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"I'm married. Oh God" I whispered but it was so loud that everyone chuckled

"Welcome to the world of Malhotras" Mihira bhabhi screamed hugging me and I chuckled.

I looked at mom and dad who were happy but their face showed a lot of emotions.

"It's time for Vidai" Priest said and I looked at both of them.

And it was as if someone threw chilled water on my face.

A tear left my eye as my hold on Mihir's hand tightened.

"Ishu.. " He whispered and I looked at him teary eyed.

Dad and mom came forward and kissed my forehead.

"Time to go" Dad whispered and I denied hugging him.

And there I bursted into tears.

"No" I sobbed

"Princess, we're always there. Just a call" He assured

"Do I have to come to my home with permissions? " I asked and he wiped his tears.

And it's the first time I've seen dad crying.

"Idiot. It's your home. You don't even need to inform us about your coming. Just land Jaipur. And come. Mittal mansion was always yours. And will always be yours. " He promised and I sobbed hugging him tight.

"I don't wanna go away from you both. Can't Mihir come and live with us. Why I've to go" I cried

"It's tradition." Mom whispered and I hugged her sobbing.

"But I promise Ishu, you were the gem of ours and you'll always be our gem." She said wiping my tears when her own eyes betrayed her.

"Meera, you already know. Ishu is our only child. We've raised her on our eyes. I'm giving you my shadow. Please take care of her" Mom said to Meera mom

"I promise Baani. And, I'm not taking a daughter in las home. I'm taking my daughter to her own home." Meera mom assured wiping her little tear and they both hugged each other.

"I don't want to go" I mumbled like a kid when Mihir kissed my forehead.

"Abeer, Mihir. I may have a huge empire. But my real prosperity is my Ishu. I'm giving you my pride. My honour today. Never ever hurt her" Dad we'll kind of warned and a small teary smile came on my face.

"As Meera said, she's my Doll. Not a chance Kabeer" Dad said and sobbed thinking about the family I was getting who loved me so much.

"Dad, I won't say, tears won't ever leave her eyes. But I promise, if some day by any circumstance, they fall, I'll be the one to wipe them. I promise and Mihir Malhotra, never breaks his promises" Mihir promised and dad nodded patting his back.

I looked at Aayush uncle and Anna aunt and... When you see the two people who are always jolly and happy, crying then its tough thing.

"You were this small. Like a Rabbit when I held you. Pink nose, dimples and blue eyes. I knew from that day, it's the best gift our best friends have ever given us. And now letting you go away from us, I feel as if someone taking a part of us" Aayush uncle said as a tear left his eye and I snivelled

"I'll miss you both a lot " I sobbed hugging both of them and they wiped my tears

Mihir held me as we moved towards the exit where I saw Vivaan bhai.

He was standing with a white cloth and looked at me with tears.

And there, I sobbed loudly now.

"Hey sush. " He whispered as he too snivelled

"Why are you crying. You're in Mumbai only" I whined

"Idiot! I'm giving away my sister. My... Little angel" He whispered and tears left our eyes.

I looked at Mihira bhabhi, who too was teary eyed!

She came forward with a turmeric paste on a platter.

"Imprint your hands Ishu" She whispered and I nodded as more tears left my eyes.

I sobbed as I dipped my palms in the paste and imprinted them on the white cloth in Vivaan bhai's hands.

I hugged Vikram too as he wiped his tear and hugged me tightly.

"I'll miss you all" I whispered as Mihir wiped my tears and I bid them final bye.

As we came out, I was still wiping my tears.

We both sat in the car and I looked at back to see my whole family standing there.

"Water? " Mihir asked and I denied wiping my tears.

I just looked out of the window when I felt a hand on my hand and he out my head on his shoulder.

"I'm here always. I promise" He mumbled and I intertwined my fingers with his and closed my eyes.

"I love you" He added and I hummed.

Don't know when sleep over powered me.


Soon we were at the airport.

Well yeah. Mom wanted Isha's home welcoming at Malhotra mansion itself.

