Chapter- 36

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That day Mihir left without answering my question!

That's a far different thing...

He left without saying even a word.

And till two days, I didn't have any idea of where he was! All I knew was, he's off due to work!

I thought it to be a matter of just two three days but those days turned into week and the week turned into month!

Yes...he didn't come back.

He just... Left!

And now I think... Whatever we shared, whatever bond....say it anything... Was that all just fake, or time pass for him!

He didn't even think once to call me... Least message me.

But who am I talking about!

Mihir Malhotra! The man full of mysteries!

And this man.. Has become a mystery himself for me!

There's no denial that I'm attached to him, more then I thought!

And that attachment was paining now.

It's... Tough because I need him here!

Everyday I came office just in hope that I'll see him but everyday I returned back home burning all the hopes.

The whole month, I didn't even go to Malhotra Mansion because I knew... I knew I won't be seeing that one face which made me smile without reasons!

And sometimes I feel like...

That was it!

The chapter which I never wanted to come to an end, did end...

And that too without I knowing it!

And that pains! That really pains!!

I don't know why... But it just does!!

Sighing I looked into the mirror as I wore my blazer!

"He won't come Isha. Don't expect that today too. He won't" I whispered to myself in mirror as a tear left my eye but I wiped it.

I turned and wore my heels and as soon as I stood up from, I stumbled and fell on bed again!

Careful Isha! You would've hurt yourself!!

His words rang in my ears!

Stop it Isha! He won't ever come to stop you from falling!!

And stop expecting that from him!!

I shrugged the thoughts and taking my bag, I went to the car where Trevor was already there.

"Good morning madam" He wished

"Morning Trevor. Stop at Theobroma" I told and he nodded.

Soon the car stopped at Theobroma and I went inside ordering myself a brownie and bought the same for everyone at office.

He promised me desserts!

And guess what... I get them everyday!!

Everyday from his PA!!

And that makes me more angry because it reminds me much more of him!!

After it I reached office I pressed lift to my floor and as soon as I opened it.. The party crackers bursted!

"We'll Miss You" Everyone said at the same time and I looked at Sarah, Aryan, Mr. Tripathi and everyone else present there.

Tears pooled in my eyes and I hugged Sarah & Aryan.

"I'm going to miss you all" I whispered and Mr. Tripathi looked at me.

"This company is today going to loose its best employee" He said with a sad smile

"This company is going to get a competition too" I smirked a bit to make everyone smile and that happened.

There was a gush of laughter!!

"I bought brownies for everyone" I announced and gave it to a worker so that he could offer everyone.

"Thank you everyone! These six months have been beautiful. I'm not going from here just with knowledge & work experience. I'm going from here with.. Tons of memories" I whispered looking at everyone and at his floor as a tear left my eye.

"Mr. Tripathi, you've been an amazing teacher. Thank you " I thanked and he smiled nodding.

"Everyone here, you all have been so supportive. K & M is going to be so memorable. It gave me two most amazing friends. Sarah & Aryan" I whispered and Sarah snivelled hugging me.

"So,I'll just work on my table for the last day here. I'll miss this. I'll miss you all. I'll miss K & M. Thank you " I added and everyone hugged me wishing me luck while I controlled my tears.

I'll miss him!

I completed the pending work and it was evening already.

I went and knocked at Mr. Tripathi's cabin.

"In " His faint voice came and I opened the door going inside when he stood up from his chair.

"Ms. Mittal" He said and I smiled

"There's a little time in it Mr. Tripathi" I told and he nodded

"It was really great working with you. Even when you were just an intern. We all got to learn from you" He appreciated

"Thank you for your kind words Mr. Tripathi but I got to learn much more from you. It was indeed amazing to work under you" I told and he smiled as I handed him my internship completion letter.

"Amm... Sir isn't here" He told and I sighed

"I know but in his absence, can't you sign? " I asked

"I'm sorry Ms. Mittal. I'm afraid that I don't have rights for that" He told and I nodded

"I'll leave this here. Whenever he comes, I wish he do, Please get this signed and courier it to me. It's my achievement Mr. Tripathi. And I want it to remind me that even if I become CEO of Estates, I started from scratch" I explained and he smiled

"Sure Ms. Mittal. Keep this letter on sir's desk. It remains untouched. So whenever he comes, he'll sign that first. And God bless you. You're one of the kindest soul I've ever met" He appreciated and I smiled.

"Thankyou Sir. Good bye" I whispered with a heavy voice and he nodded.

"Good Bye" He replied as we shook our hands and I left the cabin just to see Sarah & Aryan.

"We'll miss you" Sarah mumbled as tears left her eyes.

"Hey! Don't cry. Rather be happy. You've got a permanent job in K & M. Both of you. And now I'm thinking, damn! I lost two good employees" I winked trying to lighten the mood and they chuckled as Aryan wiped Sarah's tears.

"Don't forget us okay! Or else I'll sue you. And I won't care if you're CEO" She said and I grinned

"That's what I want. For you both, I'm just Isha. And I should remain that only. Understood" I warned and they both nodded

"Always" They assured and I hugged them both.

