizant of the fact that what Ali had just said was another form of goodbye.

"To look for the perfect body of course," Ali hastily chimed.

"Wait I didn't tell you what you had to do once you found one," Ana Perla shouted but it was too late Ali was already gone.


It was soon night; the darkest form of blackness engorged the town of Woodwave in swift dismal. The moon lay beneath a direful dark cloud which veiled it from from spreading its brilliance of silvery light. There in the watery moonlight, the silhouette of a girl sprang up. 

She emerged from a thick forest with an overwhelming aura and scanned her eyes through her blank surroundings. The girl walked barefooted on the lush meadow grass. The grass felt soft against her skin and it felt right to curl her toes into it. She felt different, she felt renewed, she felt energized.

She tilted her head, loving the feel of the cold wind whipping through her face. Her legs wobbled, dancing along with the cool breeze, she was weak. The reincarnation had left her with many side effects but she was very glad she had succeeded in her transformation. It wasn't easy finding the body of someone her age, she'd looked through every nook and cranny of Woodwave and beyond.

She'd almost given up when she stumbled on the dead body of a girl lying on the cold streets of Hargrove, the most scariest and dangerous town she had ever heard of. Finding the body had brought her some amount of joy but she was a bit sad for the girl in question and that had brought her a wave of nostalgia because it reminded her of how she was also found dead lying in the same state.

The only difference between her and the girl being that, her body was found, but the girl would never be found since she now possessed her body. She'd immediately taken proprietary of the body and headed back for Woodwave. Now her soul lived in another body which was the right and perfect embodiment of revenge itself.

She leisurely strolled to a narrow stream which lay beneath a ginormous pear tree. The clear waters mirrored her reflection-even with the wind continuously blowing her hair in all directions; she saw the face of a very beautiful girl.

She stood in a daze as she allowed her self to wallow in the beguilement of her exotic features; her previously green eyes were now an eerie tint of blue and she had traded her blonde hair for a natural shade of brown. All she had left to do was to make some leeches pay for what they had done to her. She sneered as she flexed her weak muscles.

She was no longer Alicia Pepperman; the shy girl everyone trampled on instead she was Maya Fox, a ruthless girl who was going to knock up some evil heads. And she couldn't wait to do just that. Picking up her pace, she walked through the thick bushes till the road came into view.



I'm so sorry for the late update. These past few weeks have been very hectic and I wish I can do more to make up for my tardiness. I've some good news tho, I just found out who killed Alicia and trust me I was surprised as hell. This means that there will be regular updates since I've mentally finished writing every chapter in my head. If you've read this far be prepare to be blown away by more plot twists and exciting scenes. ASDA has thirty chapters in all and I'm really going to try my best to finish it up before August. So stay with me and know that I love you all, writers are only writers because their readers make them so...

~From: Theodora with lots of love Xx

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