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"Bhai" She whispered and I looked at her and then at Ayaan.

"You bastard! Did you kidnap my sister. I'll kill you with my bare hands" I raged puching Ayaan such that he fell on the ground.

"Ayaan" Jivya screeched and before I could punch him again she knelt down holding him.

"Ayaan. Ar.. Are you okay." She cried and I looked at her shocked.

"What the fuck are you doing Mihir" She screamed and I looked at her more shocked.

What the fuck is  happening in my life will anyone just tell me.

"Jivya. No" Ayaan whispered and she looked at me with angry eyes but that softened another second and she hugged me.

"Don't hurt him please. He haven't done anything" She sobbed and my heart clenched.

I looked at Ayaan who had a bleeding nose right now.

"It's high time" They both muttered at the same time and I looked at them both

"What" I asked and Jivya gestured me to come inside.

We both were in living room while Jivya was cleaning the little blood from Ayaan's nose.

"I'm fine" He whispered looking at her and I clenched my fists.

"Just fucking don't look at her" I snapped and Jivya glared me.

"You don't know him. And what the fuck are you doing here. You were supposed to be in Himalayas. Not here. And that too with him." I seethed

"Sit silently for a minute Mihir." She said and I glared her but did the same unwillingly.

"Now say" She asked after a minute and I glared that bastard.

"Do not kill him by looks bhai. I know what he did to bhabhi in office was damn wrong but he has already been sorry for it." She defended and I still glared him while he looked down.

"What are you doing here! And stop defending him. Do you even know what he has been doing lately" I gritted and she sighed

"He was in hotel room with bhabhi where she told him that she'll divorce you" She said and I looked at her shocked.

My eyes were already welling up but somehow I controlled them.

"How do you know that" I asked

Because I was there bhai. When this all happened. And due to me, this all had to take place " She hiccuped and I looked at her.

One by one she and that man started telling everything from start.

"I.. Told her. I did. Not to do this to you. But if she won't have done this... I...they would kill me" She sobbed harder and I hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry Di. I wasn't there when you needed me" I whispered

"No Mihir. You had no idea what was happening. Tho.. Those bastards. Th... They do.. Forced Isha into this. Ot.. Otherwise they would've killed me that instant and you. Sh.. She was af.. Afraid to.. Loose us boh" She cried

"I'm sorry sir. But I didn't have any other option. Isha called me and told me everything. I denied straight forward. I... Know how much you love her. Trust me I knew that the day in office only. But...If I won't have done this, Jivya's life would've been in danger." He said looking at  Jivya

"Please bring Bhabhi back. She loves you very much. So much that she's ready to leave alone but put you in danger." Jivya pleaded and I hugged her.

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to anyone. I'll bring her back. And I'll ruin the people who tried messing up with my family" I determined and she looked at me.

"That.. Samar Sabarwal raised his hand on her" She said disgusted and my palms clenched into fists.

"He Will Repay For This. Real Bad" I determined

"She won't be able to tell you anything. When that Chauhan kidnapped me he thought I'm totally unconscious but I could hear faint voices.

They know that her bracelet has GPS. And they've added a microchip in it. They can hear everything happening around her." She revealed and I looked at her.

"This is the reason Isha didn't speak a word right now too. And yesterday at home too" I whispered

"Why didn't you come to me" I asked Jivya when she looked at Ayaan.

"Bhabhi took a promise from me. But bhai, I can't keep a promise which seperate two people in love. A promise is meant to be kept, I know but this promise was disastrous. I know you'll find a solution." She snivelled when I saw a hand holding her hand.

"I'm sorry sir." Ayaan mumbled and I looked at him.

"I want to have a minute with you, in private" I stated and he looked at me and then nodded

We both came to the room nearby and I looked at him.

"How can I trust you Ayaan, when you were the one who questioned Isha's character" I asked and he looked down guilty.

"This one thing will always make me feel ashamed of myself sir. But, I won't break trust. If I had to, I won't be here today" He said

"I don't trust once people come in my bad books Ayaan. But I'm showing my trust again on you. Just because my sister out there is safe with you since one whole night. It's a big thing for me. So this time, do not do even slightest mistake" I warned and he nodded

"I'm taking her home with me" I told and he looked at me for a second again and then nodded.

