33. The Care

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"August please..."
Meghna sighed looking at the plate and then Agasthya's face.
"Eat a little... For me... Please..."

Agasthya neither obeyed nor denied. His bhabi was begging him to eat dinner for the tenth time but he couldn't. He sat silent, covering his face with both of his hands. His whole world was stopped a few hours ago...

Meghna was helpless. Both she and Simran had no clue about what happened between the brothers, other than Simran's guesses. Aaryan didn't come out of his room after that while Anirudh said a clear 'NO' whenever she asked about the quarrel. Agasthya was the worst, he didn't say a word after that.

She accepted defeat and moved towards Anirudh who was sitting alone on the balcony.

"I already told you, I don't want anything..."
Said Anirudh when she put the plate of untouched food in front of him.

"This isn't for you... Agasthya had nothing..."

Anirudh shook his head. "Is he crying?"

"He is silent..." She replied. "What happened between you and Aaryan? Why can't you tell that anyone?"

"Ask to him..."

"Anirudh, don't be stubborn... I won't force you to reveal anything, but you should speak with Aaryan... If there is any kind of misunderstandings then speak it out and solve the issue... This silence and arrogance will never gonna work..."

"I am not arrogant..." Hissed Anirudh. "He is not ready to listen to me, then why should I beg him for that? If he can't trust me then let him do whatever he wants..."

"But Anirudh... He is short-tempered so..."

"So what? Do you want me to support him after he hurting my August? Never, Meghna... Never..."

Meghna understood that nothing is gonna work now. Anirudh was almost mad in anger, like Aaryan.
"Aaryan also love Agasthya, Anirudh... He would be guilty of that now, I am sure... That's why I am telling you to speak with him... If you both try to pacify August together, it will be better..."

"I don't care..." said Anirudh and walked to Agasthya with the food and juice in his hand.
"I don't care about what Aaryan feels now... I was there for August every time and I will be... Nothing else is matters now..."


Agasthya felt his brother's presence near to him but wasn't ready to face him.

"You are sitting on the cold floor for a long time, August... It will hurt your legs, get up..."

Getting no response, Anirudh sighed and hold his hand but Agasthya pulled it back.

"Why did you make me lie to Aary bhaiya?"

"First do what I said..." Anirudh again pulled his hands but Agasthya didn't cooperate a bit.

"I won't..."

"Ok then..."

Anirudh picked his brother up and put him on the bed making Agasthya groanes a little.

"Won't you speak to me, August?" Asked Anirudh sitting next to him.

Agasthya turned his face away and pulled the blanket over him.

Anirudh glared at him for a while and lied opposite him.

He wanted to cry loudly... He also wished to find solace in tears... But as always he buried everything in a silent sob.

After a moment, Agasthya pulled the blanket out of his face and turned to Anirudh. He felt bad for behaving rudely to his Ani bhaiya.

"I am sorry..." He said putting his hand around Anirudh's neck.

Agasthya felt his brother's cheeks wet.
"What is this, bhaiya..." He asked rolling over Anirudh to see his face.

"I am very very sorry bhaiya... Don't cry, please..."
Agasthya's eyes also started to be filled when he saw Anirudh's state.

"I can bear anything but your silence..." Whispered Anirudh cupping Agasthya's face.
"Don't do this, August... It's killing me... How can I do anything against you?"

"You can't..." Exclaimed Agasthya with wide eyes. "And I trust you more than anyone in this world..."

Anirudh took a deep breath. He missed Aaryan. If he is ready to believe him as August does...

Agasthya thought Anirudh was upset over his behaviour and that made him more tragic. He understood that his brothers were missing each other.

"I will apologise to Aary bhaiya for everything... But I"

"It's his turn Agasthya..." Anirudh cut his middle. "He is the one who hurt you..."

Agasthya nodded his head as 'no'.
"I am afraid that he won't speak to me anymore... I had injured his feelings that much. It's he, who always sort out everything whenever I become angry with you... Now, he is alone and I can't do anything for him... What if he falls sick by crying? Who will take care of him? What if he panics by any nightmares? Who is there to hug him?"

The first reaction that appeared in Anirudh's face was a small smile when he heard Agasthya's words.

"He is not a child, August... He knows how to take care of himself..."

Agasthya rubbed his eyes and stared at the ceiling.
"I love him as much I love you... But I don't know how to prove that..."