"Bye." I mumbled

"Bye Ishaani" They both said and I chuckled wiping my tears and went inside the lift.

Pressing the button of his floor, I looked at the envelope in my hand.

I thought, you'll be there with me.. Today!

The lift opened to his floor and I looked at Scarlett!

Yes she was back!!

" Miss. Mittal " She asked surprised

"Hey! Where's that sweetpie" I asked and she smiled

"With his dad" She winked and I chuckled

"Scarlett, I, um... Mr. Tripathi told me to keep this in his cabin" I told and she smiled

"All yours" She said and I nodded as she typed some security code and the cabin opened.

I went inside taking a deep breath and looked around.

One month!

And you've not returned!

I dropped some messages and calls but I... Never got any replies!

My hopes... Just lost!!

And this cabin screams Mihir Malhotra!

I turned and my foot stuck with table and I was about to fall but my other hand went to his chair and I was saved!

God, stop being clumsy Isha!

I ran my hand through the chair and closed my eyes as a tear left my eye.

How did I get this close to you Mihir!

I kept the letter on table keeping a paper weight on it and turned back.

Good bye Mihir!

Coming out I hugged Scarlett and then went penthouse.

I don't understand, if he isn't present then why are his promises present!

He promised this too that any media person won't touch me in Mumbai till today and they really didn't!

Taking shower at home, I changed into an ankle length kurta & pants.

And I reached Malhotra mansion.

"Ma'am. The desserts and ice creams" Trevor said handing me those and I thanked him.

I went inside when I saw Abeer uncle talking with Mihira bhabhi.

"Hey everyone" I showed my presence and they both stood up looking at me.

"Isha" Mihira bhabhi spoke and came hugging me.

"How are you? It's been so many days" She said

"Just busy with last minute works" I told passing her a smile and she nodded.

"Come sit" Abeer uncle said and I nodded.

"Where's aunt Meera" I asked

"Here's Aunt Meera" Her voice came and I looked at her as she was untying her kitchen apron.

I stood up and hugged her.

"It's 8 pm. Wanna wait or have dinner? " She asked

"It's just four of us. Vivaan had an urgent meeting with High court lawyers. So he's not here" Mihira bhabhi told and I nodded

"Then let's have dinner. The aroma itself is mouth watering" I said and everyone chuckled.

"Oh I forgot. That's for all of us" I added handing the ice creams and desserts to Aunt Meera and she smiled thanking me.

We all sat on the dining table and I looked at the chair near me empty.

"Shall I sit? " Mihira bhabhi asked

"Of course. Why are you asking" I asked back

"Just asking" She replied with a small smile and I looked at her.

Before we both could speak Abeer uncle served us both with carrot halwa.

"That's my favorite Isha. You should taste it. And Meera makes world's best Carrot halwa" He told and I smiled.

"I'm sure she does. It smells mouth watering" I said and took a spoon full in my mouth.

"Mhmm! That's wonderful aunty. It's really so good" I complimented and she smiled.

We all had our dinner talking about some random things after which we all sat in living room while home staff came with ice cream and we had that.

Ah the love of my life!!

"So, when's this little Isha becoming CEO " Abeer uncle asked

"What uncle. You already know. " I said as he chuckled.

"We're going to miss you kid. Time just flies. It's been six months. And you're leaving us all" He sighed

"I'll miss you all too" I whispered as my voice became hoarse and I stood up.

"I'll take leave now. I've flight of tomorrow morning. I need to pack some stuff" I added and Meera aunt looked at me and came in front hugging me tightly.

And there it all came out!

I don't know what was paining more!

Leaving them all...


He leaving me!!

May be both!!

"Hey sush! Stop crying Ishu. You know right that this is your home too. Just come here whenever you feel like meeting me, meeting us. And I promise, we'll visit you" She assured wiping my tears.

"Thankyou Meera aunt. You know, I'm every close to my parents. When this time, I left them in Jaipur, I thought, Mumbai is going to be very tough. But you all made it easy. And Abeer uncle, you're just like dad. " I whispered and he smiled wiping my tears and hugged me.

"And you're my daughter" He said and I smiled.

"Well, I know I should be sad, but I know I'll visit you more then them" Mihira bhabhi said and I chuckled.

"Sure Mrs. Martin" I winked and she blushed

"I just wish that idiot would've been here. " Meera aunt whispered and I looked at her and then at floor.

I wish aunty, I wish!!

"Take care everyone. Bye" I bid bye and came out of the mansion.

Reaching pent house, I packed all my stuff and slept with some thoughts in my mind.

And next day, I reached Jaipur my home where everyone was so so happy to see me.

It wasn't less then a celebration honestly.

Very soon the whole week ended and the big day came.

Everyone was running from here and there and I was...

Well I was eating ice cream!

God, after I signed the papers today morning, all I'm getting is thousands of wishes from everywhere around.

Oh yes! I'm officially...