I looked at the person near me who was sleeping snoring lightly.

"Ishu, wake up. We're at airport" I whispered and she slowly opened her eyes looking at me.

"Where are we going" She asked absent mindedly.

"Home, wife" I smirked a bit and she looked at me and then blushed a little.

"Wife.. " She whispered and I chuckled kissing her cute little nose.

Charlie opened the door of the car and I came out giving my hand to Isha, who in half sleep took that and came out.

We all got seated in our private jet after security scans and the flight took off.

"Ishu, you wanna eat something? " Mom asked

"No mom. I'm just, sleepy" She whispered and mom gestured me to take her to the room.

I nodded and took her to the room.

And in literally a minute, she dozed off.

I too was really tired so I adjusted myself near her and don't know when sleep over powered me too.

It was when my phone rang and I picked it hurriedly not wanting to break Isha's sleep but she slowly opened her eyes.

"Hello love" I whispered and she smiled a bit.

"Klaus" She mumbled and I chuckled at her idiocy.

"Wake up sleepy head." I said and ordered a ginger tea for her.

She looked at me and then at herself.

"What happened? " I asked

"You're my husband" She whispered and I looked at her and hovered on her when she looked at me shocked.

"Mihir" She whispered

"Yes Isha Malhotra. I'm your one and only husband" I whispered kissing her ear lobe and she moaned.

"Do you know how ravishing you look. Even when you're... Well looking like witch" I mocked and she glared me trying to push me away when I chuckled and pulled her into a kiss.

At first she still tried pushing me but when she knew that it won't happen, she kissed me back.

I was kissing her whole face when there was a knock on the door.

I groaned and looked at her as she chuckled pointing the door.

I went there and opened it as there was an air hostess with a cup of coffee and tea and sandwiches.

"Anything else sir?" She asked and I denied closing the door and went back handing her the cup of tea.

"Thankyou. I was so hungry" Isha said and before waiting for anything she munched on the sandwiches.

I looked at her smiling as she scrunched her nose as she saw Zucchini in her sandwich and removed them.

"Is it good? " I asked and she nodded

"Oh My God. I've slept so much. What will every one even think of me" She rambled

"Ishu. What has happened to you! Yoh weren't this formal even before marriage" I asked

"But now I'm married. " She said and I sighed.

"Idiot. Eat and stop stressing that little mind of yours. Mom and dad has already told you many times right and trust me if now you'll behave this formal, they're going to scold you bad" I told and she sighed

"I don't know how should I be." She mumbled

"Just as you are Ishu. Mom sees the younger self of hers in you. The real you. So don't try to think what should you do, how to behave. Just be you. I love you for the you. And we all love you for the real you" I said and she looked at me for a second and then smirked.

"Them let me be the me" She grinned and threw pillows on me.

"Wha... I didn't mean that" I said but was attacked by her with pillows.

And before I could say anything one hit directly on my face.

"Shit! " She cursed

"You Are Gone" I said and picked a pillow ready to throw on her when she stood up on the bed.

But before she could run, her lehenga got entangled in her legs and she fall.

I laughed looking at her.

"Karma's a bitch" I mocked

"I hate you" She muttered

"You hate me as you love me" I smirked and she looked at me and smiled looking away.

"Have you eaten? " She asked as she munched another sandwich and I looked at her.

And in another second I went near her and hovered on her again taking a bit from her sandwich.

She looked at me shocked and then pushed me.

"I don't share my food" She whined and I looked at her but then sighed.

"Who was I expecting to get steamy" I muttered under by breath

"Heard that" She said stuffing more sandwich.

"Was meant to be" I replied

"Get lost" She again said and I sighed

"Was I the one who told you to be as real as you could" I asked and she smirked nodding.

"I sometimes say things which I don't mean" I added

"It's okay. I forgive you" She mocked and I sighed standing up.

"Idiot! Finish it soon and come out. We're about to land" I told and she looked at me and then nodded.

"Come here" She said and I looked at her and went near her.

