Chapter- 34

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Mihir's POV

Have you ever been in a situation where you want to tell a person everything about you but whenever you think so, there's something inside you which steps back!

Because that's what happening with me!

At the end of the day Isha was safe, away from media and I'll make sure that she'll be till she becomes CEO.

But.. What is bothering me till now is... The question she asked!

Now how should I explain to her the thing which I ain't able to explain to anyone else...

Because I know that even if I explain all of me.. At the end I'll be at mistake because... I lost her because of my mistake!

We all lost her because of my mistake!!

Don't go there again Mihir! Don't !!

After coming from her pent house I told Charlie to handle all the media houses and as usual he did it!

It was already evening and hence I directly came home and worked on some files while attending a video conference.

It was when I was on a call and was going out for some fresh air, I suddenly bumped into the same soft figure!

What's with her and bumping into me!

She was about to land on the ground kissing the floor when automatically my hands slipped on her waist caging her so that she doesn't fall.

What am I going to do with this idiot!

After she was satisfied that she hasn't fallen she slowly opened her eyes and as soon as my eyes met her blue orbs, time stopped for a second.

"Isha. How are you so careless. You were again going to fall and hurt yourself" I scolded but she was just looking at me.

"Well, do that four over protective men" Mihira  said and I looked at her confused

"Ah, um, Ishu... Any plans to stand straight? " Vivaan asked and it's now I guess she realised what state she was in as she instantly jumped out of my hold and stepped two inches away hiding her face.

What has happened to her!

"I.. I.. Meera aunt. I'll meet her" She mumbled and ran from there while I looked at her.

"What.. Was that" I asked and the couple looked at me.

"Typical she" Vivaan said while Mihira chuckled.

I sighed and went inside while talking to both of them about whatever has happened.

"I'm afraid, how she'll handle media after becoming CEO" Mihira mumbled

"And here we're wrong Mihira. You know, keeping her away from this unwanted attention was Kabeer uncle's and her family's choice. It didn't mean she can't stand in front of these people.  I know she will" I said looking at her who was in kitchen don't know showing which of her moves to mom.

"She's cute right? " Mihira asked and I smiled.

"Very much" I said and at the another instant I snapped my neck at her to see her smirking.

"I.. Very much she talks. I mean she talks very much... So much" I blabbered while Mihira laughed.

"What" I scowled

"It's really a very very rare site to see The Great Mihir Malhotra stammer" She smirked and I huffed.

"I.. Okay fine. So what's wrong. She is cute. That's it. What's a big deal. No big deal. Yeah, right! " I again blabbered and Mihira started laughing and I groaned.

"Rot here... Shortie" I huffed and stood up going towards my room.

After I completed some of my work, I heard a knock on my door and I looked at the floor to see a person.

"Mihira you don't need permiss... " I was saying raising my head when I saw her!

"Oh.. Isha" I mumbled

"Am, yeah. I actually need the permission" She said and I denied.

"No. You too don't. " I mumbled

"Huh? " She asked confused

"Nothing. Come inside" I told

"Ah no. I was just here as Meera aunty told me to call you for dinner." She said and turned to go when I stepped there grabbing her hand.

"Isha listen" I called and she turned around looking at her hand and then at me.

"I...What you asked today...I.. " I tried to say but I didn't know why I just couldn't.

"It's okay Mihir. You don't need to tell me. And it's not like I'm someone to you with whom you've to share everything. I call you my best friend telling every small thing to you doesn't mean you consider me the same " She said and pulled away her hand from mine and went away.

"Damn it" I muttered punching the near by table and went out.

When I reached downstairs there was everyone.

"Ah, we love this kiddo. Home looks more lively" Dad said patting Isha's shoulder and she smiled.

"Baani, I read about your recent venture. I've to say that is one of the amazing." Mom appreciated

"Thankyou. That's him helping me throughout, on every step" Baani aunt said looking at Kabeer uncle while Isha looked at them smiling.

"Ah, I'm hungry" Isha spoke and everyone chuckled.

"Yeah but where's he's. Where you've been? We were waiting for you" Mom asked and I went near them and wished Isha's parents.

After that we all went to dining area and had our dinner.

"And tadaa" Mihira came with ice creams when we were sitting in living room.

"Ice creams. You see that's why I love you" Isha grinned kissing her cheek and I looked at her.

"Ah, that was a wrong move" Kabeer uncle sighed and Baani aunt raised her brow.

"Well, don't worry Kabeer. Here's also an ice cream freak" Dad smirked looking at mom while she glared him.

"Okay before there's a world War 4 and I eat all of the ice creams, serve yourselves" Isha spoke and we all looked at her who was sitting on secluded couch with her ice cream.

When did she sat there?

And when did she took it?

More of that... When did she start eating!!

God, she's a mad! Totally madddd!

Everyone was enjoying and talking while my eyes were just at one person who was giggling and eating... Like a kid!

No doubt when I say cute!

"Cute again" Mihira asked coming near and I sighed.

"Stop it Mihi" I mumbled and she looked at me.

"Why don't you tell her that you like her Mihir" She asked and I looked shocked at her.

"W.. What. No. I.. I don't like her. Who said you this. What are you even talking about" I said and she looked at me.

