'At His Home'

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Surbhi's POV

I was having  soo peaceful sleep... Suddenly there was a sound.. Who is calling this early. I was having so good sleep

"Hello" I said half sleepy.

I was waiting for someone to say from other side... Who's there...not speaking.

"If you didn't want to say anything then why you called. I'm cutting the call" I whined in sleepy voice.

"Surbhi... Surbhi wait, don't cut the call" the person spoke 

And I woke up in once from the bed.  Sleep vanished in a second.

Mahir. Why is he calling.. And so early morning??

"Are you there Surbhi ? " he asked

"Yeah...Yeah I'm here.  What happened. Why you called me so early "  I asked

" Actually.. I was saying... That.. You...home.. I mean come at my home" he said

"What. What do you mean.  I am not understanding anything " I Asked 

" I'll tell you Surbhi. I knew he'll not be able to speak to you" said Divya di.

What's happening !!

"Di. You.. What happened. You fine na... And baby too" I asked concerned

"Arey!  Everything is fine. Mahir was sending someone to return you your bag. So I thought to call you here only.  You'll spend some time with me too. So come na.. Let's catch up at my home. "she said

"Amm... Di, Some other time " I told

Come on!! It feels awkward!!!

" Come on Surbhi. Please. Don't deny please " di pleaded 

" But di" I tried to say.

"Surbhi. Come on !! She's excited " said Mahir.

"Em.. Okay. Till 2 " I told

" Yayy. I'm waiting " she chirped and I smiled.

" Okay bye" Di exclaimed

"Thank you " Mahir thanked
" Mahir.. You are saying as if I'm not your friend. You remember no sorr... " I was saying but he cut me off.

" Yeah.. Yeah.. No Sorry no Thank you " he completed

" Good" I said and laughed

"Okay.. Talk to you later" I replied

"Yeah...see you soon" he said .

Day started beautiful..

" Mommy!!!! " I chirped going downstairs

" What happened " mom asked

"Actually Mahir's sister asked me to come home.  I denied but she was convincing me so much.. I couldn't say no"  I told her

"It's okay.  She's saying so much then You should go. " mom said

" Yeah.. So at 2  " I told

" Okay.  Enjoy"  mom replied.

 I'll go to hospital then his home. 

Now what to wear. Phew... Biggest problem.

I found a good pair peplum top and denims. Changing into them and tying my hair in pony.  I applied my liner and cream and lip crayon.

Taking my bag, I went down stairs.

"Bye mummy. See you soon in evening " I said

"Call the driver when you come back" she replied

"Yeah mom" I told and went to parking.

I sat in the car.  Dad told me the address and even Mahir messaged me the address. I did my job at hospital and went towards his home.

Soon I was outside Maheshwari Villa but I sawa bunch of security.

"Mahir I'm here...And I think I'll face a problem in coming inside because your security will not let me get in" I messaged him.

"Just come in madam. They'll bow their heads" he replied instantly as if waiting for my message only .

I went inside and they really opened the gate. I came out of my car and there was di.

"Hellooo" she came excitingly and hugged me.

"Dii.. Dii slowly. You are just recovered" I told her

"Surbhiii... Today keep this Dr. Surbhi aside. Okay" di said laughing and took me inside the house.

"As you wish di" I giggled bowing my head

"Di.. How didn't security stop me" I asked her

"Because their boss asked them to do so" said di pointing towards... Mahir...

There he was!

Angry man. Talking on phone.  I don't know now whom he's scolding so badly.

"Don't know now who's on the verge of being fired " said di and looked at me and soon we burst out laughing.

" Di.. Work on Sunday too. Now he seems to be The Mahir Maheshwari " I told

" Yeah... For him family is first... So these days he gave his time to his family because we needed him... And another important thing is.. You can see yourself. You'll never see him without a Bluetooth in his ear" di said looking at him.

Of course work and work and work.

"Di. Shall I ask you one thing " I asked her.

" Yeah sure. Say" di replied

"Doesn't Mahir have anything other than formals to wear?? " I asked

Di looked at me.  Did I said something wrong. Off course you did idiot....