"There is no need of proving it... Let's wait till his temper becomes normal and his head gets some sense..."

But Agasthya paid no attention to Anirudh's words.
"I love to learn things from him more than from you, Ani bhaiya... Because he is more patient and helpful... And I like when he feeds me because he is never in a hurry like you... And I love him when he hugs me from the back... But it never means that I love him more than you, is it?"

"No August..."

"In the same way... I feel more secure in your arms... I love to sleep with you because you always ruffle my hair when I am sleeping... I want you as my crime partner because you are mischievous and always save me from bhabi's scolding... Why can't he understand that? Or is it my fault that I failed to see his pain?"

"You didn't do anything wrong... And I am sure that whatever he said, that's not from his heart but because of his anger... So I don't want you to get disturbed over that. He will say sorry for that, August... I know him from head to heel..."

Anirudh slowly get up from the bed and took the plate in his hand. Agasthya thought that he forgot it, but elder brother is always an elder brother...

"I am not hungry, bhaiya..."

"I don't want to force you but eat at least one slice of bread and half of the juice... You can't take your medicines on empty stomach..."

"Bhaiya..." Agasthya gulped. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything other than F4 MEDICARE..."
Replied Anirudh with a smirk.

Agasthya pouted. "You both were fighting over something and I know nothing about it..."

"It is better... If it has no role in our brotherhood and present life, then why should we discuss it?"

"Why did Aary bhaiya says that Papa is a criminal?" Asked Agasthya trying his best to avoid crying.

Anirudh was expecting the same question for a long time, but he had no clear answer.
"I can't give you any explanation but... Papa is not a criminal. He was good, both his intentions and passion were great... But mistakes are a human thing... And I think Papa tried his best to correct it..."

"I love papa... And you too... And Aary bhaiya too..."

Anirudh smiled. "And our mamma too..."

"Yes yes... Mamma too..."

Anirudh thanked Geetha Malhotra in his mind.

Her one-word worth the price of his all happiness...

If she had said a 'Yes' instead of that 'No' at that night, Anirudh would have lost the most precious one in his life...



Next morning

"I hate you for this..."
Said Simran glaring at Aaryan.

"You should have been more careful, Aary... Agasthya is sensitive and soft inside... Even though you said that all in your anger, he is not matured enough to realise that..."
Said Meghna patting on Aaryan's shoulder. She felt sad for him.

He was guilty of hurting Agasthya. He didn't expect that Agasthya would lie to him, and that made him lose all his control. But his behaviour wasn't justifiable. He said something he didn't mean...

"Why are you trying to pacify him, Meghna didi? He deserves this sorrow... I told him thousand times to wait but he couldn't..." Simran couldn't control herself. "And Aaryan, try to put your unnecessary ego aside and speak with Anirudh... You are no one to judge him..."

"I don't care what Anirudh does..." Whispered Aaryan.
"Why can't he share anything with me? I am his brother and I had stood with him every time... But still, he keeps everything away from me and it hurts like hell..."

"I don't think you would ever change..." Exclaimed Simran walking out of the room. She couldn't understand why people hurting each other when they have a loving family and strong bonds.

Meghna sighed. Aaryan's reaction was unnecessary but she could understand his state. Sometimes Anirudh can be extremely mysterious. But he should have shared it all at least with Aaryan.

"I am afraid to face August bhabi... I don't know can he ever forgive me for this... But honestly, I didn't mean anything like that... I am not a fool to count love like money..."
Aaryan wiped his tears. His temper issues always troubled him, but never like this.

"I am sure that he is hurt, but say sorry to him..."

"Will he listen to me?"

"Aaryan... Both you and Anirudh should realise how desperately he needs you guys with him... That's why he always forgives you very easily... But I feel that it's being an advantage for you two... I said the same to Anirudh too, when he scolded Agasthya in Sanjay's case..."

Aaryan bowed his head. Meghna was correct. Often they fail to remember that Agasthya also has feelings.

"I didn't want to hurt you, but I want you to realise that... He loves you, so please don't make him suffer... So make everything clear..."

"You are right bhabi..." Smiled Aaryan.

"I will do it tomorrow... It will be the best birthday gift I could ever give him..."



"It's a trap..." Whispered Anirudh.
"Where is Aaryan?"


"If you were ready to believe me... If you were ready to listen to me at least once..." Anirudh couldn't complete his sentence, his heart was broken.

"You left me alone when I needed you the most..."


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