Chapter - 9

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Mihir's POV

After the meeting got over, I looked over to see Ms. Mittal working on her reports.

I have to admit that she accepts challenges beautifully.

And she gives them her best! I've seen this in last months & today... I'm wittnessing every bit of it.

Then aren't you going over limits Mihir?

But I won't say sorry to her!

Never! Ever!

Coming back, she without looking at me ran towards the lift and vanished.

I too went to my office and started working but...

Curiosity kills the cat.

I went to the security section and tapped the cctv of her floor.

And I looked at her working furiously on her laptop typing in jet speed.

Why am I even looking at her!

God Mihir!
Stop it!

You have lot of work!

I sighed and went to my office back and started with signing some files.

After some time, I looked at the time and it was 8:50 pm already.

Why is she so stubborn!

If she can't do it just say a sorry. But no, her ego is bigger then anything else!

Damn you Ms. Mittal!

You're getting on the nerves!

I ain't able to even concentrate doing any work.

"May I come in sir" A faint voice came

"In" I commanded and there she came.

"The report sir" She said

"Completed? " I asked

"Of course sir. Before the office leaving time" She stated looking directly into my eyes while I looked at her.

Did she... Cry?

She did!

Her nose is red and she looks... Pale!

"Any matter? " I asked

"No sir. Not at all. Moreover I'm happy that you're loosing from a mere intern" She as usual sassily said and I glared her.

"Don't cross your limits Ms. Mittal" I warned and she chuckled humorlessly.

"You crossed it today Mr. Malhotra. So you've no right to say me this." She taunted and I clenched my jaw.

"Keep it here and leave" I ordered and she looked at me.

"Goodbye sir" She muttered and I looked at her confused but before I could ask her anything, she went out.

I looked at the report and then at the door.

Did I... Really cross my limits!

I... Made her cry?

No, she cried because she felt herself weak!

I just gave her tasks! That's it!

You think so Mihir?

I know so!

Then why are you thinking this ?

Okay just shut up you conscience!!!

After twenty minutes, sighing I took the report, my Mac book and office bag and went out of the cabin.

Everyone in the office was gone till now as it was 9:30 pm already!

I went out and the security bowed.

"Everyone left? " I asked

"An intern is left sir. Other then that everyone has already punched their cards" He told

"Which intern? " I asked

"Aa...That cheerful one. With blue eyes" The another one told and I looked at them.

"But, she left half an hour before" I said

"No sir." He again told

"Sure? Because if you're wrong..." I asked

"Y.. Yes sir" He mumbled

"Damn this girl" I muttered under my breath and went back inside directly to security room.

My office building is of 53 floors.

Do I look this free to search for her on every floor!

I opened the door and tapped on the screen looking at every part.

Where the hell are you Ms. Mittal!

I moved my eyes everywhere on screen but didn't find her anywhere.

I was growing impatient every passing second!

And why are you Mihir.

She's just an intern!

She might have gone home already!

But then why my heart isn't ready to accept that!

Every floor was empty!

I took out my phone and dialed her number!

Thank God, I have it as she was working as my PA too!

The number you're trying to call is currently unreachable. Please call again later!

This feeling... This feeling of fear... Why is this coming right now!

She will be okay.

And even if she isn't, why you're bothered!

Just because she's my employee. It's my duty that my every employee should be safe!

Suddenly something clicked my mind and I tapped the cctv of lifts.

And as soon as the screen became live, I was shocked.

I ran outside and yelled for the security.

"Securityyyy" I yelled again and two gaurds came running while I clicked the lift button.

"Yes sir" They asked

"Just get the damn lights on you idiots" I screamed and they looked at me frightened while I looked at the lift.

Come up! Come up!

Every second felt like hours and my heart was beating rapidly.

The lift came up and dinged as the door opened and I looked at her state.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. " I screamed running inside the lift.

"Ms. Mittal. Miss Mittal get up" I tapped her cheeks but no reply came.