But soon she burst out laughing.

" Even I think so" she said between laughing and we both burst out laughing looking at him.

Suddenly he turned towards us and looked at me.

Till now his face looked irritated with those Arrogant expressions. But suddenly all that irritated face became decent.

Can anyone understand this person.

"Surbhi in which world" di snapped at me.

"No nothing.  Di where's baby. I came here so long to meet her" I pouted

"Baby is here" came aunty's voice

"Jai Shree Krishna aunty" I wished joining my hands.

"Surbhi you didn't tell us your Shikar Ji's daughter" she asked me

"Actually honestly telling aunty I didn't get in mind at that time that Mahir Maheshwari, is Son of Ram Uncle... So you know...and I didn't even knew that both families know each other . " I told her

" Yeah yeah I understand "she said laughing and hugged me!.

It really feels like I'm at my home only.

" Aunty thank you.. You know honestly telling , I don't get comfortable so early at other place but you've made me feel home just in two minutes" I said smiling

"Of course feel yourself home beta"  aunty replied

"Okay come let's go inside my room" said di and went inside room

As I was going I stopped suddenly....


"Hey" he mumbled

"Hello Mr. Angry boss " I mocked

" Thank you for the compliment " he smirked

" It was not a compliment. Now who got fired today Mr. Rudey rude" I asked 

"No one.  Someone was on the verge of firing but his good luck.  Got saved due to someone." he said looking at me.

What did he mean!

"Now what did that someone do? You have a problem with everything. " I asked him

" He was giving manager a leave for a damn date with his Fiancee . What the hell. " he said

" Mahir. Can I ask you one thing " I asked

" As if you will stop if I say not to ask " he said and I smiled

" Good. So listen. I mean so tell me... Your employees get how many leaves for their personal work in an year" I asked

" Ten" he replied

"So do you have any right to fire him for taking a leave for his personal work. Is it written in your rule book Mahir Maheshwari" I asked him folding my hands.

"But seriously for a date" he said irritated

"Mahir. That's on him. You can't fire anyone for such reasons. It's really very bad and disappointing." I frowned and saw him making face.

"Don't make a disgusting face. You are saying as if you've not gone on a date ever" I blurted and suddenly shut my mouth.

Shit what I said.

 He looked at me.

"I'm sorry. I.. I didn't mean.. Mean to say. It just came out of my mouth. I'm... " I tried to say

" Yeah. You're right. I've not gone on a date with anyone.. Ever" he said looking directly in to my eyes.

"I'm sorry. " I said looking at the floor.

" No need to. You're not wrong. I can't fire anyone for this reason. I'm sorry " he said. 

 I was shocked. He's saying sorry.

" Are you Mahir Maheshwari. You are saying sorry without listening a long lecture from me" I asked

"Yeah.. I know at last you'll make me believe what you say so why not to say what I have to without listening to a verryyyy loonnnngg lecture from You" he said pointing towards me.

"Was it a compliment for me or taunt" I asked

"As you take it" he smirked!

Before I could say him di called me. I was about to go when he grabbed my hand

"Wait" he said

I felt Butterflies in stomach.

Is there something like this...

Shut up Surbhi and stop reading so much novels.

I looked at him and he was already looking at me.

"Wha-what happened " I asked and then he left my hand.

" Your bag." he said giving it to me.

"Ohh.. Thankyou" I replied.  I was again going when he grabbed my hand again.

Butterflies... No Shut up Surbhi. There's nothing like this in real world. 

"Now what" I asked

"Can I get an auspicious chance to read your poems" he said

" Emmm..okay... But after sometime.  Now if you give me permission can I go " I asked

" Yeah.." he said. I said

Can you believe Mahir Maheshwari haven't dated anyone in life.

I thought he'll get angry again but he didn't.

He's a complete idiot sometimes. Who can think he's the same Mahir Maheshwari.

And somewhere I know he's not this.

He's someone else.

Someone which I'm  thinking him to be.


Hey guys... Hope you all are doing great..

So how's book going on till now... Hope you are loving it...

Let's see what's next!

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Update soon!!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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