"Want something else? " I asked when she denied and gestured me to bend.

I did the same confused but very soon I felt something soft on my cheeks .

A smile automatically appeared on my face.

"The plane isn't actually good idea for steaminess Mr. Malhotra." She whispered in my ear and I looked at her.

"Then I want to reach home as soon as possible Mrs. Malhotra" I replied and she blushed yet nodded.

"I'm outside. Be fast" I told kissing her forehead and she smiled nodding.

I went out where I saw mom resting with her head on dad's shoulder.

Divya masi, Jay uncle , Naina aunt & Advik uncle were watching something.

Meanwhile the other two couples were talking with each other.

"Oh the love birds are here" I heard Avika say as Isha too came out.

"Haven't changed Ishu? It must be so uncomfortable " Mom asked

"Well, wanted to enter home like this" She said and mom smiled looking at her.

She passed by me with a small smirk on her face and went towards mom.

Sitting there she started talking as usual with mom and trust me, they both talking means... Me & dad taking a hint to just.. Actually get lost!

So dad came towards me and we two took another seats.

Very soon, we landed Mumbai and were at the doors of Malhotra Mansion.

And there was a grand welcome with band and drums.

Mihir smiled at me taking my hand in his and we went towards main door.

Mom went inside first and told us to wait outside while we did the same.

Firstly she imprinted the hands in turmeric on the wall outside and then mom came with a plate in her hands and welcomed us.

"Dip your soles inside it and grace inside Ishu" Dad told pointing to the red paste in the platter on floor and she nodded looking at me.

She stepped inside the same while I held her hand so that she doesn't imbalance. When her soles were covered with the red paste she stepped outside walking inside and I smiled at her.

"Welcome home Love " I whispered in her ear and she smiled a bit looking down

"Okay! Now! It's already 9 pm. I guess we should have our dinner and sleep" Divya masi suggested and Ishu nodded.

"Hungry hulk" I muttered

"Angry hulk, better then you" She replied

"God! Listen you both! Stop mocking each other again. Eat and sleep" Mom scolded and we both nodded.

"Ishu, go and change first" Mihira said and I gestured the home staff to take her luggage to the room.

Isha started walking towards the guest room when I looked at her.

"Where are you going? " I asked

"Room" She replied and I raised my brow when she looked at everyone and reality hit her.

"Oh I'm sorry" She mumbled while every one chuckled.

"Come with me" Avika winked and she looked at her confused yet followed her.

I too reached my room and Avika smirked.

"What has happened to you" I asked as I was going inside but she stopped me.

"Do you know what it is? " she asked

"My room I guess" I replied

"Ugh. It's your wedding night. Dumb" She said and I looked at her.

"Yes. So what! What's your work in my wedding night. All the work will be done by me and my wife" I mocked and she looked at me and then narrowed her eyes.

"I too know that. But before going inside, you'll have to give... Us all money. The entry pass" She smirked looking at my back where I found, the bunch of all idiots.

"What entry pass! It's my room. And my wife's waiting for me inside" I told

"Yeah so who even want to make you wait. Give us what we demanded and go" Mihira said and I sighed.

"Fine." I muttered and took out my credit card from the wallet.

"Mihira knows the Pin" I mumbled and Avika smirked as they took my card and left the door.

" Don't make noises" She smirked and I pointed the stairs and they huffed yet went away.

I sighed and opened the door just to meet the cutest site.

There she was, the love of my life sleeping on the bed with her head below the pillow and legs on another pillow.

I smiled looking at her and that smile widened and widened.

Because my reality was in front of me.

My Wife!


Hola guys! Hope you all are doing amazing!

I know, I know it's very late but I was very very busy with a wedding at home.

So, how was the chapter!

Finally married and happy ❤

While writing the chapter many a times I thought why not to jump skipping this part.

But then I realized,this is the essence of a newly wedded couple.

The sweet gestures, the newly wedded gestures, the love and the bonding.

I honestly loved it! Hope you all too!

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed!

Next update in some days!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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