"Okay fine. By the way, how can you love your work so much? " She asked

"What do you mean! " I questioned back

"I mean come on. You don't have time for your friends. You know, I met Daisy and Suhaan in Delhi today and they told me that you never even give them a call or meet them. Even if you're in Delhi " She said

"I'm Delhi for works Mihira. I go there for meetings. So why will I waste my time there meeting them. I mean come on. I can't just put them first and cancel my meetings right." I stated

"Then why rules aren't same for Isha?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Why you cancelled all the meetings today and were with her since morning? Why your eyes shows concern whenever she frowns? " She asked and I looked away.

"The little lawyer" I muttered and she smiled

"Any more denials sir? " She smirked

"No your majesty! Thank you" I huffed and was going when she stopped me.

"Why keeping this in heart Mihir. Tell her" She said and I sighed grabbing her hand and took her to her room.

"Tell her? Really Mihira! You know what she asked me today? " I asked and she denied

"She asked me that the Mihir I met in start was different and this Mihir is different. So why is there the difference? So tell me what should I tell her Mihi. How should I tell her that what happened back then. And how should I tell her that I can't forgive myself for that ever! So when I can't be this honest to her then how should I tell her that I like her! How should I tell her this Mihira? I don't have guts to tell her. What will she even think about me! " I exclaimed and she looked at me.

"That wasn't totally your mistake Mihir. Stop blaming yourself for that. You just wanted what was best for her." She whispered as a year left her eye.

"How can you forget me Mihira. How! You shouldn't forgive me." I said

"But bha.." She was saying just when my phone rang.

"We got a clue sir" The voice spoke and I looked at phone with a hope.

"I warn you, you're not going to say even a word of this to anyone. Not even Vivaan " I said and before she could say anything I left from there.

Coming to my room, I took my car keys and went downstairs towards main door.

"Mihir. Where are you going" Dad asked and I looked at him.

"There's an important meeting dad." I said and he looked at me.

"Mihir. Everyone's here. How can you just go like that" Mom complained when dad stopped her and looked at Vivaan.

This was all in milli seconds that no one couldn't notice!

"Ah, I too need to leave everyone. There's a case file I need to complete today. Drop me at my apartment Mihir" He spoke looking at me and I nodded and without wasting a second we were on the roads.

"So what's the lead this time" He asked and I looked at him.

"Don't look at me like that Mihir. And speak" He added

"India. Himachal " I mumbled

"What" He asked shocked

"We were idiots Vivaan. We tried finding her in every corner of world. But she was right under our nose" I said

"What is she even upto " He gritted and I glared him.

I reached office and went to the room where one of my spy was waiting.

"Are you sure? Because if this is wrong " I warned and he gulped.

"S.. Sir. O.. Our men saw her there. And cl.. Clicked a pic" He stammered and showed me the tab.

It's her!

"It's her Vivaan. It's her" I mumbled and he looked at me.

"Let's go. Get her" He said and I denied.

"I'll go" I stated

"I ain't letting you go alone. Not at all" He snapped

"I'll not do anything stupid this time Vivaan" I whispered and don't know why but a face came in front of my eyes as soon as I said this.

"You digged more about it? " I asked

"We tried to find out the address sir but wasn't possible. No one even knows that what she works" He told

"You sure you'll go alone" Vivaan asked again and I nodded.

"I'll inform at home" He said

"No! Dad knows this. Mihira too and mom. Other then that no one should know. Clear" I stated and he nodded.

"Take care Mihir. Please" He mumbled tapping my shoulder while I called Charlie.

"I want to reach Dharamshala" I commanded

"Charted will be ready in half an hour for the nearest airport sir" He told and I hummed cutting the call.

"Pack woolens." Vivaan said and I looked at him.

"Seriously" I snapped

"What! It's cold there" He told

"I've night in my hand. I'll purchase there" I said and went towards lift.

"Take care of your self Mihir. Your anger and emotions too. Please" He sighed and I nodded going inside the lift.

Vivaan went taking the car towards home while I drove to airport by another car.

Reaching there I saw Charlie already there.

"This way sir" He said and I nodded going inside the plane when my phone rang.

Isha calling!

I closed my eyes for a second and picked it up.

"Where are you & Vivaan bhai. He's not picking up the call" She asked tensed

"He's on his way home" I told

"Okay... And... You" She asked again and before I could say the pilot's announcement took place.

"Mihir. Are you.. Going somewhere" She asked

"Mhm. Some work" I replied

"Oh okay. So, when you'll be back" She asked

"Jet's taking off. Bye Isha" I whispered

"What. He.. " She was saying before which I cut the call.

I'm sorry Isha!

I can't tell you anything right now!

I'm afraid because I can't lie to you...

And I can't tell the truth to you either!

Even when my heart says to say it all to you and you'll understand..


My mind has over powered my heart!

I wish...

I wish my heart wins!!


Hello guys! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter! 🤩

I love the way Mihir's family communicate with him! After all in today's generation, communication is the key that can solve problems! ❣️

Mihira is an amazing sister & I'm sure we all agree to it! 🥺❤

Who do you think Mihir is searching for? And what do you think will happen next??

Let's see!

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed!

Next update soon!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤❤

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