"Keep your self safe! I'm sure we'll meet again" I tapped his shoulder with a small smirk and left from there.

Taking Jivya I went home first where mom & dad were totally shocked to listen everything.

"Mom, call Isha! Tell her that you have some very important thing to talk with her and she needs to be here in mansion" I told and she nodded.

"I'll kill them." Dad fumed

"Dad doesn't know a thing about it" I mumbled

"I'll talk to him. He needs to know. It's a very big matter" He said and I nodded.

"Mom I've some work. Inform me when she comes" I told

"Mihir. Lunch" She asked and I looked at her and then at dad.

"I'll eat with her" I whispered as a small tear left my eye which I wiped before it could've fallen.

I reached office and did some changes in security first.

"Mansion should be fully secured." I ordered Charlie

"Make sure, if anyone goes out of the mansion, security surrounds them. Check each of the car properly before using. And most importantly not even a leaf should enter the mansion with our thorough checking. Is that clear" I commanded and he nodded.

"Dismissed" I said and Charlie took leave.

After having two meetings and a presentation to complete, I left for mansion as I got mom's message.

"Charlie, discuss everything with Trevor too and look after this. " I told and he nodded.

I looked at the wallpaper of my phone and closed my eyes.

Be ready Mrs. Malhotra. You've messed up bad this time with me.


"So, your husband is really determined huh. I think I should kill Ayaan before he opens his mouth" Samar Sabarwal spoke over call.

"If you touch any of my friend or family now, I'll sue you" I warned and he laughed

"You? You my lovely Isha, don't have the guts" He mocked while I clenched my fists

"Though, Mihir Malhotra is reaching home and you too. Beware dear Isha. If you open your mouth, who knows, who my next target will be" He smirked

"Go to hell" I muttered and cut the call.

I couldn't deny mom, I can deny anyone but not mom.

Changing into a midi dress and taking my phone, I looked at the bracelet when tears left my eyes.

"Ma'am shall we? " Trevor's voice came and I nodded sitting in the car.

Soon I reached mansion and went inside feeling giddy.

"Isha" Mom whispered and I looked at her and then on the floor.

"Evening mom" I whispered and she looked at me

"You've signed divorce papers Isha. Why saying me mom now" She asked and tears welled up in my eyes but I know she was right.

"Y.. You said you had something important to talk" I said

"Let Abeer join us. He's over call with your dad" She told and I looked shocked at her.

"He must know this right. It's a big thing after all" She added and I looked down guilty.

"I've talked with...Kabeer." Dad's voice came and I looked at him.

"And well, Mihira is coming in morning" He informed looking at mom.

"I hope she doesn't know anything. Anyways, let's have dinner first. " Mom whispered and I wiped my tear and as soon as I looked up, I was shocked.

"Ji..." I was saying before which a hand covered my mouth stopping me from speaking anything.

And in another second I was turned, facing the person whose hand was on my mouth.

I looked at him shocked while he gestured me to keep my mouth shut by putting a finger on my lips now and then pointed my bracelet.

"Jiggling between thoughts" Dad asked covering my sentence while I looked at Jivya and sighed.

Mihir removed his finger from my lips but his eyes we're still glaring me which clearly stated You messed up wrong!

"I'm.. Late. We should have dinner. I need to go " I said

"Mom, I'm home. " Mihir said and mom nodded with a small smirk on her face.

They know whatever has happened! I'm sure they know!

"Let's have dinner" Mom told and I looked at Mihir who was still holding my hand.

Hurricane of emotions!

I was about to move when I don't know why it happened as usual and I slipped on the floor but since that person didn't leave my hand, I didn't kiss the floor.

"Be aware Isha. You're still falling... On ground" He said with a  pause and I looked at him.

Yes! I'm falling! Still falling! Everyday!

We all went to the dining table when my phone buzzed.

You're being heard! Remember that!

Tears were welling up in my eyes because in my own home, I couldn't tell my people that I don't want to go back.

I can't kiss the love of my life and tell him that embrace me.

The home staff served dinner and everyone was looking at Mihir.