B & M Enterprises

"Daaaaadddd! " I screamed and he looked at me from his call.

"I'm getting bored" I pouted and he raised his brow.

"Get some files young women. You won't be bored at all" He smirked

"Oh by your grace, I'm going through them since a week. So Thanks but no thanks" I huffed and he chuckled

"Mr. Saxena, I'll talk to you later. " He told over call and cutting it came to me.

"It's six. Don't you want to get ready. It's your party" He added

"I don't feel like going dad" I mumbled

"Yeah. Parties are boring I know. But it's important" Mom spoke coming near and I sighed standing up from the couch as she ate a spoon full ice cream from my bowl.

"Hey that's mine. Say your husband to bring some for you" I whined

"Well, my husband doesn't have time for me" She dramatically said and I made a pity face.

"Feeling really sad for you" I mocked and we all chuckled.

"Okay now Isha. Get ready. I & your dad will leave after an hour to attend guests from all over the world. And you've two hours. Be on time" She said and I looked at dad as we both smirked

"Look who's talking about the time" We both said in unison and she glared both of us.

"Okay okay! I'll be there sharp at 8 pm" I told and she nodded.

"Anna will be coming in half an hour. Your stylists are waiting in your room. Run" She said and I sighed.

"She definitely isn't my mom" I muttered and dad chuckled while mom again glared us.

And before I get really killed, I ran to my room and took a shower.

After which I got ready in a grey gown.

Thanking the stylists, I went downstairs to see Anna aunty sitting there.

"Hey gorgeous" I wished and she looked at me.

"Oh my God. Look at you. " She complimented and I smiled.

"Ready CEO? " She asked and I nodded

"Very much" I assured yet nervous and she chuckled.

"Let's go then" She said and took me to the car.

Soon we reached the hotel and now of course... Media was present!

Ugh! The first thing I'm gonna prove everyone is...

I can handle this media pretty well!

"Trevor, I don't want any one of them right now. They're in plenty inside" I said and he nodded.

Rest assured!!

I moved out and entered the big doors.

And as soon as entered there were loud hooting and applauses.

"And here ladies & gentleman, the CEO of B & M. Isha Mittal" Aayush uncle announced and I smiled looking at him.

I looked around to find everyone present there. All of our business delicates from all over the world, the celebrities, politicians etc etc.

God! It's not my wedding dad!!

Everyone congratulated me and I politely thanked everyone.

"Good evening ladies & Gentlemen!" I spoke and the attention turned towards me.

"Firstly, thankyou for gracing my welcome party. I'll not bore you all with those long speeches." I added and a gush of laughter was there

"I'll just say one thing to mom, dad and the family of B & M.... I'll never let you all down. I promise. Thank you " I assured and everyone clapped while I kept the mic and went towards mom who had tears in her eyes.

"Our baby is CEO Kabeer. " She whispered and I smiled hugging her.

"Baani doesn't look good with tears" a voice came and we all turned to see Malhotra family.

Except the one!

I know how hardly I'm stopping myself from crying!

He became my friend... My best friend... My...I don't know what... And I needed him today. I wanted him!

But he isn't there for me!

"Meera aunt, Abeer uncle" I smiled when they both hugged me.

"Congratulations young woman. We know you're going to rock it" Abeer uncle wished and I smiled

"I will" I said confidently

"That's the confidence we want! " Meera aunt chirped

"Forgot me? " Mihira bhabhi asked when I smirked

"How can I forget you Bhabhi! After all, Viv bhai kept whining to you over call since last day" I winked looking at Vivaan bhai and he blushed.

"Awe look at him" I exclaimed and everyone chuckled.

I met Sarah & Aryan too and I was so happy to see them both.

Everyone enjoyed the party and it was when there were just very close knit people. That's when mom spoke.

"Where's Mihir? " Mom asked and Meera aunt looked at Abeer uncle.

"Am, he's in Paris. But still congratulations from his side too Isha. " Meera aunt sighed and I clenched my fists trying to stop my tears.

"I'll do that mom " A voice came and I turned around to get shock!

"Congratulations CEO Isha Mittal " His voice again rang in my ears and there he was!

Standing right in front of me in that ivory white tuxedo!

And all the tears, I was holding inside were ready to come out with all the hurt and all the anger.

But... Once and for all...

He was here!


Hello guys! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, there's an early update lovely people🤩

And... Happiest happy birthday tales_world_ ❣️🥳

So, how was the chapter!

Of course, Isha's point of view was mandatory🥺

You always need your best friend at your important days!

And wasn't Mihir the one to say that you've just one month here.. And he himself went away😭🥺

It wasn't of course fair with Isha!!

But... But.... Isha too now knows...he's just not The best friend! He's something, something more🥺❤

But, But... Our Isha is CEO!


And... I'm sure end left you in tears & joys bothhhh! 😭❤

He's Back!

Even after a month.. But he's back!! 🥺

Let's seee! What happens next!

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed🤩

Next update soon!

Till then....

Big hugs ❤

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