"No! no! no! " I panicked

"Please wake up. Please wake up" I shuddered kneeling to the ground taking her in my arms.

"I'm sorry Isha. I'm really sorry. I won't trouble you again. Please wake up" I fretted picking her in my arms.

"Call a damn doctor" I yelled and a security nodded.

"Si.. Sir." He stammered and I looked at him.

"Our.. Do.. Doctor is not.. Pi.. Picking up the.. C.. Call" He told

"You all are useless" I growled and looking at the girl in my arms, I ran outside.

"Open the car" I commanded and the driver did the same hurriedly.

I made her lay in the back seat and I too sat there making her head rest in my lap.

"Water. Get me water right now" I ordered and Charlie gave me a bottle of water.

I sprinkled it on her face but didn't get any reaction.

"Please please wake up. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Isha. " I mumbled cursing myself in my mind.

If I win the challenge, you'll bend in front of me and will say me sorry!

Her words rang in my ears!

You won Isha! You won!

But please, this isn't game right now.

Please wake up!

"Start the car. Take home" I commanded and Charlie nodded.

I can't take her to hospital right now! I don't want media anywhere near her.

I dialed mom and my eyes were on her.

"Hello Mihir" She chirped

"Mom. Please get a doctor. Call him right now at home" I told as soon as she picked the call up.

"Mihir. What happened. Are you okay. Are you injured" She panicked

"No. You just call the doctor right now. I'm reaching in five minutes" I told

"Yeah. Yeah I'll but who's injured. Tell me" She asked worried

"Is.. " I was saying when I realised something.

Isha! The name flowed from the mouth so swiftly as if it was used to it!

"Call the doctor first mom." I told and cut the call.

Soon I reached home and I again picked her up in my arms and ran inside.

"Mom. Doctor" I yelled and mom stood up from living room's couch with the doctor beside her.

"Mihir wha.. Isha. " She shockingly whispered

"What happened Mihir" She asked worried

"Later mom. Doctor. Check her" I told and he nodded

"Lay her on bed. " He said and I nodded swiftly moving towards the room nearby and made her lay on bed.

The doctor took out his stethoscope and examined her and then checked her BP.

After a minute he looked at me.

"You know her Mihir? " He asked

"She... She works in my company" I told

"She's family , Doctor" Mom said from behind and I looked at her while she glared me.

"Then, you aren't taking a good care of your family Mrs. Malhotra" He told mom

"Get to the point doctor" I chided

"She has very low BP. I guess she might have skipped her meals of the day. Doing work which requires energy requires source of energy too. And she seems to  be doing all the running with an empty stomach. She fainted due to the same" He explained

"There's nothing critical right" Mom inquired

"Nothing to worry right now. But she shouldn't be unconscious for an hour. Or else, she might need to be admitted. For now, make sure that she eats once she wakes up. And it would be better if she has less work load for some days. I'm prescribing some medicines. Give them to her on time. And rest, make her eat more and more Mrs. Malhotra " He said and mom nodded.

"I'll.. Drop you outside" I said even when I didn't want to go.

"I'll do that. You be here" Mom told and I sighed internally.

Mom and doctor went away and I looked at her face.

It was pale. Really pale.

In this all, I never for once thought that how it might affect you.
You're stubborn. So much stubborn that you risked your health for this stupid thing.

Why Isha! Why giving my stupid challenge such importance!


Atleast I could've behaved a little mature!

I could've given her at least two days! How did I do this!

I looked at her and sitting on the edge of the bed I looked at her.

"Sorry." I mumbled and heard a knock on the door.

"Would like to explain what you have done Mihir Malhotra " Mom glared me and I looked at her.

I stood up and without saying anything, I just hugged her tightly.

"Mihir. Hey! It's fine. She's fine" She said

"I'm sorry mom" I whispered

"What happened? " She asked and I sighed narrating her everything what has happened.