He looked at me and my plate while I was fidgeting with ny fingers down thr table.

Standing up from the chair he went and came back with a notepad and pen and scribbled something on it.

Eat Isha! And behave as he wants you to. This is all a charade.

It read and I looked at him as tears came out of my eyes which I still didn't let fall because I know if they fall now, that'll be the end of my charade.

Mihir as usual dipped a morsel of chapatti in vegetable curry and made me eat while scribbling something again.


"I.. This is the last time I'm coming here" I said

"Isha, think about both the families reputation" Dad said while Mihir scribbled something again.

My parents will understand. And I want you all too to respect my decision. Mihir can marry again. He has a whole life. I'll do the same because.

It read and I looked at Mihir whose face had a frown though he gestured me to say the same and hence I did.

"Mihir, you can file a case" Mom told and I looked at her while she really looked serious.

"What case mom" It was Mihir this time.

"If you don't want divorce" She said and I sighed.

"No mom. The decision was taken last night only. And who am I to stop her! The papers have been signed and already sent to lawyer. I too am better off without someone who think I'm taking away their freedom" He mocked and mom sighed.

"Please rethink Isha" Mom said and I wiped the small tear and stood up as I didn't have a bit of appetite.

Truth to be told, no one was eating.

I looked at Mihir who again scribbled something and gestured me to say that loud.

"I've thought nicely and that's my final decision. Now I'll better go. Thanks for the dinner. Good bye everyone" I said those words.

I really don't know what's running in Mihir"s mind! If I've said I'm going then I have to go because in thirty minutes GPS should show my pent house not Malhotra mansion.

Mihir again scribbled something and showed it to me.

"Remove th.. " I was saying when he put his hand on my mouth glaring me.

Shit! It was to read! Not to speak!

Damn damn!

"Re... Remove the... Pictures.. Of our wedding from this mansion. Yes! They.. They no longer exist" I covered up and everyone sighed while I looked at what was written.

Remove the bracelet.

I denied since I can't do when Mihir glared me really hard and before I knew he held my hand and did that himself.

"Okay Isha. If that's what you want. Thanks for coming. I thought once you'll reconsider your decision knowing how much my son loves you. You should go now. " Mom said where as I saw Charlie coming with one girl

I looked confused at Mihir While Mihir handed the bracelet to that girl who just took my bracelet.

Damn! It was mine! How could he give that away to someone.

After I saw them gone, I looked at Mihir with so many questions while hw looked at mom & dad.

"Thank you mom & dad. Rest, I'll handle now! " Mihir said shooting daggers at me and I looked at him.

"Mih.. " I was saying before which he spoke.

"In the room now! " He said and I looked at him unbelievable when he glared me damn hard again

"Mihir... We can talk normally" Mom whispered

"The thing is mom, your daughter in law doesn't know the language of sitting and talking, she wants to be stubborn, then be it! I know how to make people speak!" He deadpanned and before I knew I was in air.

"Mi.. Mihir what are you doing" I asked shocked while he looked at me angrily climbing the steps.

"Someone needs to know the limits of testing my patience!" He seethed as we entered our room and he threw me on bed.

He literally threw me like I'm a ball.

I looked at him gulping down as he really looked dangerous.

"And Patience is not my expertise Mrs. Isha Mihir Malhotra" He raged looking at me and I looked directly at the floor.


Hola peeps! Hope you all are doing amazing!

Well, told you right I'll be back very soon this time 😁

So, how was the chapter?

Jivya and Ayaan told everything to Mihir! And of course he deserved to know 🥺

Well, did someone notice something too 😏🙈

Now Mihir knows the whole thing but he's hurt!

Because one thing Malhotras hate to core is.... Lies and hiding !

And somehow Isha did the same! 🥺

What's going to be Mihir's reaction now! Do you think he's going to just let it pass like this?

Or do you think, Isha is going to see The Mihir Malhotra! 😬🥺

But, one thing we can't deny is.. The care and concern which Mihir shows towards Isha even if he's hell damn angry🥺❣️

Let's see what happens!

Do vote, like, share and reviews are always welcomed!

Next update soon! 😍

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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