"I so want to slap you right now Mihir. How can you do so. And just for a mere challenge. Is this what we've taught you" She scolded

"I..I don't have anything to say in my favor. I, I know I'm at mistake." I told and she sighed

"You've realised. And that's what matters. Let her wake up first. Look at her, she looks so pale. I'll make something for her. " Mom sadly looked at her while I nodded.

After mom left I looked at her again and went towards her.

""I'll never be able to forgive myself, if something would've happened to you because of me Isha. Please. Not now. Not ever. Please" I whispered as my eyes became teary.

What am I doing!

Why was a going to shed tear!

What has happened to me!

After some half an hour, I heard some shuffling when I stood up from couch and looked at the bed.

She was slowly opening her eyes and I went near her.

"Isha" I whispered when she slowly looked at me.

Her blue orbs looked into mine and suddenly grew wider as if realising something.

And I felt a sudden push due to which I stumbled but held myself back and I looked at her shocked.

"Who do you think you're! " She yelled

"Is.. " I was saying when she glared me hard.

And I haven't seen it any other day!

"Away from me Mr. Malhotra. And not my name from your mouth" She warned

"Isha, lis.. " I was saying when again she spoke.

"I said not my name from your mouth." She deadly said and I clenched my fist.

"Are you okay? Is something hurting. " I asked and she laughed humorlessly.

"Is that you asking? You? " She mocked and before I could say she again spoke.

Damn it  !

"And wait. Where am I? " She asked

"My home" I replied

"What the hell. How did you dare to bring me here" She screamed and it's intensity was so high that even mom came running.

"Isha" She whispered and right away hugged her.

"Oh my God. Are you okay child. Is something paining. Something hurting" Mom asked and she looked at me and then at mom back.

"No aunty. Thank you.I'll leave " She told

"You aren't going anywhere" I stated

"And who are you to order me" She asked

"Isha. He's right. You aren't going anywhere in this condition. Look at you. You're looking so pale" Mom sadly told

"No aunty. Thanks. I'm really fine. I need to leave" She said and was going when I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me.

But it was so sudden that she directly fell on me.

She looked at me shocked for a second and then tried pushing me.

"Leave me Mr. Malhotra" She gritted

"Shut up Isha. Look at your condition then speak. Do you know what's even your BP?  Do you know you fainted in lift ? A lift God damn it. " I yelled and she flinched in my arms.

"Mihir " Mom whisper yelled

"No mom. She's so stubborn. She's just so damn stubborn. I accept that I did a mistake. I accept that I was also stubborn. But I am sorry for it. What you wanted huh! That I say sorry right. So listen. I'm sorry Isha Mittal. I'm sorry that due to me you were on your toes for whole day. But that challenge wasn't more important then your life. How can you risk that" I screamed and she looked at me as tears formed in her eyes.

"I was on my toes for whole day because I was doing all your works sir. And I am in this condition due to you only. So if you want to blame someone, blame yourself not me" She tried yelling and a tear left her eye.

"Mihir. Leave her right at this instance" Mom commanded and I looked at her and left her hand.

"I'm sorry aunty. I can't stay here. I'll be fine. " She said to mom and I clenched my fists.

"Fine. I'm at mistake. But I have accepted it. Is that okay to you for stopping right there and not leaving in this condition. " I told irritated

"Thank you Mr. Malhotra. That's the most kind gesture you've shown to me ever. But I don't want this fake concern of yours. I know what and how you're." She snapped

"Isha, Don't test my patience" I warned and before anyone of us could speak a voice boomed.

"What's happening here" Dad's voice came and I looked at door to find him standing there.

Very well!

Hello guys! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter?

And, some one was on his knees saying sorry😓😓

Well, we all know these are two stubborn heads and both didn't want to loose!
But somewhere Mihir was definitely wrong... And he himself accepts it!

But, now what?

Is she going to accept the sorry? ☹️

Is Isha going to forgive Mihir?

And... What about the end!😅

Things in Abeer's hands now? What do you think will happen! 😮‍💨

Let's see!

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed😍

Next update soon!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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